>The new page consumes 90-100 MBs of RAM for seemingly no reason >It's overall slower >You can't sort parameters by their value (default or modified) >You can't add new parameters by right clicking anymore >You can't double click a parameter to change its value anymore
Man, what are these fucktards even doing anymore? This is just embarrassing.
source? I still get the old about:config in the latest release of firefox (I won't install beta and alpha crap)
Colton James
if they kill user js too im done
Hunter King
source on all claims
Noah Martinez
Latest Nightly versions, although it's going to eventually land in the Stable release too. The old about:config was made with XUL and Mozilla is dropping it, so they eventually would have had to redesign it anyway. The issue being that it's way worse for no apparent reason except "just because".
Eli Miller
Get the latest Nightly and see for yourself, brainlet.
Julian Allen
I'm on nightly, my new page doesn't consume even 10MB. So argument invalid next
>90-100 MBs of RAM about memory and about performance pls
Ryan Rodriguez
good, no one should use this steaming pile of shit anyway
Jaxon Nelson
limit total history entries for example it's auto determined by def but if you can live with shorter history it can speed up the library a lot
Mason Collins
t. brave shill
Andrew Bennett
it's the only good web browser fag even with the shitty cancer nu-art
Wyatt Morales
since OP is a faggot >pic related is new look also they are working on adding sorting, this is a fucking Alpha. of course freetards with Stockholm Syndrome shit themselves for no reason
>what would you add? >nglayout.initialpaint.delay >general.useragent.override or general.useragent.override.(website) >layers.offmainthreadcomposition.force-disabled if you're the kind of person who wants to get every single bit of performance out of anything
Jaxon Sanchez
>ITT winbabby fucktards too stupid to use prefs.js
>The new interface is blank by default. All that is displayed is a search field at the top and one of the iconic background images that Mozilla uses for internal Firefox pages. that ''creature'' wouldn't be that bad if it didn't have the purple crap
Cameron Mitchell
From bugzilla
"I'm lowering the priority of this because sorting by status in the current "about:config" is done only on 0.4% of page views, and we already have "about:support" that shows relevant modified preferences for the troubleshooting use case."
>0.4% of a fucking 5% market share browser used sorting. IT'S OVER FIRESHIT IS DONE I'M INSTALLING CHROME FUCK YOU SJWs!!!!11one kys OP
Ryder Watson
>dropping xul Good tbqh Nobody is developing XUL anymore I hope Thunderbird though makes it when XUL dies I don't give a fuck about Firefox, it's a shitty web browser and there are plenty of shitty web browsers around, but Thunderbird is unique, there isn't any other mail client that comes close to Thunderbird in cross platformness, stability, speed, features, compatibility
Christian Miller
it's prob easier to add with user js anyway
Josiah Allen
>I'M INSTALLING CHROME good fuck you now fuck off and remember to spread your ass cheaks too
Jonathan Walker
you can't read or immune to sarcasm? or should I add s/ to the posts? fucking underage cancer
Brandon Foster
Fucking this. Never used about:nigger in my life, let alone sorting something or adding values.
Jacob Nelson
Changes that produce an objectively worse outcome for X or Y reason should be called out regardless of whether you use said function or not. Then again, OP didn't provide a source and it looks like some of his claims are bullshit, so there's that.
With that being said, I do agree with you in that people should stop using about:config and just start to use a prefs.js or user.js file. They're pretty comfy and easier to manage.
Ethan Miller
Open prefs/user.js in vim and edit to your heart's content. Fucking babies
Dylan Collins
>should I add s/ you should go back is what you should do and also kys
Cooper Johnson
based reddit bro
Nolan Jenkins
>some improvements we thought of for newer versions >we thought of >we I want to believe you are a real Firefox dev and not roleplaying I want to believe there are still some of the old Jow Forums left and not just the new brainlet Jow Forums
Julian Morgan
> he doesn't use the ESR version why even fucking live?
Lincoln Ortiz
>using the esr firefox It's old as fuck I use Debian Stable and even I'm not crazy enough to use ESR
Jaxon Bell
Looks retarded even for an alpha
Jonathan Butler
Looks good desu. There will obviously be a sorting option. It might arrive a version later but it will be there.
you must be retarded. esr gets all relevant security patches, you stupid fuck.
Jason Phillips
> head of global diversity & inclusion at mozilla ahahahaahaahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaahahahaahahahhahhhhahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaahahahaahahahhahhhhahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaahahahaahahahhahhhhahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaahahahaahahahhahhhhhahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaahahahaahahahhahhhh
Lincoln Ortiz
(((Shapiro))) Hail Eich
Nicholas Carter
. . . i hate re d i t do you mind not making the 'cute' cartoon creatures overly cancerous?
Lincoln Myers
>all relevant security patches Does it get all the new technologies that improve web browsing like Quantum or the WebRender though? I would assume it doesn't, which automatically makes it an inferior version, at least on my book. Not him btw.
Jose Foster
only critical security ones afaik
you don't have to use debian's esr ftp.mozilla.org
Jordan Adams
>you don't have to use debian's esr >ftp.mozilla.org That's what I do I remove debian's firefox and use mozilla's firefox in opt
Ayden Green
>2019 >In the year of our lord Gates >Not having a UI to configure your goddamn application >Have to edit a local json file to change settings instead Wew lads
Jack Kelly
>>You can't sort parameters by their value (default or modified) >>You can't add new parameters by right clicking anymore >>You can't double click a parameter to change its value anymore wait what? that's literally all i've ever done with it what the fuck does it even do now?
Joseph Morales
>clickety click clack muh mouse just use user.js like a literate person user
Chase Carter
pale moon does not have this problem
Justin Cox
Honestly is it really so difficult just to loop through available settings and create an interactive XML page that allows you to change them with select lists and check boxes based on their applicable values? I mean it's a goodamn browser, it has all of those capbilities literally baked right in, it would take all of 5 minutes.
Dylan Jones
it doesn't have to be in opt
Leo Garcia
Jace Cox
>the main dev is a furry, therefore the software is bad don't be one of those sjw-fags who boycott shit because of unrelated things people like or do outside of the project
Joshua King
>jewscript >brave Eat shit, shill, you're no better
Jayden Howard
>Have to You don't, but it is a better option compared to having to use about:config, specially now that this new ugly version is rolling out.
Ayden Gray
>pale moon does not have this problem No, but it has many others.
Xavier Harris
The first point is currently not possible. You can still add new parameters and change values, but only via button clicking.
Christopher Hill
No, but I had it installed there and I just chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/firefox On second though, I should install it on ~/bin/firefox, thanks user
Adam Long
thanks to dependency handling upgrading my system without upgrading firefox will cause the latter to not work
Ethan Davis
idk it's not a single binary, i just have mine in ~/.firef/
Dylan Murphy
you're doing some shit
Brody Gomez
Are you an mpv hater too? Just use user.js, faggot.
Kayden King
If you want to be a special snowflake then why are you using a binary distro in the first place? Just use gentoo, long compile times is a meme from low core intel fags. You can even ditch your hated systemd theer!
Julian Clark
>my new page You should have your posting privs revoked
Michael Campbell
what about ?filter= does that still work?
Adrian Sanders
time to get used to user.js
Christian Parker
>being able to do what every single windows system can do is being a snowflake this is why GNU/Linux will never pass 4% market share on desktops
Parker Reed
and that's a good thing
Brody Phillips
What are you even crying about? You can download the fucking Firefox zip, extract it and launch it without worrying about your package manager or dependencies.
Charles Parker
This. You are lying piece of shit with no clue. You can even use meta package managers to get various versioned shit absent of your system package manager. Of course you should fuck off to windows if you intend to do the same garbage windows does.
Eli Sanchez
freetards toxic as usual
Adrian King
How is toxic you fucking retard?
Jackson Ramirez
not being able to double click to interract is not a big deal, at all calm your autism
Brody Diaz
this (fuck off we're full)
Owen Parker
>More problematic than that is that Mozilla won't allow deep links to about:config pages anymore citing that it "might not be a good idea" or even "risky in some regard", and that users should just copy and paste preference names in the search box instead. [reees internally]
Lol at reason 1. If you don't innovate and your competitors do then you die as a company. I don't back a lot of the changes there doing but they need people working on stuff for the future.
Not that shit Low IQ detected. Change for the sake of change obviously isn't good. But you need to have people on board who will improve the product. Unfortunately the're just shitting it up at the moment.
Logan Lee
this is fucking gay holy shit is there a non shit browser that supports ublock origin and Jow Forums x plugin?
Justin Gutierrez
pale moon
Kevin Sanchez
thx bro
Jason Turner
why would you want to move beyond meritocracy? it's the most democratic system that gives everybody the same starting point. the rest depends on what you're willing to invest to rise to the top
Jordan James
>There will obviously be a sorting option. Kill yourself, retarded Mozilla shill.
Notice the quotes around the word meritocracy. They're not, in my opinion, using the widely accepted definition but the one that Caroline Emke writes about.
getting anywhere in meritocracy requires effort, you can't get anywhere with boobs alone, this angers certain groups
Camden Bennett
So what you're saying is that they aren't adding a sorting option?
Matthew Morgan
>improve and you know how they could have done that? by fixing security instead of remaking all of their web sites and putting those disgusting ''''creatures'''' in your face altho thankfully they're still keeping them almost out of sight mostly
Dylan Carter
you won't be able to sort them obviously
Nolan Mitchell
what's the big deal? i find the buttons better than right or double clicking now the removal of ?filter IS fucking problem