>Jow Forums used to be scared of botnets
>now Jow Forums is scared of bloat
Jow Forums used to be scared of botnets
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Those things pretty much come together. The only way to make sure that you system is secure is to make it simple enough for you to check the code yourself.
The usual, high quality sucksmore shilling.
i use Ubuntu and sleep in a big bed with my beautiful wife every night.
you jelly, minimalfag? :^] teehee
Post pics
pic of what?
my ubuntu desktop or my big bed or my beautiful wife?
Your anime pillow doesn't count, faggot.
Post pics of your wife's vagina.
true. anime pillows cant do arithmetic
Big bed with your wife
stop being autistic.
botnets and bloat is 2 hands of 1 deamon
Oh yeah, I forgot that your wife is a tranny.
how did you forget such an important matter?
Just post pics or gtfo
this tbqfomgh
bloat = botnet
Wow. Checked.
>with my beautiful wife (male)
i must have like 15 dwm patches (+100 LOC) that i made in 2015 that no one wanted to use :(
nowadays i use mac
>Thinks that many LOC indicate his work, the exact opposite of the suckless philosophy
"Many (open source) hackers are proud if they achieve large amounts of code, because they believe the more lines of code they've written, the more progress they have made. The more progress they have made, the more skilled they are. This is simply a delusion."
>That no one wanted to use
I wonder why...
>Nowadays I use mac
that's why i stopped contributing to the suckless community ur the most annoying virgins on the entire internet
What if I told you, they were the same thing
>Why does nobody want to use my shitty bloated patches that have 10% the size of dwm itself
>I wrote so many lines of code, this means I helped a lot!
>What is minimalism? You're just annoying virgins!
>I'm going back to a bloated spyware
You're trolling, right?
Not that guy but, 100 lines of code ain't shit.
bloated software is basically proprietary. no one can read the source and understand what every part of it does but you can do that with simple non bloated programs.
Considering how small they managed to get dmw itself and that the intention is to never exceed 2000 lines of code, 100 lines are quite a lot. My point is that he was putting it up as some kind of proof of accomplishment, doing exactly what they criticize on the website suckless.org
bro what you going through is just a phase believe you'll grow out of it
all this minimalism thing is just bullshit for people who don't have a job
Sure it would be nice if every existing component of a system was small enough to easily examine and reuse. But sometimes things just get bloated to become usable, or fun, at least in the moment. I guess in the long term the minimalist philosophy wins. The client of the application I'm working on is over 24k lines. I have great fun doing it, it also gets cleaner with periodic refactoring. If I was to impose some arbitrary limit like 2k lines it wouldn't become as powerful as I'd like as I imagine new features to add.
That said, I think dmenu is nice, I use it. My impression of dwm was good, even though I never used it for normal use. But not sure I agree with having arbitrary line limits, especially that low, on something as a window manager which should be able to handle and provide complex functionality to make the experience powerful and fun. Also, because of my own experience, I think leaving any configuration to rebuilding the whole thing is more lazy justification than anything.
Muh phase
Muh job
Gtfo poor bloated fag.
Sure, 2000 LOC is an arbitrary number, but I think that having a very clean and minimal base code and letting people patch on top of that to get the smallest possible configuration that works for somebody is really great. As they state on the website, it's targeted at experienced users and wants to give them the ability to have the ideal solution for themselves, no needless configuration files that need to be loaded, nothing slowing the system down or wasting space. There are enough other solutions out there that sacrifice efficiency of the program for ease of use during customization. I prefer the suckless way, once everything is customized how I want it, I get the best possible performance.
>want to use surf
>pulls st
>needs dmenu
I like most suckless programs but their PDF reader suggestion absolutely sucks for EPUBs (zathura with mupdf or just mupdf).
It literally takes forever to open a big epub and just as much to browse it.
I don't remember how it was with djvus though.
>>needs dmenu
Does it not run without dmenu? I somehow doubt that, it should work from the terminal and you could integrate it in other menu bars or what ever you want.
I think it does, but things like opening a webpage seem to require it, like with ctrl+g. I didn't actually test if it does without dmenu, since I do use dmenu.
What about surf your-url in the console? Just configure a different menu to run that, you can integrate it into pretty much anything, that's the point.
I can try that later I guess, right now I'm recompiling webkit-gtk, since I clearly fucked up somewhere as webview was crashing on google with every webkit based browser I tried.
The dependency of st mystifies me though, just why?
I'm using st, dwm, dmenu and surf together, I never tried the combination with a different terminal or a different menu, but at least a different menu should work relatively well if you call scripts from it to run surf or something like that.
I hope they make a suckless file manager similar to ranger, but written in C instead of python and give a patch to enable image preview through surf like ranger does it with w3m.
doubt it. I bet they find the terminal to be enough
that feel when no triple A terminal ... inb4 "it's good enough" ..... it's not
>scared of bloat
>uses Xorg
They already list some file managers that they like, maybe the plan is to eventually offer a suckless alternative in all the categories that they suggest programs for, I don't know how far they want to go with this. They have their own image format, video editor, tool for presentations, irc chat and so on, a file manager wouldn't make sense.
*would make sense
Well if you use free software you can count on the community to check for botnets.
Pretty much all of GNU is bloated
This is why I can't take sucklessfags seriously. Dwm, st, dmenu, tabbed depend on Xorg which makes them bloat by proxy.
St and dmenu are generic and can be used with other programs, thats the suckless philosophy. You can use surf without them although is not a good experience
"The community" can't magically find all the issues if almost nobody can see through it. You can make a system so simple that it obviously has no vulnerabilities, or you can make it so complex that it has no obvious vulnerabilities. I prefer the first option if at all possible.
>muh bloat
>use x
Like clockwork.
Sucklessfags are like vegans. Just a bunch of annoying cunts.
This is you