Why have you not joined the Core i9 master race, Jow Forums?

Why have you not joined the Core i9 master race, Jow Forums?

Attached: DyZftqmVsAAiyT-.jpg (1200x846, 140K)

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I have, fucking beast of a processor.

Already got one. It feels good to know you have the best.

I'm subhuman so I bought amd instead.

Have fun getting fucked in the ass from NSA, CIA and every fucking script kiddie which finds in the future a sinple youtube video tutorial for how to take over your whole system you faggot!

Attached: serveimage(4).jpg (800x800, 255K)


Why have you not joined the RTX master race, Jow Forums?

Attached: 2080ti.jpg (846x1200, 145K)

>the coping Israel Defence Force
Jesus Christ is that some embarrassing shit.

Attached: 1530282282523.jpg (405x412, 167K)

Nothing to hide

>no cow-tiddy onee-san
why even live, really

Attached: 1549256416203.jpg (1200x888, 201K)