>rust developers are STILL arguing over the syntax of async/await
the absolute state

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Other urls found in this thread:

github.com/search?o=desc&q=rust rewrite&s=&type=Issues

>he needs async for concurrency

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Go and Erlang/Elixir are literally the only languages to get concurrency right.

>We spent a long time exploring alternatives and produced quite a lot of interesting back-and-forth.
"Nobody agrees and there was a lot of shouting about it in the last meeting"

It should be &mut async

> go

braindead, don't even put that in the same sentence as erlang and how it does concurrency.

They handle concurrency in two different ways, both of them the best respectively.
Fuck off with blind go hate. It's a respectably good language with a lot of very good design elements built right in.
I've never once heard a good argument against it that wasnt LMAO BRAINTLETS of MUH GENERICS!!!! while turning a massive blind eye to all the other enormous pitfalls of every other language that go doesn't have.

The issue at hand aside, Rust's approach to the decision making looks like a sane middle point between a BDFL and a committee.

lul the daily rust shill
dead lang from the start
before it catches on it will be replaced by something better, so it will never see C > Rust > Something new, it will be C > Something better :^)

Majority should not decide on such things, it should always be merit and performance (not only run time performance, this includes cost, maintance cost, and everything). C is still the ultimate winner. Only brainlet fag commies cant into C.

> Majority should not decide on such things
They don't, people are open to discuss and make proposals, but the final decision is up to the core team: rust-lang.org/governance .

Why does it matter? Our cocks can't tell the difference, so why should our eyes?

rust is literally just C with more advanced Structs

It should not be a language feature, but a monad-like type provided in the standard library

what? Rust has Monads?

Rust doesn't even have HKT.
But is right, it needs them. It's better to provide general solutions rather than limited half measures like async/await.

so you're saying that Rust should be a functional language basically?

It's better than with C++ that they had a idea and just add into the fucking language, without worring about it.

>most popular language, probably ever.
>has a iso committee

>most used language ever, period
>has iso committee

>most used language in computer graphics and cpu/gpu prototyping
>has iso commitee

>every network protocol that matters
>has iso committee

>most used query language in the world
>has iso committee

>has corporate committee which is very much like iso

You start to see the pattern.
Every things that matter is done by >120 iq persons hired by multibillions dollar companies, don't bother with this abomination of a language.
the feature integration process is shit, rustaceans decide design in fucking github threads where every shithead has a say in the matter.
You don't suddenly enter the corporate world, especially if you don't offer more than what already exist and it's impossible for rust to replace C/C++.

It's only a matter of time. Microsoft is already using Rust for some cloud stuff.

Someone should make a simpler and faster version of Rust and call it Rush.

Rust syntax is the most awful thing I have ever seen in my entire life.


In Rust we tRust :D


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if you unironically use unwrap for production code please just kill yourselves now

People who can't agree on what the words "man" and "woman" mean can't agree on what other things mean either. How is that a surprise?

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>"man" and "woman"
man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals
Alright let's figure out what a woman is and we can knock this out.

another unintelligent Jow Forums poster drawing false equivalences. they are not arguing about definitions.

>production rust
what are you supposed to do instead?

So Rust is now popular with transfaggots AND 90-IQ Pajeets!

>what are you supposed to do instead?
Not run Rust code in production, like a true Rustacean.
Rust is best deployed into blog posts and github comments.

While this is likely satire, I'll act as if it's serious.
They're literally arguing over the lexical semantics. ie the definition of definitions. I'm assuming this is the center of your joke but it reads to vague to know for sure. Some people might mistake it as serious even with the prefix.

are you retarded? they already know what they are going to define, they are looking for a way to express what they want to define.

I'm not sure what your intentions are by restating what was already said.

they are not trying to change the meaning of async, false Jow Forums-tard equivalence as I said

Has anyone even implied that? I'm starting to think you're just goading now since you're not making much sense.

why did you even bring it up if there was no implications? you're backtracking now

>why did you even bring it up if there was no implications?
I'm not

you're talking about definitions here anything else you want to be reminded of?

I'm talking about Rust and the linked issue...

and you're drawing false equivalences, maybe you misunderstood the github issue?

yeah dude just ? ? ? until main

I'm not, and I understand it clearly. See They're trying to define the syntax.
I think you're still confused as to who is who and what is being said, this is made evident by the contradiction in I'm going to assume that you're either not a native English speaker or are pretending to be interested in this to waste time and gain personal attention on a Saturday night.

but they are not arguing about lexical semantics, they are not trying to change the meaning of async as you're implying lol. assume whatever you like, carry on I guess.

>they are not trying to change the meaning of async as you're implying
The only person to imply this is And that's not my post.

do you not realize when you say lexical semantics and meaning of a word you are not talking about definitions and expressions, which the github issue is about?

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. You're doing this again

Go has simple, but sub-optimal concurrency because everything is in sequentially-consistent mode. Rust has no concurrency because atomics are experimental. C++ has shit-tier concurrency because its standard library relies on pthread which is 1990s-tier garbage.

t. soneone who actually knows a thing or two about concurrency contrarily to Jow Forums

my point is that you're a dumb Jow Forums-tard shitting up yet another Jow Forums thread with unrelated shit, congrats I guess

I don't see how talking about the topic is unrelated, nor is it relevant to Jow Forums in any way.
Guessing this is a joke or something, I'm not getting it.

but what you brought up doesn't relate to the topic, thought you realized it since you started circulating back to "what is your intentions" instead of answering my post

>what you brought up doesn't relate to the topic
You're going to have to explain how an explanation of the issue is somehow not related to the thread topic. I don't think you're being sincere at all.

Aw damn I was just getting into Rust, does Jow Forums not like it? I honestly was pretty optimistic about it but I mean what do I know

>damn I was just getting into Rust, does Jow Forums not like it?
Jow Forums is uneducated, so Jow Forums will hate everything that's not FP garbage. Rust is OK. It just lacks concurrency.

>Aw damn I was just getting into Rust, does Jow Forums not like it?
It's probably not worth reading too much into Jow Forums's opinions. A bunch of people here just seem to hate it because "lol mozilla cuck language".

Most people just don't take it seriously because it's a toy. There's no way to use it to write a real program.

People shill go even though it came from google though right? Thank you though, you are right.

Ah damn that doesn't sound good. I was looking at arewegameyet.com/ and it is looking like it's coming along nicely. I do a lot of gamedev in C++ so this looked like a nice thing to try - especially after stack overflow voted it as their favourite in 2018

It's just crazy cniles and Jow Forumstards.

What the fuck is your problem? You think you're going to work for Nintendo like your uncle? Grow up

what the fuck is your problem? Its a hobby.

foo()~; // the pause operator
foo()^^; // the road bumps operator
foo()>>>; // the fast forward operator

Mild kek

Why do rust programmers evangelize all around reddit and twitter and Jow Forums and shit with rust posts and downvote and spite and sage and comment, by the dozens, anything that doesn't praise rust?

They just absolutely crowd around "big opinion man just implied he used rust on twitter, a win for rust!!!" posts and "I forgot to free some memory I allocated!!! C and C++ are bad!!!" type of discussions? Are they all just fucking webdevs that went to degree-mill colleges and got scared of C and C++ because their dumb ass professors still think C++ is C++98? Because their professors are also shitty webdevs and java brainlets themselves that are scared of cleaning up their own memory? Because they need dedicated garbage collection threads and up-front 4GB heap allocations just to feel "safe" rather than discipline themselves to handle their resources properly and use things like unique_ptr and RAII and reference counting?

I've had people approach my C++ projects with "why not use rust?" comments even and people are making github issues with "have you considered rewriting your library in rust?" like the fucking plague.

github.com/search?o=desc&q=rust rewrite&s=&type=Issues

I've just never been pretty much forced to have distaste for the community around such a programming language with basically hype-driven-development. Rust is just yet-another-llvm-frontend that seems to need `unsafe` just to get any real work done when it interacts with all the C and C++ library bindings and wrappers that make it useful for anything besides being a toy language

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Dubs of truth.

There's no reason I can see to use it. It's a Mozilla research project tailor made for their browser rendering engine. Everything there is a red flag.

If you want a game programming language, wait for Jai.

The best and brightest Rust has to offer. Redox is a fucking joke. Literally the shittiest codebase I've ever dug in to.

Sucks, cause Rust has some good ideas. The community is just too pozzed to salvage any of it.

t. learned Rust to work on a neato ls clone, never again

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nice inline assembly user

I really like the direction bare-metal embedded rust is taking. The principled approach of embedded-hal and rtfm are great.
Sadly it only seems that a couple of dudes are actively working on this.

I hope this is trolling.
Committees are literally the worst thing that could happen to a language, or anything else as well for that matter.
Every language on your list has been invented by one or two people, and only turned over to committees after 99% of it was done. The only thing the committees have done since is fuck up the languages more and more. With the exception of Java and JS, which were so shit there was no way they could be made worse, so paradoxically they improved.

For everyone complaining that no one makes large scale applications in Rust, here is a youtube channel of a guy who does live programming in Rust making large applications:

> go

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I love STM concurrency on haskell!

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t. vim user

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>It just lacks async/await concurrency.

That looks good, what is the problem?

Lua is C's concurrency library

No atomics, no concurrency. No exception.

There's something amusing about the woman version needing to specify what "W.O." means and not using w/o in the first place.

>wait for Jai
>compiler installs starforce

Rust is gay.

Imagine forcing people to solve Witness puzzles to get access to your commits.

Just use FP and realize how so many problems in concurrency are nothing but artifacts of imperative programming.


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Rust will first catch on in the embedded software development stuff, as it can be used to guarantee safe access to I/O pins and the likes. Plus it is already capable to compile right to bare metal ARM and there's new hardware debugging features popping up every week.

It's the first sane way to get rid of the utterly atrocious C based SDKs that companies like TI, STM and so on deliver and are intended to be used with fucking Eclipse and mostly don't even have working examples.

Wow, what a piece of shit.

Haskell STM is better than those

I need source for that

What is meant by safe access to I/O pins?

Remind me, what is the C syntax for async/await again?


you would have to implement that yourself i guess


That just means it's going to become massive. Jow Forums hates good things and praises memes.

When someone develop something useful with Rust, then I can think about learning it.

>inb4: Redox OS, ripgrep, Servo
No, I said something useful, compare that with the meme language GO.
>IPFS, Docker, Kubernetes

>Yeah but Golang is supported by Google
>So its Rust supported by Mozilla.

> ripgrep
> the search tool used by and bundled with the most popular text editor in the world
> not useful
cniles are desperate

ripgrep is more useful than both docker and kubermeme

>most popular

choose one.

>most popular
choose one

Why? Async/await syntax really can improve readability of your code.

try!() and ? postfix

Only Jow Forums hates it. It's a great language.

Welcome to 2019, grandpa: triplebyte.com/blog/editor-report-the-rise-of-visual-studio-code

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