>still can’t rename iOS filenames
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Still can’t rename iOS filenames
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Put the pictures on your iMac by using iTunes and then download a file renamer for iMac which will let you rename files and then put the pictures back to your iPhone by using iTunes again.
What is a computer.
dumb phoneposter
itoddlers btfo
Seriously kill me already
App Store doesnt even have a Jow Forums-browsing app. Kill yourself already, neiiger.
I more use iOS because I literally got this as a gift and am saving up money for a free PC
>Jow Forums-browsing
Use the browser
What keyboard is that?
>ES spyware downloader
get total commander
>using a browser to get gookmoot’s cancerous adds
No thanks
>saving up money for a free PC
... kill me. I was trying to say that the iPhone is free so why bother buying a new one when I need to build my PC
It just works
Just install uBlock Origin... oh wait... iToddlers can't do that
The google play store took off most 4chin browsers
How to secretly back up iphone? Asking for a friend.
That’s why I don’t use the Safari browser
I wonder why
It’s not my fault Apple is gay and I’m a poorfag.
This can't be real, i-is it?
too ugly for me
It’s real
why do ifaggots have no issue with the image naming scheme being a unique identifier that can be tracked to the phone?
Gotta love the apple way of doing things.
nice bait
It's a mod of the pro version with less botnet. TC is trash. The only thing that comes close to ES is FX file explorer.
>toios fags on a suicide watch
Imagine not being able to send somebody or backup installers for your apps. LMAO.
Why is it so ugly?