Poorfags will never learn
Why you don't own a Nvidia Titan RTX?
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>Spending that much money right before next gen HDMI/display port is scheduled
I skipped 4k.
Name one good game that requires one.
>slight performance increase over 2080 ti
>twice the price
sounds reasonable
I bought a 2080 after my 390 died, the limiting factor for me now is my cpu, an i5 6600. I plan to replace this in april or may and then upgrade my monitor too. The 2080 is more than adequate for 1080 moonitor i have now and about half the games i try yto play with the upscaling settting turned on wont load, screen goes black and slowly fades to white.
This game runs well enough on a Gefotce 750ti
Try again.
cool. how many FPS are you getting? What are your specs?
nice bait
I thought it was extremely underoptimized
I don't have this card, but i had a hunch that it could run on this "poorfag card", and seems like by youtube you can get 60 fps/720p:
because i don't play video games or use proprietary software like CUDA
>not having 2x TITAN RTX in NVlink
what are you OP, a pajeet?
I dont game
I would always buy the top of the line card on release and sell my old card. This is the first time I'm not doing it. There is 0 justification for Nvidia to price the cards the way they did. While I know my 1080ti will hold out just fine, I really hope the low sales reports are true and it at least discourages Nvidia and AMD from doing the same shit if they ever catch up (probably not but still)
The ray tracing shit isnt even worth using on their best card
Rust runs well on a 750ti?
I think ray tracing is cool but hardly any games use it, I think it would actually work on smaller indy not necessarily heavy 3d games, but this being exclusively supported by rtx cards I cant see many smaller studios bothering with it, and I dont give a damn about sjwfield 5 so rtx is pretty much useless to me
You should really try cuda. Lots of cool things happening with cuda.
If youtube is any proof of it, there's people doing 1080p with the 750ti on rust.
stick with a crt and you won't need to use silly resolutions like 3840x2160
>silly resolutions like 3840x2160
>not using 7680x4320
Quake looks neat on it
i dont need it
Because the 2080 Ti has reliability issues.
I did not even know this card lmao
Because I'm not a gamer, I don't need to buy overpriced gimmicks.
750ti got gimped.
Don't use OSes that force you to use gimped drivers.
False on both counts.
I'm an adult. I just bought my kids an xbone a couple years ago, they don't really play it much. It was probably a waste a money.
Can a 2080ti overclock as well as a titain on air or water? (With out using icebucket and shit)
Obviously I'll never own a titain just wondering how close they are on non extream cooling
My OCd 2080 Ti shits on a stock Titan RTX.
Like the 2080ti has options for 3rd party cards with better VRM? So I'm assuming they are similar ?
Spend that money on going to laser tag or an arcade or bowling, they'll probably appreciate it a lot more even if they don't see the value at first. My parents bought me a lot of consoles as a kid, and while I did play games with them all the time, most of my best memories from that time are from bowling, laser tag, arcades and so on.
Because I haven't played a video game in years so all that power would go to waste. I am quite happy without a dgpu but if I did still play I'd probably get something in the mid-range as high end stuff doesn't justify the often ridiculous prices.
On Linux or on Windows as well?
>Why you don't own a Nvidia Titan RTX?
Entire RTX / RTX 20XX series is lemons.
Cause new games have been dogshit for a while. No point in upgrading.
Because the Titan V has 10x the double precision performance of the Titan RTX. Much better for machine learning.
Why don't you own a Quadro 8000 RTX?
Seems you are the poor one!
that shitty game with dinosaurs as pet
>double precision performance of the Titan RTX. Much better for machine learning.
Sorry retard, double precision is for scientific simulations, and ML/DL almost invariably uses single precision or less for training, and as low as fucking possible (e.g., 4b or even 2b weights on specialized hardware) for inference.
I do think it's crazy how the fps from the 1080 ti is nearly doubled at 4k. Maybe in a couple years 4k will be at a playable framerate (240+)
> 88 is almost double of 65
the fuck?
>Maybe in a couple years 4k will be at a playable framerate (240+)
>4k will be at a playable framerate (240+)
>playable framerate (240+)
Man, you have some really high standards, don't you?
I have a titan XP, will buy a used V or RTX titan when they drop below 1.5k