Anyone has that LTT home address leak from the last WAN show?
Anyone has that LTT home address leak from the last WAN show?
Other urls found in this thread:
If he stops developing linux because of you guys i will be really mad
holy shit are those their salaries in the bottom?
Linus doesnt make as much as I thought he would honestly.
Is disqualified content just videos they couldn't release because they didnt shill hard enough?
Tell your boss to buy an ad instead of spamming the board.
This is just sad , I thought YouTubers were making bank , but seems like your average tech salary for linus and Luke and Costco salary for every one else
But instead of working at Costco they get paid to play video games all day
Looks like 2014-2015 numbers
If its true it actually makes some of his shilling more forgivable. The dudes got a family and 100k in Canada isnt as much as the states.
>thought YouTubers were making bank
... How did you miss the Adpocalypse? There's a reason they all scrambled to diversify their distribution and set up Pateons and sponsorship deals et cetera
Yeah but what's the career progression there?
PewDiePie has to keep begging for you to buy their merch because he cannot do anything else but YouTube videos or sell out to cheap movies until he becomes irrelevant
thats 2015 when the adsense money was better
Well done sherlock wasn't that hard to notice.
The first time I saw it posted some people thought it was 2016-2017 because of the document title showing up on the bottom
Is there a copy somewhere?
Apparently it was for a lot of people because they thought this was last year's numbers.
what is this leak, I havent heard anything about home address leaking
Nobody has the address leak? The Wan show was unavailable to watch and got pulled from twitch because they leaked sensitive data again. Now it's back up at 240p
what is this board's obsession with a guy who you all totally never watch and totally don't give a fuck about
There is an unfortunate group of anons and redditors who are obsessed with "lolcows" and stalk their every waking moment for the next le epic habbening
These are the same people who turned Chris-chan into a tranny and Terry into a smear on the tracks.
I honestly don't see the appeal but they're not going away any time soon.
Why is this garbage still up?
Some pajeet gets paid $0.01 per thread about this guy. Check the archive.
Come on, I know one of you has it.
I wanna see it.
No you won't, repulsive iToddler.
He developed an operating system that runs on almost every server in the world
What a bunch of fucking retards to stream from a laptop that has info like that on it! I would never allow a machine with sensitive info on it anywhere near streaming, and I only have 3 devices. They have dozens if not hundreds.
Holy shit!
He also showed his FloatPlane user login name. Not his password but that might still be enough for some people. It's probably guessable.
Do you have a screenshot?
It looks like those are 2014-2015 numbers.
Every time i come to this board there are 2-3 threads about this guy. The same images. The same text. Who do I contact to get into this shilling business?
I watch all of linus' videos, even on bullshit that I don't care about or think bis stupid. I see it as my way of giving back to the man who single-handedly wrote the best colonel known to peoplekind
No. I wanted to go back for a screenshot once I was done with the episode but it was nuked right before I was done with it.
see He has a little cult going on. The spam is probably not even from his employees, it's just some dedicated little fag fanboy trying to recruit for his daddy who we're all familiar with anyway.
Either that, or somebody is doing a large scale meta trolling pretending to shill for Linus only to get Jow Forums mad at him.
So I think he's completely innocent in this and it's just the tism surrounding him from either direction is what's causing this.
so that's why the video couldn't be played and why LinusTechtips twitter didn't adress it
that's from 25st january but still
>streaming on your work or personal computer
>not having a dedicated computer that you stream from, which contains no sensitive information whatsoever so you can't accidentally show it
I just want to watch the wan show, I don't care where he lives like some weird stalker
I know one of you autists has it.
What's the point of this garbage thread? Why is it still here? Do you fucking job janitor.
This is 2014-2015. They had 4x less subscribers at that time.
Plus Linus and even the others get to keep a lot of expensive hardware they get for reviews or testing.
Not to mention all the free hardware they get from sponsors that they don't have to buy for the videos themselves.
Anyone being mad at someone making mediocre income while getting free bonuses and literally waste 90% of their work time doing dumb shit is a mad, jelous roastie.
People with better income wouldn't even care enough to post.
Linus lives off sponsors not ad revenue. They don't make money off YouTube, they just use the platform for videos.
Sponsorship benefits depend directly on subscribers too though.
Vlog cancer is culture. Really wish this shit would die or at least get its on board so we don't have see this shot on here.
This garbage happens in every board. I wish that chink faggot would create a board for this type of cancer already.
Has anyone found a copy yet?
Or maybe they were dumb enough to pull it from their work server.
Both Moot and Hiro have always been very strongly against any sort of gossip/eCeleb board. Hiro made the compromise with Jow Forums but nobody uses that shit.
Pretty sure they pay Hiro to advertise here. That's why he changed the website's name.
This thread is proof of it. The janitor is active at the moment and despite the several reports this thread is still here.
>Pretty sure they pay Hiro to advertise here.
You might be several steps ahead of me here buddy. Care to explain what that means? Isn't Hiro the current owner of Jow Forums/4channel?
>This garbage happens in every board.
Oh I know you can find the exact same thread for a different vlogger on Jow Forums and /b/ and Jow Forums. I don't get why so many people engage in this NPC behavior of caring what someone on the internet talking to a camera says
What's to explain? People like the guy in OP's pic pays Jow Forums to be able to advertise here. Instead of buying an ad, which you can easily block, they pay for a more organic advertising, which is why you see this and the mods/janitors won't do a thing about it.
I mean I thought we were talking about eceleb containment boards in general now. You took a sharp turn right back to the thread spamming topic.
That's my point. The same thing happens in other boards because it's literal advertisement.
A containment board will never happen because the people paying to keep these threads up will not get as much traffic as if the threads were in their respective boards.
How is he not g related? He wrote the kernel.
It's a commission for creative work ( apearing in videos, writing scripts, etc.) Not the total salary.
>Linus lives off sponsors not ad revenue
... Because of the Adpocalypse as the post you quote mentioned
Why would you want this? Don't you have a life?
Holy shit the episode is still down. They could've fixed it in the YouTube editing page in two minutes even from a phone but they didn't.
This is how much they care about their audience. Their sponsors also can't be happy about this. They gave Linus money to do an ad for them and now he isn't putting the ad out to the viewers.
You can go to his workplace which is advertised on google and selec a 20km radius around that and match his garage doors against the other houses , he would be pretty easy to find given how much footage of his outside home there is. You could also drive to his workplace and follow him home.
But for that you would have to be a canadian cuck. If we get his address we can send him fake bombs via mail from our non-cucked country.
Sometimes I absolutely despise the lack of professionalism they display throughout the work they do, seems like Edzel is the only one caring, all the others are just heads filled with air, there was a video about them rerouting every connection to the servers and the idiots around him start laughing because someone may have spilled something on a monitor and linus goes"that's actually not funny at all, thats actually really bad" but at the same time he is the one promoting that behavior, why the fuck is he surprised??
He lives in surrey bc. It's not a small region but his headquarters is also in surrey, that gives you a starting point, matching residential areas from his videos where he shows the house. I'm pretty sure in the last scrapyard wars they went to lukes home?? So that's another thing, you can check out the old ncix headquarters and see the residential areas near it. It's doable just takes some time. It's a fun time killer brings out the detective in all of us and showcases how dangerous the internet can be.
Its fucking youtube, its nothing personnel
The guy wrote his own kernel
user, he has so much money he could retire whenever he wanted to.
Yeah, Linus is 100% justified in being a control freak there. His staff is mostly made up of retards.
But then again, geniuses don't sign up to work for a video production company and become semi-public figures for a shit-to-average salary.
>PewDiePie has to keep begging for you to buy their merch
Pewdiepie is a millionaire, you doofus
And he wants to continue to make good money.
Pretty sure they make way more than that. In a recent WAN show linus menioned that he's spending 250k on this years LTX and he plans on taking a loss on it and just doing it for fun. Doubt he's be willing to blow a quarter million on an event if he wasn't doing pretty well financially
Not sure how it works in Canada, but didn't Steve Jobs report a salary of $1? He can pay himself as little as he wants to avoid taxes.
He's the inventor of Linux, dumbass
The company's budget and his or the employee's salaries are completely different. LTX is also going to be sponsored by multiple sponsors. Maybe that figure already includes the sponsorship money as well.
Where does the drive come from to harass people doing better than you?
How is talking about public figures in dedicated forums harassment?
We're just not nice people. This is how not nice people conduct themselves.
He's also full of shit and incompetent in a lot of things, so it's not like he's above criticism.
>Asking for dox material isn't malicious in any way
I watch some of his videos, just not most. Last one was about a modified mobile CPU in a desktop. I never post about him though.
This thread? You have a point.
But your first post made it sound like you generally have a problem with posting about Linus.
The only guy who actually somewhat knows what the fuck he's doing is Anthony.
Who looks like retarded fat manchild which is why he's barely ever on screen which is a shame.
Sage. Its quite obvious that linus doesnt know that much about computers.
Stop making these threads and talking about linus.
Any info yet?
Why is this garbage still up?
Wasn't their old studio in that house anyway? I thought that address was public already.
Do you seriously think that this is in any way worse than any of the other garbage threads currently up right now?
If we take out Linus then no more threads about him
We think alike. I too want to take him out to a romantic dinner and make him suck my dick in the restaurant toilet.
I don't see how that stops the threads though.
Something penis related.
Or we could fucking not. What do you people gain from doing this?
>White knighting Linus Tech Tips
Kys cuck
it's called being a decent human being and not bothering people at their homes
fuck off with you white knighting bullshit
Imagine White knighting Linus, especially after he gave the kernel to trannies and allowed the CoC. He is not going to send you free hardware for sucking his dick on Jow Forums moron
>no heart pupils
this meme will never not be slightly funny
That's just where his office is located, which is already public on Google Maps. We don't know his home address.