Sorry if this has been asked a million times, but what's the deal with this? Should I use it?

Attached: Unknown.png (371x136, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Use adguard dnscrypt

You're using it now.

Attached: CopyQ.bCBkut.png (311x278, 160K)

Worth a read, it's not about their dns, but you'll get a good picture of the company.

Attached: 2019-2-16_20-42-38.png (1440x9303, 2.51M)

>Jow Forums fantasy post with 0 proof of any claim

Post facts next time

Better than google


eh either use this or dnscrypt

at least it's fast

run unbound instead.

Anyone else here using this since it shows cloudflare to be based and redpilled?

Sorry if this has been asked a million times, but what's the deal with getting spied on? Should I get spied on? I do not have anything to hide

Attached: 04-William-B-Davis-CGB-Spender.jpg (580x435, 94K)

they are facts....


Nothing to hide nothing to fear amirite lads?

Attached: 1542919105338.png (744x817, 153K)

Saved for BTFOing nothing to hide retards

any winfag try this shit and report back

Attached: DNSBench.png (622x706, 57K)

what? unbound a dns resolver. You still have to pull from upstream.

It was already confirmed they intercept SSL traffic. Hell, they used to sell it as a service until they've majorily fucked up and were leaking decrypted HTTPS request data for couple of months.

Steve Gibson is a pervert.

May be true, but do you value your privacy. You know what I do in the bathroom, but it doesn't mean I want you to watch me.

I was in that thread when this was posted.
OP was also asking about CF DNS, and the same argument reply (which you conveniently omit) still applies:

Please explain to me why I should live in fear of someone seeing me naked, or eating cereal, or being in public.
Especially when the majority of the world spends their time and effort doing everything in their power to gain MORE publicity not less.

Literally what fear do people have in others knowing the truth and/or observing reality.

Literally the only argument that makes sense is things like hiding your credit card numbers and shit but that's not a privacy concern it's an access concern. It's only privacy related because we don't have anything better like widespread biometrics yet. Ironically because people are paranoid idiots.

yep. it does it recursively. it asks the root servers.

If you aren't ashamed of your greasy morbidly obese Cheetos dust covered body or your almost nonexistent genitalia, kudos to you.

So unbound being a replacement for cloudflare dns doesn't make sense. They are different things.

then enjoy being censored and being logged.
by using cloudflare's dns, you are trusting cloudflare that they will give you the right ip of a domain. with unbound, it asks root servers then does the digging itself.

what the fuck are you talking about? I can use a different dns with unbound. on my router unbound is used to blocks domains like an adblocker. unbound isn't a dns hosting service.

I tend to stop talking to idiots, but here, have this one.

>Should I use it?
>muh DNS speed
your queries are cached by the OS. And no, you cannot tell a 4 ms and a 23ms DNS query apart.
>muh privacy
lmfao@the life of anyone who thinks he gets privacy from a DNS service, provided for free by a profit oriented company.

>but what to use then
Use opennic or set up a DNS server yourself if you care about privacy and untampered domain resolution.

Post your unbound conf


Using the default Adguard is good enough if I'm a brainlet that doesn't know how to use dnscrypt?

Attached: 1508012180737.gif (645x773, 9K)

Dnscrypt is dead, use dns-over-tls instead

>not using &

Attached: 276765e.jpg (800x600, 84K)

And how do I go about doing that?

I use

When it comes to something like obesity, I can understand the shame because that's something that can be changed in most cases. If it brings you shame, you'd do better to change it than hide it.
When it comes to genitalia why should anyone get upset over something they can't influence? They are what they are, other people knowing the truth shouldn't bother you.