I just switched to Win10

I just switched to Win10.
How do I unbotnet it?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-16 22-16-09.jpg (623x613, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


by formatting your hard drive

Install Gentoo.

Install DBAN to USB or CD/DVD and boot it

You can't

Ooshutup, delete cortana and defender

I just installed a virus, how do I not have a virus on my computer while having the virus on my computer?

Attached: boobs.jpg (1280x720, 244K)

MSMG Toolkit


You can't. Embrace it

Ah, a man of culture as well.

Upgrade to W10 Enterprise and deactivate telemetry in the GPO.


>Upgrade to W10 Enterprise
Requires monthly subscription and they won't sell you a lifetime license no matter how much you offer to pay

You don't.

If you're posting here with Win10 then it's already too late. They have all the info they need. You'll be their cattle till the day you die.

Attached: 1526158259145.jpg (2263x1731, 2.17M)

>I'm sorry Dave..


>You can't. Embrace it
If you take this advice, might as well order a 55 gallon drum of lube from amazon and a collection of dragon dildos

>hey pays for windows

How to remove this? I disabled defender and it's still there.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-16 22-40-11.jpg (764x224, 28K)

All the shit and crap will automatically re-enable itself after some time.



don't use the internet

Depends on how it’s disabled
Flat out breaking shit will just cause Windows to repair the damage during an update
Do it trough group policy or some other official means it won’t come back


DoNotSpy10 worked.

>How do I unbotnet it?
Just stop reading shit
It's reasonably botnet, as in you embrace the botnet everytime you launch a web browser
No serious harm will be done to you, deal with it
Evil scale : Google/Android/alphabet >>>>> social networks > apple >>>>>> random website > win10/8/7 > loonix > winXp/2k > openbsd > no electronic device at all > living on the dark side of the moon

also this

you can't disable it, the only way to be free is to not use it at all

Windows 10 is far too compromised to be considered worth using anymore.

You're best bet is to switch to a good Linux distribution like Debian. The from there, simply download virtual machine software and run Windows 7 inside that.

You're a fool if you use this spyware trash.

You're welcome

Move the Europe and write a script that sends a request to Microsoft daily to delete all telemetry data they've gathered from you. I guess you could also use a firewall.

Why did you switch?


Also good: github.com/adolfintel/Windows10-Privacy/blob/master/README.md