>i5-3570k @ 3.4Ghz
>16 GB DDR3
This is my very old computer. Built it when I was 15 (?), am now 22 with a big boy engineer job and want to upgrade shit. Been out of the market a while. What do, Jow Forums?
>i5-3570k @ 3.4Ghz
>16 GB DDR3
This is my very old computer. Built it when I was 15 (?), am now 22 with a big boy engineer job and want to upgrade shit. Been out of the market a while. What do, Jow Forums?
A large breasted kosher woman for your time.
Stop playing games
your pc is still fine. I have a slightly older pc, i5 2500 with the same gpu and i will just wait till july or august to see if the ryzen 2 meme will be true. That would be a great time to upgrade. If you dont know what you want you dont have to uograde. Especially not because you have money to spend :)
Big boys play video games all day...
Engineering huh? Is this computer for work or play? If its for autocad or solidworks or similar you’ll want to build around an i7-8700k and a Quadro P5000. If for gamig, get a 2080/ti. If for both get a Vega56/64/VII, it performa well in work and play but not best for either.
I went from a computer almost exactly like yours, except I had a 290x, and I just got an 8 core ruzen and kept the GPU. None of the shit I play takes much grunt, and what I really needed was to be able to run shit in the background while playing.
Many people in this thread have brought up a good point that is adressed in the OP of /pcbg/. You havent told us what the computer is for or what parts we are building around. For example: what kind of monitor do you plan to use? This informs purchasing decisions greatly.
Play, have multiple boxes for work.
I have two 144Hz monitors. Will be used for vidya.
Assuming you mentioned the job because it pays well. Is this a balls to the wall, future proof build or is there a budget in mind?
That is indeed why I mentioned it, budget of around $2k
Pick your case and any extra storage you want.
For 1440p, you’ll want a 2070 for 60hz or a 2080 ti for 144hz.
A minimum i7 8700k, consider i7 9700k and i9 9900k
For RAM, 16-32Gb. Low end is 2400Mhz CAS 16, midrange is 3000Mhz CAS 15 and high is 3200Mhz CAS 14. Dont get higher speed if CAS is up. Negates the gain.
An NVMe M.2 SSD is highly recommended. Samsung has set the bar both high in terms of performance and low in price with their 970 series. Recommend the 500Gb Pro.
Case informs PSU decision. If you go small, SF600 by Corsair is my preference. With larger cases, Evga, SeaSonic are also good choices. Id Recommend atleast 650w. Can cut it to 600w for itx build. More if you plan for full ATX and stuff in a bunch of HDDs and fans/lights.
For mobo get z390 series. Always get cash out for good mobo. Get MSI.
I would eat her pizza if you see what I mean
If you don’t mind AMD this’ll play almost everything. Pretty much my set up.
You can easily push the 2600 to 4.1ghz
Add HDD for storage. Seagate Barracuda or WD Blue.
>real statd agent
Why even live?
I goofed
I did better this time
Is this a joke?
>worse aio
>smaller storage
>more expensive gpu (no real gain)
>$300 ($200 including case) more expensive than other suggestion
Way better than It's a bad idea to put high tdp shit in such a small hotbox, don't get memed by tech youtubers, shit is going to be hot and loud, with a barely adequate mobo. Go micro-atx if you want somthing a little bit more compact, or make a mid range build if you relly want itx.
Upgrade ur graphic card I think
Was going for best performance within budget. You can reconfigure it for more cpu cooling/less gpu cooling. Like so:
Also, ITX cases are best.
whos this semen demon?
I would OC the CPU and upgrade the GPU
did she get a breast reduction? they look much smaller there. what a shame
The storage is smaller because its better. Compare read/write speeds; total write counts.
The ram is also faster speed with lower latency. Samsung B-die ram. Its kino.
Ill give you a good advice.
Buy fucking Lenovo y720 laptop, it's stronger than what you have now twice fold,
it will hide your power level(it really doesn't look gamey , at least no red)
GET ONE WITH gtx1060 & I7-8###(If you are an normal person, you will not need stronger PC in next 5 years)
You are entering an interesting period where you will have to hide your PC habits more and more and having mobile PC(not just so you can go from home to work, but going from room to room in search for some peace will be a huge thing for you), also, buy headphones, good ones, sound proofed, ones that can turn female chatter into white noise.
It is a beautiful thing when some one comes to you, pretending they are minding their business , but all they want to know is why the fuck do you smiling while having that "thing" on your lap, AND YOU SLAP IT JUST A SECOND BEFORE THEY CAN SEE!! FUUUUCK, DOES THAT GIVE ME A HIT OF FUCKING DOPAMINE, GOD DAMN!
Second option is to WAIT, because, honestly, your rig is actually still solid piece of hardware.
Let it die, then check market for what's what!
As it is now, it's all same bullshit with different numbers.
this may be the most autistic post i've ever seen.
This is actually almost solid build, RTX is meme, but rest is kinda future proof..
is she working as a reference model for facial animations at pixar?
fuck off back to /v/
no she's ben shapiros sister and sings opera
sell everything except SDD this summer when Ryzen 3000 is released and whatever good GPU is available at that time.
what's with fa/g/gots shilling the "just wait for the next architecture" ad infinitum in these threads? don't you want to stimulate the economy, you damn boomer?
this actually the best piece of advice in this thread.
this terry davis knows what hes talking about.
because current intels are fucking housefires and his current system is still decent and RAM prices are still dropping and GPU market is still fucked and RTX is a meme and Radeon 7 is a letdown
Thanks. Replace the gpu with a 1080ti and add a 2TB HDD and it’s my build I currently have
>add HDD
>when he already has 1TB SSD
why would you do that
Looks good, about to buy, just got one question and I'm ready
Can this PC play Bloodborne?
>Amd 7970
>i5 3rdgen
Still solid build imo, that gpu are solid 10/10 till now. I recommend something like 8 cores from ayymd/intlel with 32gibram rtx2070/vega56/64 for an upgrade.
Storing videos and pics of my son as well as my music.
>32GB RAM for no other reason than "he needs more than his current system!!!"
misread and thought you were saying he should get a 2TB HDD
Yes, it can:
PCXSfour ver.0.2
Build exclusively to play Bloodborne, Last of US,Trico & Killzone in glorious 4K@144hz.
This kills your Playstations!
>you will not need stronger PC in next 5 years)
Bullshit, a gayming laptop won't last more than 2 years
>You are entering an interesting period where you will have to hide your PC habits more and more and having mobile PC
No, it's the opposite. OP is an adult and can do and be around what he wants. Gayming laptops and slapping lids are for fucking kids hiding from mommy.
>not just so you can go from home to work,
If you take a gaming laptop to work you're retarded.
Depends on your needs and how many you want to invest.
My first and cheaper idea for you is to get an I7 3770k and a new RX 580 GPU.
My second is to get a Ryzen 2700x and 16 GB DDR4 RAM.
You need to replace your mainboard too.
Usually it'd be Jow Forums being retarded but ryzen 3000 look to be extremely competitive, very solid IPC and frequency gains + increased core count / $
It's gonna be a very sizeable leap forward, not the usual +10% single core gains that we got in the past
>Bullshit, a gayming laptop won't last more than 2 years
Sure it will, you have to take into account he will be 2 years older and wiser, so he will probably skip most AAA crap.
>No, it's the opposite. OP is an adult and can do and be around what he wants. Gayming laptops and slapping lids are for fucking kids hiding from mommy.
Oh, you think you are in control..you probably still didn't had serious relationship(wont call you a virgin aloud all over board, dont want to make you blush).
>If you take a gaming laptop to work you're retarded.
This is the reason you buy y720, laptop that looks totally professional but still has good cooling(not those Lamborghini sideburns, but actual discrete cooling system that works).
Pic related*
-your opinion is considered discarded!
>7 pound laptop
>Sure it will, you have to take into account he will be 2 years older and wiser, so he will probably skip most AAA crap.
Christ /v/tards are unbareable
im surprised you even know how to breathe
Well, drop some steaks into your soimilk,
what the fuck is 7 pounds.