Segmentation fault

Segmentation fault

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Attention gentlemen, there's something I would like to say.
fn main() {
unsafe { *std::ptr::null_mut::() = 0; }

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>running code under an OS

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gdb, valgrind

it means you fucked up so bad it wont even help you debug it, cause you dont deserve

>tfw even crashing your program is so verbose and ugly in rust

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[spoiler]apt-get install valgrind[/spoiler]

wouldn't it be funny if the compiler did the static analysis itself haha

what percentage of libs are not written in C?

They all have to be in C, how else are we supposed to pwn the libs?

-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined and learn the clang static analyzer

Now this is an abstract kind of cancer.

call unsafeFunction
int 33h
xor rsi, rsi
mov rdi, 0ffffffffffffffffh
mov rcx, rdi
rep stosq

Attached: lCQ5mPg.png (380x380, 119K)

Learn to code properly.

Sanity check fails? abort();

>Error: the "impossible happened.

Y'all are just mad C implements generics without the need for templates.

Except it doesn't. void * is a lot less safe, and more importantly, it uses more indirection, which harms performance.
This is the main reason why std::sort is noticeably faster than qsort.

It's rather have my compiler spend 2 seconds analyzing code instead of fuzzing everything and running it through valgrind on every release.

>detailed type information makes code faster
Shhh, you are gonna confuse the typelets.

Blah blah unsafe. A cliche criticism. Generics in C are not duplicated via templates. There's just one copy of your code that works across all implementations.

oohhhhh this nigga dab on

> boost error
How do you even figure out what went wrong? There has to be a boost error interpreter