>Jow Forums is ruining Jow Forums now too
This isn't going to ever stop spreading, is it
Jow Forums is ruining Jow Forums now too
Not until the last tranny is gone
J/K I love trannies and their big fat schlongs
they're living rent free in your head and its absolutely amusing how mad it makes you
Trannies are going to suicide themselves to extinction within a few years, doesn't mean you have to pollute Jow Forums
Not sure what you mean by this
I hope not. I want a cute ladyboy girlfriend.
You both seem to have missed my follow up post indicating I was joking and love trannies.
wtf are you talking about
if by Jow Forums you mean /leftpol/ sure
otherwise Jow Forums is pretty /tranny/ and /bluepilled/
the whole controversy is that Jow Forums somewhat cares about privacy, yet cheers left politics (big corps included) that removes your privacy and individualism
>leaves up the obviously off topic thread
>deletes the posts critical of trannies though
How many of the new jannies do you think are trannie jannies?
I hate bumper stickers. It's so arrogant to me, posting your opinion in a way where someone just has to sit there and read it with the voice in their head while sitting at the light.
People who hold their opinions up as objective truth and that think everyone NEEDS to know what they think are the reason for this nation pulling itself apart. That goes for all bumper stickers. "Support the troops" ok good for you fucker I guess I know that now. The jesus fish makes me think that I won't feel bad if I kill you in a car accident because now you are in heaven. Jesus fish with legs makes me think you are a redditor and just sit there all day with their fedora seething about people who don't agree with evolution.
People don't want to spend time thinking about how a non-nazi could vote for Trump or why people who think black people are oppressed aren't infected with the Jew nanobots because people feel antagonized constantly.
/tv/ is bad too.
Attention whoring fags always do this. Remember MLP, Anonymous, and Furries. Yeah same type only they got politics up their ass now.
there's nothing wrong with being trans
>Remember MLP, Anonymous, and Furries.
I never thought about it like that, but.you got a point. Jow Forumstards are literally just the next iteration of pony fuckers
>There is nothing wrong with cutting off entirely functional organs. Then, injecting yourself with cancer causing drugs that change your body chemistry in a way to make you look female from 20ft away. All so that you can have to deal with a hollow cavity filled with hair ,or a corndog that requires a plastic pump to inflate for a peehole. Only for afterwards have the same % chance of committing suicide before as after the surgery.
Do they make condoms small enough for the dude who drives this truck?
Yes and its literally none of your fucking business as long as the trannies don't get in your face about it
Darwinism at work, whats wrong?
>none of your fucking business
My health insurance premiums are being raised to pay for this bullshit
I mean you're obsessed. Look at the dude in the OP. He is just living his life and sharing some views. But you are so absolutely obsessed with the fact that someone disagrees with you politically that you have to jump online and make sure that strangers know how you feel. It's sad.
kys yourself discord tranny
>To make you look female from 20ft away
Don't flatter them. The vast majority of trannies look like awkward, ugly dudes (with possible saggy mantits) from any distance. Not to mention they all look about 10+ years older than they should.
Go away you kikey fucking trap
just drop dead
Are you Doug Stanhope?