What did Apple mean by this?

What did Apple mean by this?

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There are no apple products in your picture.

Off yourself.

And the dongle to 3.5mm you tard.

To be fair, sometimes the hand of fate must be forced. Apple has forced people to give up old tech before, resulting in a leap forward in tech. Remember physical keyboards on phones? People were shitting on touch screen keyboards the same way they're shitting on headphone jackless iPhones.

that's a knockoff tard

>painted nails
that's a man hands for sure, I can tell. Why do you guys have to be such giant girly homos?

>t. street shitter

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>applel pushing tech forward
I had a nokia "smartphone" before iphone4 was a thing

Yea, I've been using Android since 2012.

They meant for you to buy fagpods like a good little sheep.

Now samsung and the big botnet wants you to do the same.

Making people buy the digital to analog converter separately from the phone in the form of a USB dongle is not getting rid of the digital to analog converter, retard.

Also touchscreen keyboards are still shit and forever will be shit. This is why any serious work is still done on computers, not phones.

This. Apple has a long history of doing this, and it always works out for the better.
People always lose their shit whenever Apple drops a major standard in favor of something better.
>waah all my floppy disks are useless now
>waah but I like serial and parallel ports
>waah but muh CDs

>b-but LG did it first!!1!
Prada came out literally months before iPhone did. iPhone had been in development in some form since the 90s, whereas Prada was basically slapped together in a year.
It's pretty obvious that Prada was the result of corporate espionage, a feeble attempt to be able to say, "We did it first."
And it's a piece of shit as a result

As points out, removing the headphone jack is the equivalent of taking the floppy or CD drive outside of the computer and making you buy it separately, not getting rid of it.

>Also touchscreen keyboards are still shit and forever will be shit.
t. never used an iPad, or a Surface


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That's literally what Apple did.
For a long time, people bought external floppy disk drives that plugged in via USB before deciding it was just not worth it and giving up on floppy disks altogether.
Historically, we've been here before.

Prada came out literally months before iPhone did. Prada had been in development in some form since the 90s, whereas iPhone was shat out in a year.
It's pretty obvious that iPhone was the result of corporate espionage, a feeble attempt to be able to say, "Me too."
And it's a piece of shit as a result.

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>no argument

Do you remember USB SuperDrive?

>make up delusional iToddler fantard fantasy
back to your shitting street

>change some words around

Both the iPad Pro and the Surface come with keyboards precisely because touchscreens are fundamentally shit for typing, regardless of their quality.

Except you still need a digital to analog converter to be able to listen to music. There's no such thing as listening to digital audio. Now, you could connect bluetooth headphones (which also come with a DAC btw) and claim that it's the wave of the future, but bluetooth audio is always compressed and comes with latency. When Apple adopted new standards in the past, they were always at least somewhat superior to what came before, such as putting USB type C ports on the Macbook. The removal of the headphone jack? Not the same thing at all.

>ipajeet can't handle facts

Here. Read. Weep.
iPhone started out as a tablet project in 1997, then morphed into a smartphone when Jobs realized the UI would work much better as a phone. Basically, the iPad was supposed to come first, but Apple decided to shrink it. LG caught wind and did the same, then released it earlier.

Can you even afford toilet paper with the rupees applel pays you? Or do you just use your hands after you street shit?

>Both the iPad Pro and the Surface come with keyboards precisely because touchscreens are fundamentally shit for typing, regardless of their quality.
Neither the iPad nor Surface come with keyboards. They're accessories that you have to buy separately.
Virtual keyboards are great. They give no tactile feedback, sure, but they allow for a lot more flexibility in terms of UI. iOS' keyboard can be used as an impromptu trackpad so you can fly around walls of text easily without arrow keys or a mouse. There are tons of keyboard apps that allow you to slide between letters instead of having to press each one individually, making one-handed typing easier. Virtual keyboards also make it easier to switch formats and languages whenever you please, input special characters, and literally change the shape of the keyboard itself.
That's a pretty good trade-off for tactile feedback.

great inoovation, you can listen to your wall sockets now !!

>but bluetooth audio is always compressed and comes with latency.
It won't be this way forever. Apple has adopted newer standards which were clearly 'worse,' not because of their current state at the time but because of the potential they brought, and the speed with which they were improving while the current standards were at a standstill.

Furthermore, tactile feedback isn't really all that important with virtual keyboards anyway. Muscle memory takes care of most of the job so you still don't have to look at your fingers, and if you fuck up, which should be rare, autocorrect will take care of the rest.



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what if they were developing similars product, but LG was first to release ?

I could type 1000x faster and more accurately with a phone keyboard and I could do it in the cold and rain/snow.

ipajeets will defend this

that's one thing Apple does well, bur it shouldn't come at the expense of the functionality of their product

>Remember physical keyboards on phones?
Yes, and they were objectively better than virtual ones, everyone typed faster and with fewer errors. If this was your best example of how new > old, I don't want to think what your worst one would be. Stick to your strawmans about how "it's like when Apple removed CD drives".


I always loved how the song used in the iTunes Phone presentation was "Let's Get Retarded" by Black Eyed Peas

>be bad at using touch keyboard
>blame the tech

I'm sure people could type faster using the T9 keyboard than an actual keyboard, too. Does that mean T9 is superior?


This, OP is a disgusting freak.

>everyone typed faster and with fewer errors
Are you fucking kidding me?
2005 was THE YEAR of lolspeak and shorthand because no one could be fucked to spell out entire words, either because they had to use T9 or mobile QWERTY keyboards we're still inconvenient. They hurt to use, the keys were tiny and would break often, and you had to use both hands unless you wanted to type with the speed of a turtle walking through a puddle of spilled molasses.
Now, you just zoom your thing around a screen to spell out entire sentences without even trying.


Absolutely based and satanpilled

Show me a single job where WPM, word accuracy and typing duration matters a lot, like programming or stenography, where professionals use virtual keyboards.

Do they not teach the meaning of the word "objectively" in Mumbai? I'm not saying I'm better with this or that keyboard, I'm saying the keyboard itself is better. I can type faster with my physical keyboard than you can with any virtual keyboard in existence, assuming we have the same software auto-completion.
If virtual keyboards weren't utter shit, stenographers wouldn't be buying 500$ ergo keyboards, you fucking retard. When typing matters, no one, and I mean no one, uses your iToys.

The inconvenience and loss of functionality is only incidental and temporary. The payoff in the future is worth it.

>people used shorthands more before autos correction and auto completion than afterwards
Wow, what a total mystery.

I live the donglelife

>where professionals use virtual keyboards.
Professional contexts don't apply to consumer uses, just as random people shouldn't be driving cranes around all day just because construction workers do.
If you need a keyboard for your job, then fine. Use a keyboard. Still, virtual keyboards are far from garbage and are beyond perfectly fine for everyday use personally.

You say it's objectively better, but only based on one single factor. Something that is objectively better would be better with all factors combined.

>the state of applel

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>When typing matters, no one, and I mean no one, uses your iToys.
Software engineers at Google use MacBooks.

>choose your own ports
Sounds cool, sign me up

Under no circumstances does anybody ever need that many dongles.
I'm literally seeing dongles plugged into dongles plugged into dongles.

>at Google

Attached: 1537319892917.jpg (1164x1200, 670K)

>they're garbage for people who actually type for a living, but nana can post cat pics on facebook with them, so they're actually fine
Yeah, that sure is a metric I care about.

>You say it's objectively better, but only based on one single factor.
Uh yeah, me picking the "typing" factor for a keyboard sure was the cherrypicking of the century.
>Something that is objectively better would be better with all factors combined.
No, it isn't. That would be the word "perfect".

>a company who develops for Windows, macOS and Linux uses the only machine who can run all 3 since Apple doesn't make a .iso
Again, a total mystery.
And I can assure you the people who type code for a living there don't use the shitty 0.5mm of travel keyboard the latest macbooks have when they're on their desks.

>top engineers at Google are wrong, but user, from Jow Forums, is right
>how do I know?
>user, from Jow Forums, posted a collage of drag queens

Keep moving the goalposts.

They use them for videoconferencing and checking email. All the real work is done on Linux desktops.

>muh reddit fallacies xD
Go on, name the goalposts I changed. I'll wait, I know you can't type fast.

Headphone jacks aren't comparable to floppy disks.

The best headphones ever, future headphones, will never need more than 2 channels of data for your 2 ears.

3.5mm jack has proven time and time again to be as good as $5000 golden/platinum cable at carry an analogue signal

It's split-able with a 3.5mm jack splitter, so my gf and i can listen to the same music at the same time. Can't do that with bluetooth.

your analogy sucks. His works because comparing uses of a product in a situation where that product determines the quality of the work that product is doing is a legitimate argument: the efficacy of a keyboard is easily measured by the people require efficacy from a keyboard, they, the people using it, have already done the thinking for you, because their job depends on it.

You have a good point in that this doesn't necessarily translate to the masses, which is true. But that doesn't make virtual keyboards good, or acceptable for anyone who cares even slightly. A better comparison is comparing a ferrari to a honda civic; the civic works, its acceptable, shouldn't you be happy with just that? Sure you can be, but if your goal is to drive quickly, then you're better off with the ferrari. Again you can say this doesn't apply to the masses, but if you compare any other object that you use on a daily basis vs a more efficient version of that object, the masses will prefer a more efficient object. Now, you can say that because the masses choose virtual keyboards by my logic they're more efficent, but that would be remaining ignorant of other factors, namely the one that makes virtual keyboards acceptable, the fact that touch screen devices rely so heavily on screen space. Like phones. So, you can say with accuracy that a virtual keyboard is more efficient on a touch screen device. But user is right in saying a mechanical keyboard is more efficient for typing overall.

>When typing matters, no one, and I mean no one, uses your iToys.
>"Google engineers do."
>Well of course they do, you fucking retard. B-but no one uses the NEWER models of MacBooks, while sitting at a desk!

typically companies like google are either contracted to use certain technologies they develop for, or have a deal with certain companies to use their products, or also fairly often in the tech industry they'll give developers their choice on macbooks or thinkpads if they are to give their employees a work laptop.

Imagine making a keyboard SO shit, a prominent tech company goes out of their way to design a plate you mount onto your fruit toy so that you can use a real keyboard.

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Did you conveniently not read this part?
>And I can assure you the people who type code for a living there don't use the shitty 0.5mm of travel keyboard the latest macbooks have when they're on their desks.
I didn't say they didn't use newer macs, I said they didn't use those keyboards. They attach external keyboards. Yes, you can find a pic of some intern doing data entry on an Air, but let's not pretend that's the norm.
And do you think Google is some bastion of typing quality or something? Put a court stenographer next to a San Fran basedboy, let's see who has the bigger WPM and can type the longest without breaks.
In essence, I'm sure Google uses macs - but not for their keyboards, and even then it doesn't matter because Google isn't that big of a deal in typing.

lmao people actually do this? what the fuq, imagine the temps on this thing when it tries to do anything harder than watch youtube i bet this bad boy is fuckin nuclear

You're doing it again.
>no one uses iToys.
>k but they don't count

>no one uses iToys
I never said this. Getting desperate with these misquotes, are we?

You're doing it again.

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they use them because boomers make business decisions and boomers also think macs dont get viruses.

>When typing matters, no one, and I mean no one, uses your iToys.

Typing does not count at google. Programming is slowed by your ability to think, not type. Google does not use macbooks because their keyboards are better. you're just being a retard user

>I'll just accidentally leave out half the sentence
Yeah, not desperate at all.

It's honestly not even just macs, I wouldn't want to type 8 hours a day on any laptop keyboard except a pre-T420 ThinkPad. Macs just happen to have the single worst keyboard in written History.

>say retarded shit
>retarded shit gets proven wrong

Touchscreen keyboards never stopped being shit though. Try typing without looking exclusively at the screen on one. Sure, things like gestures and alternative layouts have made improvements, but it's still nothing compared to T9 or the tactile response of a physical keyboard.
This only happened because phones went from tools to toys.

the only thing retarded he said was when he grouped stenographers and programmers together. you're just being a retard by attacking the least important part of his argument, with an appeal to authority. you know macbook keyboards are shitty. I know it. the other user knows it. I'm not even sure what you're arguing about anymore, that google uses macbooks? Sure some of their employees do. But not all. You are both right and wrong at the same time. So congrats, you used a logical fallacy to address an issue completely external to the argument. great job.

>try not looking at the screen
What does this prove? You're always supposed to look at a screen when typing. Desktop, laptop, or phone.

T9 is shit. I can type 80 wpm without looking at the keyboard on my phone.

the thing is, they force changes onto new tech that isn't objectively superior. The T9 keyboard wasn't good for the iPhone, but that doesn't mean it wasn't the most efficient phone keyboard or that it's bad tech. Objectively speaking, it's great tech, it does exactly what it's supposed to do. So instead of replacing the bad old with new good, you replaced the old good with a new meh, and as time has gone on that meh hasn't gotten any better. Phones as a computer have come a long way, but other than a good try with Swipe I haven't seen an evolution in touch-screen typing that has improved its overall functionality yet. Touch screens keyboards are non-tactile and lack response, that's just a nature of their design that is at odds with being a good keyboard.

>leaves out half the sentence
Stay mad, faggot.

Touch screen keyboards are far superior to built in keyboards, because they be modified and hidden on the software level. And a 20% reduction in typing speed is perfectly fine, since the extra screen space when not typing reduces time spent scrolling, or squinting at tiny media trying to see what's going on.


>typing speed doesn't matter
>scrolling le apps does
You wish, faggot.


I type on my phone a fraction of the time I read and look at pictures, videos. Rather have superior browsing expirience than a mediocre browsing expirience with 20% faster typing.

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No one cares about you. You're a guy getting paid to advertise Apple on Jow Forums, not some guru of consumer habits. This is a point in favor of "I like virtual keyboards", not " virtual keyboards are better". And again:

>Bluetooth audio
Complex to connect and pair
>audio over usb
Fails often
Just works, perfect audio quality

All your arguments are now null. Congrats on making yourself look like an idiot.

>argument gets utterly BTFO
>"but you called me a mean name, so I win!"


Why are you still here? You just spectacularly lost.

looks like a fatty tbqh

they are superior: for touch screen phones. I however would be fine without having a touchscreen, in favor of a t9 keyboard. so I use that. It completely depends on what use case makes it a better keyboard for that situation, but you can objectively say, mechanical keyboards are superior keyboards to virtual ones when it comes to a keyboards function, which is typing.

that's because your phone is a toy. there's a reason businesses still give out black berries, and it's because you can crush emails with it in true boomer fashion in a way no toy phone could compare