Why are Linux users so blindly devoted?

I considered switching to Linux a while back. Had the OS installed and was trying to find programs that I needed for work. When I asked about CAD software (I'm an engineer) I was told "CAD software is almost always proprietary, and should be ignored."

I would literally not have a job if that was the case.

Attached: cad-for-drafting.gif (974x739, 51K)

>I'm an engineer
>posts picture of RealCAD
stop larping

Using proprietary software is completely fine. Ignore the "free as in freedom software" people, they have a good idea but it works just as good as communism does.

Linux for me atleast is so much better than winblows for programming anything, you get fast and small programs that do what they need to do from terminal, unlike a shitbloat visual STDio. On windows i have to spend a week just searching for a proper terminal emulator and command line tools.

cool larp retard

using Linux doesn't mean ditching proprietary software. I'm pretty sure you'd have to be a total NEET in order to be able to do that.

Windows has a terminal :^)

>"CAD software is almost always proprietary, and should be ignored."
Correct. You can't install CAD software on Linux. You should use Windows instead.

Maybe this Linux user was stupid, but this answer seems pretty straightforward to me.

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>Ignore the "free as in freedom software" people, they have a good idea
I agree with this to an extent. Proprietary software isn't always hiding some nefarious intentions or something. It should be fairly obvious to a somewhat experienced Linux user, what is going on behind the scenes when using pretty much any piece of software. Freetards mean well, they've just been brainwashed by extremists like Stallman and the Unix clowns.

Civil Eng. here (not actually, just a trainee, but I basically do graduated work now, I just don't sign it lol)
I was talking with other user earlier today about switching to linux too, I'm former linux user back in 2011 when I had time to fix xorg on arch linux (aka I was underage with no job), since windows 10 is becoming unbearable for me with every update.
At least for my field there's no option, some software I use aren't updated since windows xp era, for now I will not get another laptop for work, as I'll only graduate in the end of the year, there's no way to go full linux.
Here's what I'll do:
-100gb partition with a debloated version of windows 7 with autocad/revit/ftool/sap2k/geoavaliar/sisreg/etc installed, this partition will only be used for work/uni.
-duabooted with linux, I'll probably go with Ubuntu as I don't have time for arch anymore, that shit is just takes too much time. I'll use linux for daily usage: music, interwebs, shitposting, etc. When I need to do something I can't do on linux I'll just reboot and boot into windows. Since I usually don't bring work home and I'm writing my final thesis on google drive, I won't need to boot into windows too much.
-once I graduate I'll buy another laptop and leave this old one only for working purposes, the new one will be full on linux

>You can't install CAD software on Linux.
>what is LibreCAD
>what is FreeCAD
>what is OpenSCAD
>what is BRLCAD
>what is DraftSight
>what is SiemensNX
They're all shit, but they're there.

Attached: Screenshot (2).png (1920x1080, 614K)

"spinny thing"
cool larp retard

Why the fuck GNU/Linux doesn't have a proper CAD?
That is annoying. Why I have to use annoying windows, which always updates, when it is not asked? I don't ask for free software, I only ask you lazy assholes in Autodesk to port fucking CAD to Linux.
They ported this shit to OS X, which is useless, considering that everybody, who uses OS X is not an engineer...

I'm not sure if SiemensNX is shit, while FreeCAD is fucking garbage.
Not even level of GIMP.

Btw, how it happened, that most CAD software was unix based, and now they are Windows based?

I considered switching to Linux a while back. Had the OS installed and was trying to find programs that I needed for work. When I asked about office software (I'm a receptionist) I was told "Office software is almost always proprietary, and should be ignored."

I would literally not have a job if that was the case.

This is on my personal computer that I make random crap on sometimes. It's like this thing that people do when they have spare time and stuff. Can't remember what it is called though...hmmm

Oh yeah

A hobby

cool larp retard

I considered switching to Linux a while back. Had the OS installed and was trying to find programs that I needed for work. When I asked about photoshop software (I'm a meme creator) I was told "Photoshop software is almost always proprietary, and should be ignored."

I would literally not have a job if that was the case.

Except in *.docx era it is not an issue.
But in 2003 it was fucking annoying.

Linux is god-tier if you program
It's good for daily use
It's meh/bad for anything that requires a very specific program or type of program (games, graphic design, music production, engineering)
Free software is a Swiss army knife. Great for simple tasks, but you can't cut a diamond with a Swiss army knife.

The intelligence of freefags in a nutshell

cool larp retard

cool larp retard

Autodesk happened. The only way to bring Engineering back to the roots is dissolving Autodesk.

>Siemens NX
Here, only proprietary options since I know engineers are gay and like being fucked in the ass.

There is one other area where it excels, science. Most scientific libraries and software support linux primarily, and sometimes don't even have windows versions.

>engineers like using software that isn't shit

Dont ever try Linux again if you have no interest in the moral aspects of free software, fuck off

This. My job is basically scientific program and linux is king. Windows support is always an afterthought and shit no one cares about.

>I considered switching to Linux a while back
>Try a kernel
Oh, did you mean POSIX?GNU/Linux, that POSIX distribution?

I have interest in having a job. I guess you wouldn't know anything about that though.

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no he means linux you pedantic asshole

Only professional tool I can remember that has a good linux version is Krita (it was born on linux actually), it's the best digital painting/drawing tool in the market, too bad Wacon drivers are shit on linux KEEEEEK

Dude, CADs are used in serious stuff, like bridges, and it is a good thing to have proprietary software, so you can sue them for shitty bridge, that collapsed.
In case of free software, it is really difficult

Windows is like a BigMac
Mac is a Whopper
Linux is making your own sandwich.

Some people prefer a whopper to anything they can make, others are confident in their ability to make a sandwhich that is best for them.

To each his own

you forgot to mention that for the make your own sandwich thing, the only meat option is cheap bologna

While it's unfortunate that you ran into that situation, the truth of the matter is that 99% of people that claim that they OMG ABSOLUTELY NEED (photoshop/CAD software/other proprietary software that doesn't work well natively or with Wine) are just larping trolls.

Even if you're not, you're going to get lumped into that bucket unless you can demonstrate you shouldn't be and haven't given people some other reason to troll you.

Windows is like bigMac.
Mac is expensive vegan thing
Linux is Subway Sandwich.

>Jow Forumsays
>the more serious part of their job is to plug a lan cable in a switch and keep a internal VPN in their underpaid job using tools made by redhat
>knowing about big shit like designing bridges and hunge concrete/steel structures

cool larp retard

How come no one ever mentions Openindiana?

Because they are degenerate virgin incel pedos.

Ahh, I love all of the free PCB CAD software on Linux. Electrical Engineers all use Linux for circuit design.

Imagine being at computers

NOW, THIS, is an operating system worthy of harsh criticism!

Honestly, I don't like PCB CADs...
But I don't like PCB CADs in general (since they don't make sense, when one or two persons design a thing), this is why I use SprintLayot 5.0 for my mad PCBs.
Since this is early 2000's software, it runs good under wine.

Just say you want shit working out of the box and dont want to put any effort in making things work
t. I probably get paid more than you for writing 10-line scripts

>Electrical Engineers all use Linux for circuit design
>have to match their circuits/wire placement/outlet placement/bulbs placement with the floor plant made the architects and structural/hydraulic plant made by the civil engs, all done in revit/autocad
You make me kek, mate.

>he think I am a CS pleb when engineer jokes are a classic /sci/ meme

Attached: joke.gif (560x420, 826K)

He meant electronics engineers, not fucking electricians.

If you make so much money, then why are you so devoted to getting everything for free?

Because every saved shekel goes into your salary, stupid goyim.
(because electrical systems aren't bridges, they don't cause death and stuff)

>Even if you're not, you're going to get lumped into that bucket unless you can demonstrate you sh...
Lol, like anyone actually cares. Y-y-you have to explain, lol, sperg.

clicked the wrong number :/
meant this guy

Try to draw a circle and get back to us on how cool GIMP is.

cool larp retard

Don't know were you live, mate, but those advanced electrical projects is no job for electricians. You find me a project like a huge hospital full of big machines and generators made by a electrician and I'll tell you were the next lawsuit will be.

What the fuck are you talking about, nigger? I'm not OP.

>Need windows software

>because electrical systems aren't bridges, they don't cause death and stuff

Never knew that planes don't have computers in them. Never knew that cars don't have computers in them. Never knew that hospitals did not use computers for anything ever.

Glad that I know these things now.

Ever heard of performance boi? And not being buggy?

You do know of this this button right?

Attached: Untitled.png (341x147, 12K)

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I clicked the wrong number. Meant to click

>use wine
No, its shit, so is Linux, so are you.

How hard would it be to clone Autocad or solidworks? Get it done freetards

idr, it's not like a year of AutoCAD costs around $1500 per year for a reason or anything.

Isn't the dwg format proprietary? Wouldn't make such a difference to clone that shit autodesk piece of shit if we can't open vectors made there.

I imagined it
I was at computers

This, if you tried Wine a year ago give it another try, Wine improved so fucking much this year, devs are on steroirds or they legit stole code

Linux users are devoted to free software, unix/linux philosophy, and whatever other ideology surrounds it
Outside of that shit there really isn't a reason to be completely devoted to Linux. Someone who doesn't care about that stuff can still find value in Linux has it's place and utility as does all the other operating systems

So you're saying that freeware can't exist on its own? It needs proprietary software to help it? You must not believe in freeware enough!

Dude, in planes there are mechanical fail safes to all computer nonsense. But year, Fly-By-Wire is scary.
Cars have even free firmwares for ECUs, so they aren't important at all (at least on shitboxes with manual).
Medical equipment - I don't know, never used.

But who do you think made the hardware?

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Why do people on Jow Forums feel like they -have- to switch to Linux? The only reason you should ever be using Linux is because you want to and if it suits your needs. If it doesn't, don't use it. End of story.

Maybe it's a leftover from culturally-christian atheists who need somewhere to put all their pent up proselytizing energy.

>t. can't write his own driver

No, really, making reliable electronics system is much easier, than making a bridge.

But can you make a dodecahedron in less than 3 minutes?

Because you, a person I presume to be a software engineer, know so much about how electrical systems work. It's not like an electrical engineer needs two straight years of calculus to get a degree or anything.

Like what?

Attached: imagine.jpg (800x619, 107K)

Nope, an EE.
I prefer "shit didn't exploded" method. Parts are much cheaper, than CAD.

If you don't use GNU/Linux, you don't belong on Jow Forums.


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top kek

If you force yourself to use linux without either understanding it or appreciating it's capability, coming out of it with shit opinions on the system, then you are doing us all a disservice

How many "I tried linux because Jow Forums told me to and it sucked!!!!" threads are we gonna have per day? just let the normies use whatever's comfortable for them and let people who actually understand and desire to use linux use it


Normalfags don't belong on this board either.

How about someone that does use linux but only on it's merits? as in I'm not afraid to also use windows or some other OS if it suits something better

Nice playerd.

I tell ya, these Slavs are some witty bastards sometimes.

I'm fine with you as long as you're not some kid from /v/ or some normalfag that got lost from facebook.


Mighty Gimp Guru, does GIMP do vectorized text, shapes, or lines?
Darktable has surpassed Lightroom for me in regards to RAW photos, I haven't tried GIMP in years.


>using the watered-down PC variant that came later
OK normalfag

Attached: 1359666443736.png (735x869, 504K)


>GIMP do vectorized text
There we go.

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