Why haven’t we gone deeper?

We’ve barely scratched the surface of the earth. Is there something down there they don’t want us to know about?

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>he wants to drill a hole into the mantle and release all the pressure through a manhole
you're not well, op.

who is "we" and who is "they"?

The aliens are underground. Can’t meet them , yet...

It's too hot they ground turns to jelly not too deep down

Have you ever walked 7.6 miles bro? Now try drilling that far through dirt and solid rock, pockets of water. 7.6 miles is pretty fucking deep.

the mantle jews cut all funding if you get close

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Yellowstone is 12 miles down so they could probably drill into it successfully if they wanted

The cost rises exponentially the deeper and hotter it gets and the financial benefits are almost nothing once you're past the depth you can find oil. Though I suppose some scientists would be happy.

It's because the earth is hollow. We can only go so low. This is why there's so much shilling for flat earth, it's to pull people away from hollow earth.

There is that thing called mantle that has really fucking high temperature and pressure.
Also drilling is freaking expensive. Stabilizing deep borehole is even more expensive and difficult.

If you are willing to provide funding for just a deep hole in the ground then go ahead.

this is unironically true and why they cut the mohole project's funding

Germany went deeper than this but the hole doesn't count or something.

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Drills melt.

I would think just getting near the mantle would release vast amounts of power generating heat

portal to anime world

The deeper you go the hotter it gets because you're getting closer to hell.

The only answer


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Fuck you mods this can be political

It's where Ligma is

me and you
btw there's unspeakable horrors lurking beyond our crust

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