What is the FASTEST data structure?

what is the FASTEST data structure?

Attached: 33223156468.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

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pen and paper


I like trees. Would do anything using trees

brain on an anime dose

An array with a single element

parallel arrays

Ant optimization.

I have so much ram I only use LUTs, everything computes instantly.

Impregnating a woman
Something a fag OP like you will never see the pleasure of doing...

for what data ? What volumes of data ?



a astronaut's ipod.

Attached: 0_2.jpg (640x426, 110K)

my android is faster relative to that astronaut
itoddlers btfo

trees lmao
I like weed

Attached: 1536349366326.jpg (996x560, 32K)

for what operation?

no it's not, restricted relativity says the apple product goes so fast it becomes obsolete and goes back on sale next september for 1399$.

Androidfags BTFO once more

Attached: 0_2.jpg (442x417, 39K)

For most purposes, an array. But no data structure is fastest for all purposes.

you can implement faster on arrays if you go the abstract data type. Think hash tables on arrays, or heaps over arrays. Still the question remains, what data are we storing and what operations are we doing on the data ?

variables are fastest


Variables that are optimized away during compilation

>you can implement faster on arrays if you go the abstract data type
what did he mean by this

A string goes pretty fast if you attach it to a rocket.
Most trees don't move at all, so I wouldn't say they're very fast at all

You either use raw arrays or hash tables. Everything else is obsolete.

Linked lists are fastest for random lookup, arrays are fastest for inserting and sorting, hashtables are fastest for 420 vaping

Wrong. The fastest data structure is the boolean scalar.

>Linked lists are fastest for
stopped reading

Really makes you think.

Hash table. There is no alternative for quick storing and searching of data.


the empty tuple, also called unit:

null pointer

Void. All operations guaranteed in O(0) time.

A single cons node

Circular buffer using virtual memory for double paging.
When you're within sensible use of such a buffer you only do writes.


The answer is always array unless you are processing just... enormous amounts of data... and even then... it would ultimately be broken down into array for closer analysis.

it's not any faster than int

In my C tool I have a hash table where each bin is a single-word key and an unrolled linked list of cache-line-sized chunks. If all of the keys are integers and the sparsity is low, it just acts like an array. It's fast enough for most of my use cases.

a register

fingers as bits
5 fingers = 1hand
then you get to kilohands and megahands


I won a local robot race with multi-splay trees, so i'm going to go ahead and say it's de Bruijn graph.

Wrong. A bitwise AND of two integers basically lets you sum a lot of individual unsigned 1 bit scalars in a single instruction.
Plus the x86 Intrinsics instructions let you pack binary data into an integer and do a myriad of single bit operations in one swoop. warosu.org/g/thread/S67942994

A Bullet to your head

struct some_struct data_structure[999];

linked list with a single item