Where should I start ?

Where should I start ?

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Honestly the best way to learn is to teach yourself - find things out on your own.

read the official documentation for a language of your choosing, if you're too brainlet for this read a few well reviewed books for the language of your choosing and then go back to the official documentation

x86 opcodes

install gentoo

The C Programming Language 2nd Edition

there honestly should be some kind of "so you want to start coding but you don't know where to start" thing in the sticky

>Orthodox approach
Learn the fundamentals like how the computer actually works and build up from there into low level code then higher level languages
>"I got laid off and need to respec my career" approach
Look for the most used in industry languages and learn them (if you're totally at a loss, learn shell scripting to get things down and move to scripting like lua/python and finally to compiled), while doing so publish everything to a github/gitlab to prove you are capable of working with what you know.

Automate the boring stuff
then some projects
then The C programming language
more projects
finish with SICP

Make a get script

html and css


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Baby steps
First, go on code.org and learn the basics of scratch
When you get tired of drag and drop but you understand vars, loops and ifs pick up a real language. Again, interpreted ones might be a better choice because you can ignore some less intuitive stuff. As long as it's not javascript or basic it should be OK. For python, automatetheboringstuff is a nice resource because you are able to learn through common problems, but whatever your choice remember to also rely on the documentation: tutorials will only help you so far and you are not guaranteed to find everything on stackoverflow

first you have to learn to count in binary

01 is 1 and 10 is 2

this. Once you reach a roadblock search up how to write the code. You’ll be taken to stackoverflow most likely, where you have the answer in front of you. Try to rewrite that answer or at the very least type it up instead of copy pasting with your mouse.

After moving the first steps, you will need to practice practice practice

Read others' code on github, subscribe to websites like project euler and Rosalind, learn how different paradigms help you solve your problem in different ways
Create a cookbook of small scripts and programs and share it
Answer questions, help other people who have no idea on how to start
Build a website

could probably fit 'how to design programs' in there somewhere

>Build a website

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only right answer

Some big book Java or C# programming plus search for web frameworks

android sdk(the only way you'll ever make money as a developer)
look at other source code
have good reference pdf handy

I should have written:
Build a dynamic website, if it's what you want
The point is, don't stay idle, do stuff

>install gentoo


sysads: python, perl, awk, bash
mathtards / data sciBWHAHAHA: python

All the rest: python, java, C, C++