Damn Jow Forums, what happened?
Damn Jow Forums, what happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
mods are faggots
nothing wrong
template-tier meme posts are equal to reddit user behaviour
>Ban a bunch of stuff that we dont like
>but dont compare us to reddit we are different
literally defend this
>brand-related banter deleted
Good. It's the most annoying aspect of Jow Forums.
Based mods
I dont post froges or wojaks but i never saw the deal with them, anime posters do the same shit with low quality threads but no one cares
>>but dont compare us to reddit we are different
it's active movement away from reddit, wojack and frogposting garbage are as reddit as you can get
>template-tier meme posts are equal to reddit user behaviour
Tell that to weebs.
>false flag text and brand related banter
Holy fucking based, fuck the /v/idiots who post that cancer.
Nooo AMD bros, we got too cocky posting we got too cocky intel memes!
Weebs belong here (anime website), redditors like you don't.
>mods actually doing their work
>template-tier meme posts are equal to reddit user behaviour except when they're my kind of templates
itoddlers btfo
since when do weebs post template tier meme posts?
peace in our time bois
Sounds like the mods are based
>go on my favourite site where its main focus is saying whatever you want without repercussions
>say nigger
bravo 4reddit
This, at least pepe and wojak are sometimes funny.
pepe and wojak are fine but banning pagliacci is a step too far, hiro.
Face the facts losers. Running an online yodeling forum costs money and that means users. nobody wants to use a site infested with cringey memes, porn, and other garbage other than loser neets who are too cheap to pay for anything they use online. If you want your perfect anarchy shitposting forum then you have to pay for it.
shut up hiro
>Confusing Jow Forums in general with /b/
Literally nothing of value was lost. Finally a good moderation change.
>we banned things we don't like
I had to double check that I didn't go on /v/ by accident.
This is you.
femMorty is a shit waifu just saying
>tranny commie mods deleting everything they don't like
yeah, fuck you
>waaah I can't derail threads with my garbage ;___;
I reported two NSFW porn images on Jow Forums today and they were not deleted. If the goal is to make Jow Forums more advertiser friendly, the mods clearly fail at that
amd poor guy detected
i like the meme edit,
but it would be better if it has swastikas,
so plz edit thx
Finally. Now ban Wojak. You should have done it in 2011, mods.
no bad boys allowed on 4channel, only Jow Forums
>everday until you like it
Banning stuff is essential to keep a board useful for its primary purpose. For example, indecipherable text is banned by a global rule because it is unwelcome and distracting everywhere. Porn is banned on blue boards because boards that allow porn tend to degenerate into nothing but porn dumps. Etc.
The internet got overridden by the LCD (lowest common denominator). Fewer and fewer websites will be enjoyable to their initial target audiences quicker than ever and there's nothing you can do about it.
>there's nothing you can do about it
You can't fight the general trend towards normalfags discovering you quicker, but you can add barriers to entry. A kanji or even kana captcha on Jow Forums would go a long way.
thank god
discuss actual technology you underage redditor
>Damn Jow Forums, what happened?
there is no free speech on the jewish internet
Kill yourself, retarded manchild animeposter
No racism outside of /b/ has always been a rule. Now they're enforcing it.
>t. butthurt shill who will have to actually work now, probably on reddit
What's wrong with APU pic ?
boards with pepe = boards that still fight to maintain its culture
boards with other shit = subverted jewish r*edditera fora
Why are Wojak and Pepe banned? Those images don't seem to be harmful to discussions. Also, you are brand new to Jow Forums if you thought this board was a free speech haven. Posting about Reddit was banned. Posting desktop threads was banned. Cryptocurrency discussions were banned. During the crypto hype, most of the threads on Jow Forums were people shilling whatever meme coin they invested in and people begging for crypto donations. I'm glad the mods stepped in because Jow Forums was a fucking mess.
You broke a rule, faggot. Stop bitching.
Yeah, /b/ is the anything goes board. A topical board has to be heavily moderated.
Tell me Jow Forums, have you ever been wrongfully banned?
A pic of the post would be nice.
Now the mod was right to ban you on this one. Just like this user. Racism isn't really allowed on 4channel it affects advertisement. So yeah he got you there user. You can say the N word on /b/ though
Ummm user... you posted porn
Good riddance.
Brand tribalism is dumb and boring.
Doesnt matter, rarely anyone moderates this shit board anyways
hey mods can we get a public ban for old time's sake
Seems okay to me.
When AMD CPUs and GPUs are the best bang for buck. You're right.
They still happen fairly regularly.
Based. 4chads like myself only post OC. Maybe now we'll see a renaissance again
>shitposts are credible
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
see a frogger
pull the trigger
idk maybe we are finally getting moderation? A few days ago I saw a shitty eceleb thread deleted.
I wish they would do that, but I like generals and then someone would remember to ban them, that’s the thing about controlling aspects of speech, as easy as it is to control one side that can also be applied to yourself so the only protection is to allow the invisible hand to control it, if it isnt what Jow Forums wants it will die without replies, if a general dies because a more popular android vs ios then I’m ok with that.
Not template tier meme post.
Difference between shitposting template meme posting, retard.
How easy is it to use a pass? Unironically considering it.