holy fuck, how is Apple so based??
Apple’s Anti-LGBT Emoji
>lets alienate 97% of our userbase
you dumb nigger. it's literally a glitch because the unicode character isn't spaced away from the emoji correctly
a thread died for this
t. androidfag butthurt his phone company isn’t BTFOing the SJWs
this, wtf lmao
reminds me of that tim cook speech in december where he said "we ban evil toxic people, they have no place on our platforms!1 basipaly we censor" and whenever he finished such a sentence the audience would cheer him up and he would immediately say "whyyyyy"
apple loooves to cut off ties with old shit
3% is the future, accept your fate.
>posting on a Jow Forums board for computers and thinking people hating fags isn't an attack on your existence
the fuck are you on about? apple has a literal homo as ceo
imagine if you could slap that forbidden symbol over any emoji. Hmmm
it could work
That's what I call based
t. 32 bit noob
Because it worked out so well for EA and Gilette
People will never understand how emoji work, let alone Unicode
If Jobs was alive it wouldn't be an accident. He told it how it was, he would be based as fuck.
well, they're being inclusive, strictly speaking
wtf i love apple now
and redpilled
maybe someone just really hates rainbows
just tested...
U+20E0 gives the enclosing circle with backslash, but the spacing is also not optimal for small emoji.
>"It's true. I've been a living a secret double life. I'm having an affair with Melinda Gates." - Steve Jobs 2011
video link? sounds interesting
>people assuming this is an intentional move on Apple's part
>people assuming that it's a software flaw
It's only a software flaw as much as it's a flaw that software allows the standard ASCII characters h, e, i, l, t, e and r to be combined into "heil hitler".
it's boring and typical nu-world faggotry a la "muh evil white supermercy" etc
about at the 1 minute mark and then roughly 20seconds later again
tldr massive disappointment
It’s a text glitch hyped up by twitter. Not an actual, standardized emoji.
Everybody go home.
So what you're saying is Apple hates faggots now
I am an SJW though
Thank you
I... can't...
What if I told you there is no such thing as a standardized emoji?
>standardized emoji
t. brainlet
>damage controlling enough to private your twitter feed
oh my
>by twitter
>t. itoddler
works fine on firefox
apple has never tweeted on that account. only applesupport
And it's going to be hilarious and sad, at the same time, that Apple is going to unironically issue an apology statement for something that wasn't their fault to appease idiots who think Apple now hates faggots.
oh yeah?
kys stupid damage controlling itoddler
Then fucking neck yourself
>Pajeets mad about this new anti streetshitting emoji
This is why I keep coming to Jow Forums
It's not even a glitch. It's a LGBT flag emoji plus a Unicode combining "no" symbol that's meant to combine with any other character. The only text rendering glitch is that the no symbol isn't centered over the flag.
why do you hate minorities?
wtf, i love apple now
its a combination of unicode. If you highlight each symbol you can see they're separate. also want to mention that the guy who found it was gay
Hey, more equality. They made a gay flag, why not an anti-gay flag?
Reminder that Satania is basically useless
I'm not seeing it on my iphone 8.
thank you BASED Tim Cook
haha i love being a racist homophobe.
this is Jow Forums after all, where we are all anonymous social rejects that hate from the showers or using sock-puppet accounts
hate from the shadows* lol
Fuck lgbt
That's an ad you mong, they don't show up to your followers or on your page
So you're saying apple tweeted?
It looks like part of the flag to me for the non LGBTQP, those who don't subscribe to one of the letters of the flags like pansexuals and transtesticles etc.
you are a pathetic icuck, and nothing more
based Satania
>oh fuck he asked why
no homo
ive been holding off updating my iphone because i dont want my battery getting jew'd. however, i think this might just be worth it.
That's a really bad forced meme. People here will literally argue with each other and disagree about anything.
If you're going to insult the culture here, please try harder than that.
LMAO with his soft as fuck "whyyyyyy"
LMAO he really was Steve's bottom bitch
what if i called you a retard?
hes a faggot with a lisp
the left is probably the most ill-witted gaggle of niggers and sodomites ever conceived by man.
The 'Q' is a catch-all for such faggots
>direct tweet to somebody
>1 retweet 1 like
no u
not seeing any news about this. Probably just a unicode glitch.
It's not even a glitch, it's just Unicode combining symbol.
>applel taking the blame for this
This, faggots are obsolete.
Arguing that Jow Forums is a hive mind is a bit of a reach. You could argue that we are like herding cats. That Jow Forums is so individualistic they can never get anything done of importance. That arguing over the most trivial things will be our downfall. Please come back with a better meme nice effort but put more thought into next time you fucking faggot cuck. Kek
Go suck a dick tranny. Or pull the trigger
I'm entirely for offending people, whoever they are and whatever their opinions. That should be Jow Forums's motto. Jow Forums shall not be a safe space for anyone.
>give people the ability to express just about anything through pictures
>people express something thats controversial
>take the blame because people are expressing something through pictures
I am laughing at this generation.
wtf i love apple now
>"evul s-jay-dableyou, kys
>"why" ?
I assure you, the reality you conceive is the utmost pity I can not fathom to give anymore.
Better to kill yourself than die in the day of the rope. That won't be pretty.
This turns me on
Wtf I love apple now?
>Jow Forums
Well then looks like you're lost, as you can see in your addressbar. Do you need directions?
What if I called you an autist? We're talking about how the emoji are rendered. Nobody is questioning that the two code points exist within unicode
well fuck...
wtf I love apple now?!