What programming language should I learn first?

What programming language should I learn first?

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Stop worrying about which one it is and start programming.

This is a question used to procrastinate. Just pick one and start.

I learned C first.


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it depends on what you're programming. since you're a beginner, you should be learning data structures+algos. I recommend C for this purpose.

NB. Sum the primes below 2 million
+/ i.&.(p:inv) 2000000

I learned to C first too, but isn't it hard for a beginner? I would say python JUST for start learning the basics

This guy, I started with haskell. But what he says is true, pick one and stick with it.


The easiest you can (most likely BASIC).
The thing you REALLY need to learn when learning programming is how to make your head create functions that do the shit you want, so you use a really simple language to get there instead of just juggling out the language itself.

But if you went the BASIC route, as soon you get the routine creating skill down, go learn C to "detox" yourself from the BASIC bad programming habits.

C isn't too hard if you use good resources to learn it. I learned C through K&R, hacking_art_of_exploitation, and tutorialspoint. Reading code from other programmers also helps

For OOP: Java
For scripting: Python
For Computer Engineering: Assembly

html and css

ignore everyone itt and learn Forth. it is literally the only language worth using

>For OOP
>For scripting
>For Computer Engineering
What if I don't know which one of those I want to do?

use Nim! it can be used in all these domains


Eh, start out with Python. It can be used for anything from web design (though you shouldn't) to embedded systems programming. If you decide from there that you want to know more about hardware, go for assembly. If you find you prefer building high-level applications, Java.


You have piqued my curiosity


I'd first fuck around in scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted (scratch), it's pretty good for learning programming concepts

then go learn java or python

then C++ or C

then you can either go further down the rabbit hole(Assembly), find another language(like rust), or just learn some shit like deep learning or 3d rendering.

If you look like that, I doubt that you will be able to run anything.


C is not hard at all for beginners. You'll learn the fundamentals like structures and datatypes. It makes sense to learn C first, because it's the base of many other languages

>It makes sense to learn Latin first because it's the base of many other languages.
If your end goal is to be able to speak French, why would you not just learn French to begin with?

To answer OP, "beginner languages" are a load of horseshit. Start with whatever language is the most useful for whatever you intend to be doing. If you want to be a disgusting webnigger then learn Javascript. If you want to pretend that you'll eventually be able to get a professional job then learn Java. If you want to dick around for several years trying to make a game that's never gonna come together because you're a no-talent hack then learn C#. If your goal is to make believe at being an actual programmer then learn some special snowflake tranny language like Ruby.

Lisp or Haskell, unironically.

I think people should just recommend good books/tutorials when asked that question.

As most people say, it doesn't really matter with which language you start

None it's an over crowded industry and other IT fields are more interesting and pay more outside of certain areas of america

>other IT fields
Like what?

devops :^)

Elixir or Forth.


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Can you please help me? You say Java is the one if you want to get a job but is that really true, I thought something like C or C++ would be. I want to get into programming but am not sure which language is actually useful for getting a job. I'm sure every company probably uses different language but still.

Attached: 2018-developer-job-listings-for-most-popular-programming-languages1.jpg (601x550, 68K)

What is DevOps?
Hard mode: explain with no buzzwords.

But are they real jobs or some codemonkey shit? I want to dedicate my time on something that is going to be worthy.

>real jobs or some codemonkey shit
What is a "real job" to you?

A job that doesn't put you to compete with pajeets.

you have two routes to go -
A> one, learn the cold hard basics from a book and be good.
B> two, fuck around, glue random things together, have some more fun but then learn the cold hard basics later anyways.

if you're gonna go A, learn C++ and then C.
if you're gonna go B, do python, or if you wanna use web browser do javascript (even more braindead to start) and eventually transition to A

>programming jobs that doesn't put you to compete with pajeets
They don't exist unless you have some kind of applicable expertise in another area like finance or science.

If the only thing you have going for yourself is the ability to code, then you're always going to be competing with the bottom of the barrel.

Lol this nigga is afraid of pajeets.

If I have to even see a pajeet in my job then I would rather not even bother with programming. Niggers are filtered by existing but pajeets will do anything for free so the kikes get really hard but they just to make even bigger problems.

>Niggers are filtered by existing but pajeets will do anything for free so the kikes get really hard but they just to make even bigger problems.

Attached: pooh.jpg (720x556, 60K)

>a pajeet can't read
As it should be, your time is going to end very soon.

the language of love

Can you fucks stop recommending python to him?
He will stick to python for the rest of his life if he learns python at the start, I had students come to me to learn C++ because python wasn't efficient enough for shit they needed either at work or university. The fuckers didn't even knew that when you make a variable it's saved on the RAM and not the HDD.... It's fucking autistic.

Don't be a fucking pussy, go learn C++ or at the very least C# and learn how memory works, how your
processor works, etc... If you learn C++ you will be able to basically fly through any other language.

After that have fun in web stuff, there's a lot to do on the web that gives instant rewards to your brain, as it's super easy. So you taste both words, and you can pick which one you like :

C++/C#/Java(justdontthislanuageisshit)/Haskell/etc.. | Time consuming to type shit in them compared to the ones below but Waaaaaaaaay more efficient.

Python/WebInGeneral(css/html/js)/bash/etc.. | These are super quick to write and to think, but they are super inefficient, especially python, Python is up to about 400 times slower than C++ and that applies to most scripting languages, they are way slower than C++/C#/Java(plsdont)/etc...

Attached: nonono.png (500x505, 194K)

Trump's a cuck,he will import more dot-indians and there's nothing you can do about it.

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For OOP: C# not java

It's literally the most shit tier programming language ever, it's so fucking badly optimized it's actually fucking
disgusting, 90% of the people that will use shit you make are going to be on windows, so why not use C# or... Dare I say, C++ ( God Tier )

Attached: javacs.png (2518x1132, 274K)

You can do all sorts of fun stuff, like hack cookie clicker.

C because it's very basic


Depends what you want to end up doing

>Full On Software Engineering
Start with C, get the book written by the creator of C and the book with the wizard on it and the floating lambda to learn about algo structure, 0 notation, memory manegment, all that fun stuff.

>2nd tier, Gaming
C++, same books

>3rd tier Datascience/Cybersecurity/Network admin

get good with scripting languages, start with Python, many tuts online for babys first language

>4th tier Webdev
Javacript, but might as well learn the whole webstack HTML,CSS,Javascript,SQL

Java is code monkey
Python is data science/sysadmin scripting (as a replacement to Perl)
Javascript is webdev cancer
C++ is performance critical code monkey
C# is Microsoft code monkey
PHP is boomer tier webdev cancer
Perl is boomer tier sysadmin scripting

I started with C++, work with JS and Perl and use Python when it's reasonable or for personal projects.
Most of the kids that started with C++ in my class (as in all of them bar 3) didn't know or care what an "HDD" was. They just picked the course because "computers are easy".
I don't think what language you learn first matters as much as you think it does.

Whether or not you end up a codemonkey is up to you. The language is irrelevant