In exchange for all ads and tracking disappearing from the internet for good, would you be willing to pay $1/month (or $0.10 per 24 hours) for every website?
In exchange for all ads and tracking disappearing from the internet for good...
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Absolutely not, I want all websites that have revenue to die
No. Then websites will be regulated by someone. Ads were fine when weren't obnoxious like they became and as a result adblockers became mainstream.
Hobby internet projects are better than online shit that exists to make money. See websites and youtube videos.
No, that's way too much if you browse more than just facebook and reddit.
Besides, you'd need some form of tracking anyway to implement this.
Website owners would have to be able to check if visiting IP's have paid them yet.
Nope. I will continue to use Ad Nauseum which fakes clicks and costs these butt fucking sites mad cash, though.
You dumb shit I can already get the first half of that with an add-on
I already pay $40/mo for internet, fuck off.
Everything I view with that internet should be free of cost and also ads, I don't give a fuck.
fuck off kike
What do you mean "for every website"? $1 for each website, or $1 for all websites combined?
If the latter, most definitely. I already pay $14 a month for no ads on youtube alone.
Pop-ups and spam email weren't fine.
>I already pay $14 a month for no ads on youtube alone.
>$14 per month
>Instead of clicking "Skip ad" 5 seconds in
I hope you are satisfied with your purchase, because that seems fucking retarded to me.
No need to pay for that shit. On computers you can just install an adblock extension of choice to solve that. On phones get Vanced youtube/newpipe to get rid of ads.
$14 is nothing to me, paying in instead of waiting 5 seconds for every one of the ~300 youtube videos I watch a month is a no-brainer
Adblocking is immoral
Sure, I'd pay 1$/domain I visit each month if you kill off every ISP so that internet itself is free (as it should be).
>Adblocking is immoral
Kill yourself
>clicking "Skip ad"
can't tell if bait or not
>Kill yourself
I rest my case
adds are immoral
they literally brainwash you and yous all kind of psychic tricks to sell you shit
I wouldn't. I would, however, be fine with a budget of, say, $100/m which gets distributed to all websites I've used that month through a key of my choosing (tracking the number of visits locally or some shit like that).
That money would be transferred to some crypto address and could be claimed by proving ownership of the domain.
If you think that, you are welcome to pay for removing the ads like I do.
why would i pay for that are you dumb ?
>paying for something you can get for free
Sub-Saharan IQ
Nah, I'd just stop browsing those websites.
>using addons made by literal jews
You really are spoiled children. Thinking you are entitled to everything you want for free. Real leeches on society.
I might be willing to mine crypto while browsing them, no point in having 4 cores and some fancy GPU if i'm using 10% of them reading text or streaming anime
wanna pay me 50 dollars for me to not rape your children every month too?
I pay the content creators who choose to forgo ads, not the hosting site for giving you the courtesy of lubing up before attempting to fuck you.
Imagine having a website where you put your opinion no one cares to read
Imagine asking for money to read your shit opinion
If you can't afford to pay for domain and simple server to host your shitty blog, so MAYBE get a fucking job or delete your shitty blog?
OTHERWISE if you have traffic, sell service or product. Not a fucking access to your shitty website.
I want to fuck every blog owner who asks for money in the ass with dragon dildo till they fucking bleed!
how the fuck asking for money to read a website became a norm?
Not raping my children is not a service, it is the norm. There's no need to pay for something that is expected of everyone anyways. Youtube however is providing an extraordinary service. There is no expectation of anyone to provide millions of hours of entertainment to the whole world like they do, so youtube can charge a for it because it's worth it. You don't even have to pay money if you don't want, you can pay by viewing ads. But not paying and not also viewing ads is taking advantage of them, increasing the price for everyone else. You are stealing from society.
>Imagine having a website where you put your opinion no one cares to read
>Imagine asking for money to read your shit opinion
I have 37 reasons why it's nothing personnel, kid. number 29 will shock you
youtube DOES NOT provide entertainment. the creators do
>Youtube however is providing an extraordinary service.
It's literally a publisher, and deserves to be sued. It hides behind the facade of "We are just a platform," but they've banned people who haven't actually broken any rules, while still allowing channels that DO break rules to continue going. That's not an amazing service. It's absolute shit, and it deserves to be taken behind the barn and killed by Bitchute.
Advertisers should die. Literally make everything way worse, and also take most budget.
Oh... Right... I forgot there are actually people who likes these """journalists"""...
mother fucking fuck, website was not meant to have revenue, it costs fucking nothing to ctrl+c ctrl+v
does it now huh punk?
if your site cant handle the traffic/load whatever, shut it down.
I want private forum/bbs back so I'd kill the majority of the web without any regret.
I don't give a shit about the jobless shitheads that, for once, will have to start moving their fat asses and do something useful.
And what "society" are you enabling by paying the idiots to stop selling you things?
Advertising is amoral, the internet is meant to be an entirely free platform, and not be monetized in any way.
If google wants to continue to try and find ways to jew us they can go ahead, but I will continue using my web browser the way it was meant to be used, which is blocking any and all ads.
how bout limiting the ad-space on a website to a single banner occupying no more than 10% of visible screen area.
How do you sleep at night knowing your shilling is actively contributing to a worse world? Are the 5 shekles per post worth it user?
All major browsers are made by Jews anyway, what's the difference?
Adblocking is just protection from malware these days. Even fucking YouTube has given up the goat and is showing malware ads on their site.
>>Adblocking is immoral
There's one person on yt that I don't mind to give ad revenue, all the others can fuck themselves
blocking adds is everything in this world sure, how fucking brainwashed are you
>Youtube however is providing an extraordinary service.
>There is no expectation of anyone to provide millions of hours of entertainment to the whole world like they do, so youtube can charge a for it because it's worth it.
this is not how it works. You don't give food to the homelesses for free but then complain you don't have enough money for you.
youtube wanted to be the free plateform where everyone can post with little to no restrictions, they now morally can't force the viewers to see ads because they were nice guys at some point.
Im ok with crowdfoundings and opt-in ads (like utip) but it's not ok to lure content creators and viewers then ask them to do their part.
>But not paying and not also viewing ads is taking advantage of them, increasing the price for everyone else.
the price for who exactly? Google? the multi billions dollar company? I'm ok with this, they can/will survive.
>You are stealing from society.
in 2019, ad means tracking, they waste your brain power and steal your personal informations to make even more money. And you dare saying the viewer is the stealer?
>Adblocking is immoral
Oh no, quite the opposite. Hogging your attention with ads is the truely immoral act.
Nope. Why don't websites stop trying to get the planet's traffic? Back in the old days you could host a simple website and get your thousands of hits per month and everything was fine. Now they want thousands of hits per minute or they fucking throw a fit.
Youtube doesn't "provide" any content anyway. It's simply a streaming site with monetization features. It's also a brainwashing machine.
Any other site can easily replace it and it's likely that several will over time. It's having trouble in the developing world too, the super heavy requirements are making it less popular in places like India and the FSU where ten year old desktops are your average machine.
Soon the whole site will just be a WebASM "app" in your browser window, you'll have no idea what it's doing, no way to get the "protected content" and all links will be AMP links.
nope, fuck advertising agencies, fuck mainstream media, fuck hollywood, fuck communism, fuck botnet, fuck tracking
Semantics. The platform provides a service to the creators and thus it is party to thank for the creator's work, because it would cost much more for the creator to make and distribute the same content without youtube. Besides, ad and premium money doesn't go just to youtube, it goes to the creators as well.
I have no idea what kind of mental gymnastics you have to do to decide that stealing is contributing to a better world.
The only option that'll ever work is a browser button that when clicked, sends $0.01 to the website, and they reload you the page without adds.
You load up $5 a month, enough to de-add 500 pages.
Who the fuck would pay $0.10 for a site when they know they only want one page?
At cent per page, it's 10x what the page would get from adds, and people would do it so often that they'd be happy to pay $5 a month to recharge or whatever.
You could also let people run miners in the background on their machines when they're not doing anything, which would slowly build up their credits, and would shut off the moment they wanted their machines for browsing.
Its free of bust, all paid content on the interned can go and die in a fire.
Brave is on the right track. Really, they should ad-block the page by default, and pay you to deactivate it (obviously, Brave should get a cut, as they are providing the safe, curated advertisements to you as the middleman). If the money isn't worth the hassle of advertisement, then you don't see ads. It forces advertisers to actually pay you respectably for your time, and make sure the ads are good, instead of some horse shit like that recent Gillette ad, which had nothing to do with their products.
I already pay my ISP for the internet
>$1/month for every website
fuck no
bad ads infecting your pc is the equivalent of raping kids because an infected PC can be used to pay for child porn, dipshit
Should you also get free stuff from amazon because you already paid for the streets?
should a store also get free money from people just looking at their clothes?
Lol no. Most content worth anything the content creators create because they want to and don't expect to get shit from it. Those that create content just for the money usually produce complete garbage that's not worth paying for. If your content is good people will happily pay without the need to force them to, see patreon. Now try locking your garbage content behind a paywall and see what happens.
>physical vs digital comparison
neck yourself
My point is that your payment for the internet is only for the transport layer eg. the streets. If you think paying for it is enough. What should be included? Everything that you can get from the internet? Is it also a game / movie / program / music flat rate that get's paid by your ISP from what you are paying?
the streets is everything my man, big companies are just blocking(torrents, free FTPs they used to exist) what they dont like and forcing you to pay.
So yea everything
my point is that we're simply entering your site (store) and looking at things (clothes) we shouldnt be fucking bombarded by 3rd parties inside your fucking store that try to infect us with HIV and AIDS since you're already paying rent (web hosting)
like people already said, have a good product or service and people will pay you and you dont need fucking ads, you lazy fucking cunt.
I'm 100% with you. But paying the ISP has nothing to do with that.
then i hope you're not american because that's what they are trying to do to kill competition on the internet by buying up all the content and media companies so they can force you to pay extra to access other websites
thanks for the idea
I'm not. Sauce? user told me that the net neutrality withdrawal had only positive effects and stuff like that not happens. Was he lying?
every fucking week there's some new shit about it. check level1tech news on youtube
You were able to block popups and close them.
Now if you try you cant close them because permanent warning messages.
I wouldn't mind paying a certain amount per request served, not for time. Paying for time doesn't make sense when the medium can be copied and cached and when the expense is really just hosting.
If they want people to pay for the generation of content then they can go ask for a monthly or per-post donation (patreon style).
>every website
No, that'd cost a shit tonne. Every time I want to look something up or even follow a link off Wikipedia I'd be screwed, eventually anyway.
It's not even feasible, how would "every website" recieve these payments?
>In exchange for all ads and tracking disappearing from the internet for good, would you be willing to pay $1/month (or $0.10 per 24 hours) for every website?
I run my own website (at my own server) with a multitude of services beside it (XMPP, IRC, Matrix, MPD), and I cover the costs by myself (not much really).
So, I don't think it makes sense to pay for others what I offer for free - at least so long I don't have to REALLY expand the infrastructure.
I think that we should decentralize the web and federate, that way users can guarantee their freedoms and rights, while server operators can have a much lower bar to entry.
Ad blocking is theft
Why would I, when I can pay $0?
No, that's why I use an adblocker
Clearly you don't remember how bad were ads BEFORE adblockers.
If i HAD any MONEY i WOULD be willing to.
But since me and EIGHTY percent of my generation don't have any money BY DESIGN of the way our economy is set up, we can't.
>thinking information can be property
Try selling the confidential blueprints and schematics of an F-35 that you printed out at home and see how that floats with the government.
imagine the smell
>Haven't checked Ad Nauseum in ages
>Look now
>Realise my laptop has been being a little botnet for me