There are people who unironically think a quad core and 8gb of ram is more than enough in #currentyear

>there are people who unironically think a quad core and 8gb of ram is more than enough in #currentyear

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all I think is that it's enough for me

I’m not 14 and I don’t have enough downtime to enjoy playing games with literal children like every single FPS title. Good job justifying your frivolous purchasing habits though.

There's less children in older or abandoned games. Those can still be fun. In quake live don't think I've really seen kids.

I play Doom 2 on zDaemon once in a while and Half Life Deathmatch. Playing games like OP’s is fucking retarded

get high rank in csgo and you wont find children, you can beat them to get above them right user ?

> unironically

Quad core? Pic related does just fine, as do my 8gb of RAM

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>get high rank in csgo and you wont find children
>instead you get manchildren
dropping that shit game was one of the best decisions i've ever made. apart from playing with my mates from hs i don't play games at all.

You are not high and mighty just by having no interest in playing video games.

Actually I am lol you're playing a game with fucking children as your opponents

Ever heard of single player? That still exists you know.

> there are people who unironically think Windows 10 is resource-efficient and should be installed on their PC's.

Lmao how the fuck do you get entertained by a modern single player game? I haven't played a good game since like 2007.

>smart but lazy
>plays video games all the time
>wonder's why (s)he is depressed

I hope this doesn't describe you, user

how the fuck do you get entertained by playing Half Life deathmatch in 2019

My friend plays PUBG on a dual core CPU.


yeah, you tried spam this shit at Jow Forums and nobody cared about it

wow thats overclocked as fuck


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Fast paced gameplay and no fucking kids



Opinion discarded


works for me, and it was almost free.

Ikr, it's actually more like 4gb
fuck gaymes

Yike and yike

In quake live we're all 30+ and it's sort of like the boomer version of discord we just hang out and shoot the shit while fraggin

>video games
Alright summer friend.

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I'm on an i5 from 2012 and 6 gigs of RAM
I just installed my first SSD the other day
It's not a matter of being poor or wealthy
It's that I don't care as long as it works for what I need

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I can unironically do everything I need to on a Q6600, 8GB, GTX660ti and 1TB SSD.

Unless you have a 2080ti paired wirh it, it really doesnt matter at all


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You don't? Do you play battle royales or other badly designed meme games instead or something?

>gaming on windows
Found your problem

i'm a mechanic who works 42 hours a week. yet I still find time to sit down and play video games.

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Do you have a family?

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I have the exact setup you described but even when playing games (even the newest directx shut) on multimonitor setup I don't have any performance hit and all runs fluent.

Do you know? When I boot my Gentoo and log in it uses 1% of all CPUs total and uses 100MB ram. Non ironically thanks to Vulkan Windows games run better on GNU/Linux than Windows.
I consistently have better FPS with my 10 year old Gentoo install than a week old Windows 10 install for Windows games.

6 cores and my gtx 660 are plenty for my faitos

>winblows 10
fucking retard

Attached: System.png (1631x931, 181K)

meh, i love abandon ware but sometimes you have to mix things up

My desktop (windows server 2019) got 32gb ram, quad core i7 6700k with hyperthreading and a GTX 1070. I must say that newer games use a lot of RAM so i had to get 32GB because I run a few virtual machines on this build too. My laptop on work (win10 ltsc) got a dual core 6th gen i5 with hyperthread and 8gb RAM, which is fine with Office, remote desktops and web browsing. It runs a lot of different stuff and never had trouble with RAM usage. My i7 4910 quad core Thinkpad T440p with 16gb RAM running Arch Linux is just overkill...

t. satan

Wrong, 2 cores and 8GB is more than enough.


Why even bother buying a k-processor if you don't overclock it?