Twitch is now starting to reduce video quality if you use a different tab while still using twitch..
How do you fix this?
Twitch is now starting to reduce video quality if you use a different tab while still using twitch..
How do you fix this?
fuck off to
Just use streamlink you fucking idiot.
just click the quality you want
They reduce it when your tab is unfocused no matter what setting you choose.
I like spamming epic memes.
do something productive you child
if you keep doing nothing you wont get enough money/resources/skills built up to take advantage of the coming economic crash
Stream through vlc
>What are youtube-dl and mpv
Surprised people legitimately still watch videos inside their browser. How retarded are you idiots. There are remote execution vulns for still images and you even load multiple trackers and ads in addition
Indifferent because i can only watch it in 480p anyway.
Streamlink instead of youtube-dl? Any particular reason, or are they interchangable?
>open stream in mpv
>right click and make mpv always stay on top
>drag window over paused web player
So hard. Now you can watch your favorite e-celeb do fortnite dancing asmr in high quality.
good idea desu
No that does not work.
Also why aren't you mad that websites can detect when your focused or not on the page.. Big invasion of privacy.
Click on the chat box so you are still focused on the window and can spam le epic funny frogs.
This is the best way to watch Twitch.
Doesn't happen for me with Twitch playing on one monitor and me using another browser window on another monitor.
By growing up and not wasting your time in that trash.
prices? dafuq?
>Allowing websites to know when your tab is focused or not
Imagine being this much of a pathetic normie
just remove the shit from the browser source. all the good browsers are open source so you can remove useless botnet features like tab switching detection that has no reason to exist
you can pop out a chat-only window you retard. then just watch the stream in mpv or vlc or some shit
>do something productive you child
>said a guy on a peruvian choral singing forum
okay tough guy
what are you using to access the internet
and accessing to this fucking page just so you can shitpost all day long
Twitch seems like such a shit platform at times. Although I guess I understand why, given that they're streaming live video for god knows how many people at a given time, this sort of thing probably demands a lot of their time and resources. So then they ignore other 'smaller' things in the process.
Biggest peeve is when the video stops abruptly and gives a mundane error without refreshing the page. Hate having to so manually every stream.
Just tab, or window/application?
Either way, that is something that needs to have a toggle in the player if it's going to exist at all to stop idiots who leave everything at default from wasting bandwidth.
What pisses me off more than this is the fact that the browser records screen resolution and sends that data to websites.
It sounds like a good thing. You're not watching the video so why do you care?
>watching streams
Streamlink twitch gui + chatty
Because once I go back to the tab, the video looks like 360p shit and takes a while to back to source quality.
Watch it in pop-up mode constantly and you'll be fine.
What can be done to prevent websites from knowing that you're using a different tab to surf another site?
I've used DDL sites that have timers and the clock will stop if you don't have the tab open AND have the browser focused. You literally have to stare at a timer.
Have a bump, OP, since everyone on this board is a fucking autist who forgets they're not adults because they're hanging out on an anonymous anime website for losers who were too retarded to socialize properly.
If OP had just phrased it like the user did in he might've gotten some reasonable replies. You have to play your audience. Jow Forums generally doesn't like it when /v/edditors come in asking for free tech support related to their dumb hobby
twitch is botnet
you have to be 18 to use this site
browsers do stuff like limit resources and stop rendering videos of unfocused tabs. It would be difficult to completely get rid of the ability of a site to detect if it's focused or not. But I don't know how advanced their detection is.
Who cares what nerds like? They're a lower class of people than normies or gamers. They should just be happy anyone is asking them about their cringe tech hobbies.
Does about:config have an option for this?
Stream through MPV, mainly.
Also, why the hell do you care? It's saving you RAM. Is it because it sees when you're not on Twitch?
Jow Forums is just afraid of new things
Amazed no one mentioned the user script twitch5
Use a browser that will not cuck you out
>above tech literates