What makes the 1080 TI so great? It's not the top benchmark for GPUs, isn't exceptional for its price over competition...

What makes the 1080 TI so great? It's not the top benchmark for GPUs, isn't exceptional for its price over competition, and yet it's installed fucking everywhere. Every normie PC gamer has one of these fucking things.

Attached: 81waD0eVSCL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1141, 182K)

You couldn't afford the 1080ti could you? That's okay, tell us what card you're running so we can laugh at you.

RTX 2060, but I got it on sale for $315.

>bought a card thats slower than my 1070 with RT cores so weak it cannot even run raytracing which is useless anyway.

later this year when AMD launches the Navi10 for 249$ and it destroys your 2060 I fully expect you to kill yourself.

If you got it on sale it was basically the best GPU you could get for

Up until the 2080Ti it was the top-tier card that wasn't a Titan and if you kept your eyes open you could get one for $500-$600. It's still probably the best price/performance card for nvidia.

The price gap between it and all the other lumped together cards (Vegas and 1070Ti/1080) was still low enough to get a lot of buyers that want/need the performance bump for higher res/refresh gaming. It also helps that it was the only card at that performance level until now, and even now it's still the best value proposition for anyone who wants to play new graphically intensive games at a resolution at 1440p+.

>"Just wait" posturing for AMD again

There is NO INFORMATION about Navi for you to base that on. Why are you so fucking stupid?

Don't use the made up bullshit slides from the Scot either

>slower than my 1070
But it isn't.

It's not a big enough bump in speed over the 1070ti to warrant it for me. Then again I have an RX550, soooooo...

Here we fucking go again.

No compete from AMD

It was the first real GPU for truly high resolutions.

I am using QtChan

Literally it just werks, god tier performance without being a housefire and basically it was the 8800gt of this decade.

>t. vendor stuck with old stock

Attached: 1549124136075.gif (256x256, 206K)

I have the same card, I'm gonna get a 7nm xx80 whenever it comes out. It'll be perfect for 1440p 144hz gayming

The middle path is the way, faggots.
The lords of GREAT VALUE gave us the 1060.
Be thank.

Is the 1070Ti viable in 2019?

This. RX 580 though

The RX 590 is still viable in 2019. Unless you're a spaz and need to run literally everything at 4k graphics, a 1070 will still run damn near every new release at 1080p and 60+fps.

>slower than my 1070
Lol try again, it's at least as fast as a 1070 ti

It just works™

But seriously, it's an ideal card for 1080p 144hz and even decent 1440p if you're running a 60-75hz monitor.

And they overclock like mad lads, got an ASUS Cerberus model and it boosts perfectly stable up to 2076mhz core clock up from the stock boost of 1746mhz with some 500mhz extra on the memory.

A 2060 is faster than a 1070. 2060 is a great card.

t. 1070 owner

Attached: Speccy.png (761x503, 21K)

>What makes the 1080 TI so great?
I can play all my games at 1440p 120+fps and it's just a great card with no useless rt cores.
>isn't exceptional for its price over competition
When I built my computer, I didn't want to skimp on the gpu. so I got the best one on the market.
>and yet it's installed fucking everywhere.
I think the 1060 is more popular desu

>slower than my 1070
Keep fucking coping. Even the 1070 Ti is slower than the RTX 2060.

>Graphics cards
Back to /v/ with you children

>It's not the top benchmark for GPUs

But that's exactly what it is to this day. Sure, the 2080 Ti is the best right now but it's expensive as shit and in a league of it's own.

The 1080 Ti / 2080 / Radeon V (sort of) are basically the best cards on the market right now, hence the 1080 Ti IS top benchmark.

Reason why it's so popular still is because when it came out it dominated the marked as the best GPU around and, as stated above, even today it dominates. Also, 2080 offers insignificant performance gains for a bigger price, and RTX and DLSS are currently meme-tier tech which are still to prove themselves. As for Radeon V, well, why the hell would I buy an intermediate product rushed in order to have something on the table before Navi when I can buy a matured GPU that's evolved up until every bit of power was squeezed from it.

Also it's god tier for 1080p 144Hz gaming and to this day runs any game you throw at it.

I'm currently replaying Witcher 3 on 1080p with 4K DSR and it looks and feels absolutely glorious.

>slower than my 1070
Nigga pls

Attached: relative-performance_2560-1440.png (500x770, 45K)

agree a lot with this
2080 is a marginal improvement while being more expensive
radeon vii is workstation gpu rebranded and a stopgap. it serves well a niche of people with very specific uses.

So glad I returned my 590 and bought a used 1070 instead. 1080p looks absolutely disgusting after playing on 4k and 1440p. It looks blurry as fuck.

The results are somewhat skewed by the fact that Pascal FE cards weren't factory overclocked, whereas Turing ones are (and have a better open cooler to reduce throttling). The 1080 Ti is faster than the 2080 in many games overclock versus overclock, for example.

This, wait for Navi.
GTX 1080 Ti performance for $250

>295w tdp and its 5 percent slower than a 2016 GPU
Jesus christ that's fucking awful, and it wasn't always like this with AMD.

t. HD7970 owner

How much do gpu's in bong pounds cost compared to the dollar at launch? I'm new to this and was planing on upgrading to a used 1080 ti in a year or so to compete with the new consoles. Any links for details about navi or is it all just speculation?

The dumb reviewer didn't enable DX12 in Civ IV
1080 ti is only 2.6% faster without the game

Attached: civilization-vi_2560-1440.png (500x570, 38K)

and this is what VII is like on DX12

Attached: a2ffbf77-cfa8-413e-bce1-29a91fe8c3a8.png (757x831, 46K)

>1080Ti has better minimum fps

I've swapped my 1070ti for 1080ti and you're wrong.

Indians and generally poor people gathering together to spread generous amout of bs.
If you can afford it (i.e. answer is yes if you're an adult): Just get a 2080ti and get over with it.

>isn't exceptional for its price
It is. It beats 2080 for half the price.

It's funny how I will upgrade to Navi even though it will likely perform same as my 1070. Because I am fucking fed up with novideo bullshit. And I got micron version too which is even worse than normal 1070.

You can get them used for dirt cheap and they beat a 2080 for less than half the price.

>What makes the 1080 TI so great?

It's not AMD

I was fixing to say...

>they beat a 2080
Try again
