Presentation doesn't matter

So tell me, Linux users, which one would you rather play?

Attached: compare.png (1600x600, 906K)

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The MS version plays an unskippable full screen ad when you run it. Linux, please.

The linux one looks better.

Linux since I could just change the background to be green if I wanted to.

Don't know what you're talking about, OP. Linux one unironically looks better even at a glance, but looking more closely, the windows version looks like a fisher-price tier toy.

left has worse graphics but looks way comfier, so left.

step aside plebs

Attached: solitaire-exe-playing-cards-3.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=max&q=60&w=1000&s=1c03c (593x430, 57K)


Attached: 1548734944350.jpg (528x487, 76K)

>which one would you rather play?


Attached: Screenshot_20190220_205102.png (1386x821, 1019K)

Ok, so yeah. Bait like this is just sad. You should feel ashamed of an effort like this. It is seriously like going to /pol and saying literally anything political. No effort, no reward.

F - Please see me after class.

Attached: 1574262078_preview_solitaire-klondike.jpg (1000x679, 226K)

I will play windows version. Literally better good looking, non shit like Linux version.

get fucked op

You're clearly OP samefagging though anyways.


Attached: solvitaire-freecell.png (738x461, 28K)

Based. Old software is so comfy. Feels like it was made with love and it was before companies realized they could get away with writing software openly hostile towards it users.

Attached: 1537716318834.jpg (1620x1080, 132K)

Computers aren't for games. Grow up.

This guy understands.

Attached: ie9su1ivf3421_1.png (640x784, 565K)

Probably this in either case.

But on Windows you play with AV warnings, hour long updates and the Microsoft botnet as well as multiple installed botnets are watching you.

On Linux you'd just be playing solitaire.

Attached: pysol.jpg (1366x678, 143K)

Post the original.

what OS?

Someone implemented Tetris on TempleOS

Don't bother with that one, it is bloat. No control over any processes, no security. All graphics, no substance.

>cherrypicking some lame version of solitaire instead of aisleriot which looks completely normal

Attached: aisleriot.jpg (714x763, 138K)

windows obviously


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1024x600, 85K)

a fucking foot

win 95, 98, xp, vista, and 7 all had better looking solitaires than the UWP win10 cancer garbage one.
the built in linux one has an eyeraping clash between the cards and the background but other than that it isnt too bad and i'm sure you can kustomize its appearance anyway.
I always preferred to your built in dogshit. 710+ better looking solitaire games. what are you, poor?

>using GNOME card back on fucking KLONDIKE, IT'S RIGHT THERE, THE K, K FOR KDE, Jow ForumsLON/D/IK/E/

loonix is shit.


Fuuuuck. I remember when literally EVERYONE played that every damn waking hour. It was like Tetris or Angry Birds at that time.

Attached: Nostalgia.jpg (729x488, 423K)