Imagine, in 10 years we will have shit like this with actually better specs and build quality for 1/10th the price from companies like Xiaomi.
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I don't think it will take quite that long for the Chinese to steal the technology.
>implying this isn't another fad product
If Samsung is legitimately serious about this then I expect integration into a mainline series such as the Note instead of it being it's own series of devices
Actually let me rephrase that, if ANYONE is serious about a folding screen then it should be integrated into a existing flagship/mainline series of phones because no one is going to bother with some special folding line but they will buy a MI or a Note
The technology is to raw and expensive, that's literally the point. No company would put in into their mainline and ruin it, at least not yet.
man, that is freaky
I can only imagine, because I don't see how and why anyone would want this.
why the hell should I want it?
Tripling the price of established line of products to please idiots like you sounds like a great marketing strategy.
>Imagine, in 10 years
Yeah, I'll be almost 40 years old. Nice.
I hope by watching this microsoft will rethink their Microsoft Courier
10 years from now I will have grown up and not give a shit anymore
It's already better than Sammy's design, what the fuck worst korea?
Look on the bright side, you got to live life before all this tech completely controlled our lives, you got to play outside with your friends instead of snap chatting each other. You got to ride around in your buddy's car in highschool without being connected to everything and everybody, without worrying about fucking Facebook notifications or whatever other app kids are using these days. You still get to buy some foldable tech BS when you're older. You'll probably still be shitposting in 10+ years.
>"in 10 years"
Yeah just wish your life away bro, and 10 years from that technology will be even better, who would have guessed?
Spoken like a true boomer.
im telling you now the present future is better.
I'm not going to tell you why because why ruin a good thing? I finally have achieved understanding and peace and just want to become a ubermensh.
>in 10 years
more like 2-3 years you fucking brainlet
They already have prototypes themselves
that's a good point haha fuck you zoomers
zoomer told status: []
Here's a conversation I had with my daughter, she's in 2nd grade.
>I can't wait until I'm in 5th grade
>Because when you're in 5th grade you got so many friends, and they let you bring your phone to school.
Gosh every day I can't get over how different things are. When I was a kid nobody had phones unless you were a grown up and really rich. They didn't even have screens and couldn't watch videos
>Wow, did you even have sinks?? I'm glad I wasn't alive back then
Well, it wasn't too bad. There weren't as many phones but people worried a lot less
>Yeah, I worry a LOT .... :(
Aw sweetie what do you worry about???
>I worry about when we have the lockdown drills, I worry it's happening for real, I worry about when it will happen.
I know that isn't totally related to tech, but it just made me think. Also, I asked my sister (9th grade teacher) if the vape epidemic was real. She said one of her students came up to her super concerned and was like
>Ms user.....I wanted to let you know..........Sammy was juuling in the bathroom................I saw it on Snapchat.
Yeah, I'm probably just being a nostalgia-fag, but I'm 30 and happy with where I am now and what I've lived through. I stopped being "excited" about new tech as soon as I started working in IT, so if I need to wait until I'm 40 to get a fancy folding phone doesn't bother me. I'll still be shitposting in 10 years.
Wasn't trying to get anybody told, I was just trying to convince some 30 year old that his life isn't bad because folding phones won't become mainstream and affordable until he's 40 (in reality it will be a lot sooner anyways.)