/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds; click on blue titles to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on some MSI mobos)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600/X - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>i7 8700/K or i7 9700K - Extreme setup with RTX 2080/Ti
>R7 2700/X or i9 9900K - VM Work / Streaming / Video editing

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000CL15 or 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
>8GB RX 570, RX 580, and GTX 1060 are standard choices
>RTX 2060 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>RTX 2060 is standard
>RTX 2080 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
2160p (4K)
>RTX 2080 is standard
>RTX 2080Ti is better for 4K but expensive

>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless


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Other urls found in this thread:


I have a 4gig 980 GTX, should I sell it to get a 1660 ti? I've been reading the speculation and I'm trying to figure out how much more performance I would get. Shit sucks because I paid like five hundred bucks for it a few years ago literally right before they announced the thousand series.

Wait for the benchmarks, dude. If there's no delays, it will come out on the 22nd.

Going to buy the R6 Define and a 360 mm AIO cooler for my next build and was wondering a bit about optimal air flow, from testing I've seen a 360 AIO cooler has lower temperatures once moved to the front as it is further removed from the other components.

How much of a benefit would buying an extra set of fans at the top be? And what is their optimal configuration, intake or exhaust?

Attached: sss.png (1221x821, 15K)

good thinking, if I'm correct a 980 is close to a 1060 nowadays. I'll just eBay this bitch.

You could just take the 2 140mm fans that come with the case and put them as exhaust on the top and it would make a considerable difference.
Otherwise any decently power hungry GPU would be breathing in its own farts in there with only 1 fan working as exhaust.

Gentle reminder to lay off your 1440p monitor purchase until this comes out
>IPS 1440p 144hz made by LG
>1ms guaranteed
>better than normal IPS panels
>better quality control guaranteed
this is of course if you're not a poorfag of the highest order

Yeah good thinking, exhaust makes most sense but I'm wondering where the heat dissipates exactly considering it has a top that is closed.


Into the trash it goes.

No thanks, I've better things to spend 1500 bucks on

Prebuilt 4 bay NAS or build my own with pcpartpicker.com/list/D73wQZ
Initial list without the storage drives.
Seems like prebuilt is initially cheaper but the drives aren't as easily pulled.

Attached: 1544918882568.jpg (720x687, 67K)

Shitty mobo, just noticed this note:
>The motherboard M.2 slot #2 shares bandwidth with a SATA 6.0 Gb/s port. When the M.2 slot is populated, one SATA 6.0 Gb/s port is disabled.


Attached: 1545445954774.jpg (93x119, 17K)

I have a define S2 and have a 280mm rad on the front, 2 140mm exhausts at top and a 140mm exhaust on back. It keeps temps really good on mine.

did you mean low end gaming system?

Dunno, i looked into it and it seems like it doesn't.
Weird that there even is top mounting options. maybe there's an optional top panel that actually allows airflow.
Failing that i guess you'll have to get a faster 140mm fan to pull all the exhaust

Figured I'd want better specs for transcoding. Open to suggestions.

The top metal panel lid can be removed from the rest of the top.

Yeah but then it's just open to the elements.
Is dust an element? Whatever, it's open to dust.

You can remove the top panel quite easily (has a button and then it's off) so there's that, and it makes a noticeable difference. The air is somewhat pushed out through various places in the case with it on, but obviously it's a little ineffective seeing as how much of a benefit removing the panel is.

Yeah sounds good to me, the only thing I'm thinking now is maybe another fan at the bottom as exhaust.

No matter how hard you shill it no one is going to buy it

Attached: 9900khousefire.png (1112x833, 74K)

Should I buy a new gpu now or wait until Intel releases their new cards?

Do you think Intel will simultaneously beat both AMD and Nvidia in performance and value with their mystery product?

Attached: burnsbox.png (500x375, 225K)

Intels new gpu is going to be poolaris 2: electric poogaloo

Are 6600K and 2060 enough for a 144hz monitor?

Also it feels like amd sacrificed their gpu line to focus on decent cpu's.

Sucks to be you, pleb
I did say it wasn't for poorfags


Attached: relative-performance-games-1280-720.png (500x1450, 94K)

>720p benchmarks

BTFO Intel Jew you've lost

Attached: No10.jpg (1270x1466, 307K)

>brainlet who wants to test CPUs at 4K
Keep trying, idiot

No. You need the 2070 minimum, and even that might need some settings turned down.

It's enough for 1080p

I'm targetting 1080p with 144fps. I understand that some (most) new titles are badly optimized but what can you do.

Nah the metal top is just that; the filter and stuff are one piece.

>why do people want to see actual performance

>tfw getting a Titanium PSU just because of autism

Attached: 1528513547467.jpg (800x758, 45K)

PSUs are all about purchasing peace of mind.

Only ever purchase gold or titanium. Psu you splurge on

>buy a $200 144hz monitor thinking thats enough to not get something shitty
>the colors on it are worse than my 10 year old $40 monitor from ebay

Fuck this shit I am never buying a TN panel again

Tired of waiting and want a card to finish my 1080p gaming/streaming build
MSI GeForce GTX 1060 Gaming X 6G new flr 205 euros an okay deal? Probably the best thing ive seen in weeks, even 580s go for more. Netherlands btw

Yeah, it's just so fucking dumb and I hate that my mind cares about something I cannot rationally defend.

There is also platinum, which is like compromise between good efficiency and autism, but it's also mostly autism.

Yeah it's very good for 1080p if you are on a budget.

You can rationalize it with a bit of knowledge on power componentry.

way overpowered and you don't usually run the OS of a NAS off a SSD, you load it from a USB stick and it runs in the ram completely. Unless of course this is just a WIndows PC for you that hosts some files.

>i don't want to test the cpu in ideal conditions
>i like it when the cpu is limited by the gpu

>no mention of anti glow panel
Nothing special about this monitor

>ideal conditions

Attached: 1547419788322.jpg (588x823, 117K)


>average Jow Forums user 2019
Guess you don't know what cpu limited means.

No one uses 720p everything is gpu bound, welcome to the real world faggot

1080p is cpu bound on a 2080 ti.
you cant get 240 fps on a ryzen cpu for a 240hz 1080p monitor.

once again, you dont know what you are talking about.

>240hz 1080p monitor
Because everyone spends $500 on 1080p monitors in 2019, shit is more niche than 4k

Attached: untitled-1.png (712x601, 30K)

metro exodus

>no game
>no settings
>just meaningless numbers
where have i seen this before

Attached: 1546171403810.png (2048x1536, 222K)

>50% power consumption
>like 10 frames better

Attached: 2700xpower1.png (712x1441, 158K)

Why cant intel do anything without overheating

Attached: housefire i5.png (2001x1051, 189K)

>worse performance than a 2990wx
>thermal jizz
>800watts with a mild overclock

Attached: chrome_L1HvvVEO1N.png (708x456, 180K)

>Power consumption ISN'T REALLLLLL

Attached: inteli9hardboiledeggmaker.jpg (3840x2160, 796K)


Attached: 1547157197363.jpg (1052x518, 32K)

>when a shitty unfinished midrange engineering sample btfos intel's overpriced consumer flagship

Attached: 1547157212218.jpg (960x383, 25K)

it was running at 3.9 ghz all core too

Attached: 9980xe housefire.png (627x233, 9K)

I love INTEL and VEGA they keep me warm at night

Attached: 105877.png (650x337, 36K)

60 watts is well worth the additional performance. secondly, p95 isnt representative of any real world scenario.

i'm not going to waste anymore time on this. you are actually autistic.

>p95 isnt representative of any real world scenario.
>sir ples delid p95 isnt real

Attached: 9900k has worse overclocking than ryzen.png (1327x1222, 69K)


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What you don't want to trip breakers? You autistic or something.

Attached: bigburn.jpg (1500x1500, 478K)

>additional performance

Attached: 8400 btfo.png (1275x714, 348K)


Attached: intelseethingpajeet.png (813x1402, 324K)

>tfw intelfags will be on mass suicide watch when the 5ghz 16 core comes out

Attached: thiskillstheintelfag.png (252x171, 56K)

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Attached: intel jew.png (200x200, 45K)

>ALERT! Report to Jow Forums

Attached: intelHQ.png (1196x676, 1.05M)

For that setup, exhaust on top is the classical thing to do.
The only reason why you might want to have intake on the top, is to have air being blown on VRMS, memory and chipset. Asides from those components, everything else benefits form a exhaust top.

now post the performance to power consumption comparrison on AMD GPUS, notice how suddenly power consumption no longer matters for amd drones!

Watch it.
>ASus crosshair 7 hero
>4.2 overclock using aggressively turned G.skill sniper X 3400Mhz with tightened sub-timings
>and the cooler has been upgrade to the Corsair H115i Pro

THAT is what was used to get the performance benchmarks you keep posting each time without context. Not only are yo downplaying the components used, but also their price.

Again if all of this escaped you, here is the man who made the benchmark, saying it CLEAR as cryztal

>Given that the intel CPU was over all faster this makes it better value choice for gamers.
>At the very least the OC Ryzen build will require an upgraded cooler, but for the results shown here you will need a high quality motherboard and some premium Samsung B-die.

Attached: In case of AMD shill 2.jpg (2620x3416, 1.74M)

lol, not desperate at all

>in case of amd shills
you forget to mention in all your benchmarks the cpu usage looks like this.
i5-8400: 100%
R5-2600: 60%

Now which one do you think will last longer?

anyone have an rtx comparison pic for temperatures or noise levels?

>ignore actual performance
>look at the utilization bar
>take threadripper look at the utilization! it's like less than 5% utilization!
>who cares if the performance is shit due to prioritizing moar cores, over latency or speed
>look at the utliziation

See the thing is, "which one will last longer" only matters when the performance is similar.
If one of them performs worse but "lasts longer" then it's just promises of possible things in the future, rather than objective data right now.
It's like Nvidia drivers are good from the get go, while amd is so shit that it takes them years to get the performance out of their cards. Yet people list this as a positive.

this comparison does not include evga cards, but i'm sure you could find those yourself


Attached: 51ee807dbc875876bba1dd67e7c37170.png (1240x515, 247K)

>that pic.
Ram is signifanctly less then it was before.
Honestly the ram price for intel now is equivalent.
You can get good 3000mhz ram for $110.
Also that mobo is overkill for anyone. Only needed if you want to overclock like a mad man which is completely unneccasary since 2600 competes without an OC.
Posting that is just FUD and willfully being deceptive.


Attached: 4177d8f48c7d17266885cff17ff92212.png (913x662, 336K)

I have a computer with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ @2.1 GHz (Could upgrade it to a Phenom X3 8450 same GHz but preferably not if I can get away with keeping the Athlon) and I want to turn it into an old gaming PC.

What GPU should I get to run games from like 1998-2009/2010 at 60fps and preferably mid-high settings on a 1280x1024 monitor? What's the best match to avoid bottlenecking? Motherboard is a GA-M68M-S2 with a PCI Express x16, so I don't know if newer GPUs will work, but I don't wanna spend a lot on this regardless.

Attached: 220px-AMD_Athlon_64_X2_logo.png (220x259, 34K)

don't forget that that Ozzie is biased for Intel.

Just what I needed. Perfect. Thank you user, you're the best.

don't forget that that Ozzie is biased for Intel.
>the thing is, "which one will last longer" only matters when the performance is similar
Your crying likethis when you know damn well that multi-thread perfomance is up to developers. Which more and more are moving towards since next gen console are all multi-thred and the only way forward is more cores and multi-threading. It is the future.
In a few years time we'll all be laughing at the poor saps that are using 8400 cause it's already at it peak. There is still alot of room for 2600.
It's poor software/devs right now. Fix that and ryzen will rape. It's amazing it's doing aswell as it is without optimization.

>Ram is signifanctly less then it was before.
At the end it tells you to check the prices for yourself.
The image isn't supposed to be a timeless "here is the current prices and heed it like the bible"
It's only meant to counter the no context bullshit from amd shills and hopefully get people to double check prices and source material.
And depending on prices for the people in their region, they can make the choices of what is a better choice for them.
Not stopping you from getting intel or amd, just don't get shilled by faggots promising you way more than you will get.

>You can get good 3000mhz ram for $110.
It's not just speed, but latency and timings.
B-die is good not because it gets to high frequencies, but because it can have pretty high frequencies AND have tight timings.

>Also that mobo is overkill for anyone.
Addressed in the picture.

I don't think hardware unboxed is very biased though. He put multiple disclamers and makes reasonable suggestions.
The big problem is that shills and drones have a super easy time taking screenshots of his content, removing all context and show skewd results between systems that cost very differently.

>know damn well that multi-thread perfomance is up to developers. Which more and more are moving towards since next gen console are all multi-thred and the only way forward is more cores and multi-threading. It is the future.
I heard the same shit back when bulldozer was released. Thankfully I didn't buy into the meme back then.
>It's poor software/devs right now. Fix that and ryzen will rape. It's amazing it's doing aswell as it is without optimization.
It's optimized though, it's just shit. You can't ask literally all devs of all the games ever made to remake their engine just because some retard didn't prioritize what is typical expected from a CPU : Low latency and decent throughout put. Pic related.

More cores is nice, but only if those core are low latency and fast.

Attached: but l-latency on CPUs doesn't matter.jpg (1519x907, 153K)

I have the same chip on a old salvaged tower, and it has a GTS 250

been playing Arma2 and shit like that. It even handles Win10very good.
Maybe find some used nVidia 700s model and put SSD there to get a solid 00's rig.

Attached: 1529082257042.png (882x624, 39K)

>Ram is signifanctly less then it was before.
>You can get good 3000mhz ram for $110.

Wrong on both. DDR4 RAM is twice as expensive as DDR3 was, 110 for 3000mhz RAM just no.

that's where your wrong bucko, it's one guy who does it for free

B-die is about €10-15 less than last year in Europe. Nice ram doesn't get cheaper.

>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
why 256? most ssds are 240 and windows 10 only takes up 120gigs.
and why consider m.2 form factor?

Had a nice giggle finding this while checking the prices by the way.
Every single manufacturer being unable to make good-looking heatspreaders is one thing, but that is just on another level.

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good mobo for a 9700k ? not going big on OC

The one that says "GAMING" on the front.

thanks hopefully it has a lot of RGB lights

wanna buy this rig the next week. opinions?

that PSU isn't really top notch but it won't blow your shit up. Don't buy windows, at least not for that price. You can get an OEM license for like 10 bucks if you don't want to crack it