Why do phone companies hate it
Why do phone companies hate it
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Because it makes their devices too thicc for a normie to brag about.
How else can they shill their overpriced wireless headphones?
Because it's too cheap and reliable. >remove the jack in iPhone 7
>it becomes thicker than 6
Explain this one.
I was so confident that Samsung wouldn't follow apple with removing the 3.5mm jack, so disappointing. Now I'm stuck with chinkshit like huawei
What? They didn't remove the jack...
Fuggg I meant pixel
they want to *revolutionaries* the wireless era.
Apple™ is the brave company for this.
fueled by greedy jew and needs to have more shekels in their pocket they selling cheap shit Bluetooth ™ or Beats™by dr.Dre ™ earphone/headphone with only 399$+ tax.
they got rid of it because their DAC not only (((their))) but literally EVERY FUCKING PHONE HAS SHITTY DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERSION.
now nobody can be like "omg auxiliary is so quiet and sounds shitty compared to muh bluetooth haha hehe bluetooth so good best quality men!~
enjoy getting spied
fund it
i want to listen the sound of INTERNET
They can't spy on me if I do this
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based insane user
Modern dacs are all pretty much transparent, it's the phone amps that suck. And they didn't even remove it, something's gotta power the speakers.
SPEAKERS? those can be bluetooth too, my friend.
easier to water seal
How have Huawei and Samsung achieved a waterproof rating then
LG as well
It's perfectly doable but just easier when you don't have a gaping hole in your chassey.
>extra profit from selling first party adapters and shit
>gaping hole
>Invented in 1964
>Copy of 1/4" jack, invented in 1877
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Samsung TV hates it as well
I bough a 2018 budget model and it didn't have and AUX output for my 2.1 setup
On top of that it didn't have support for DTS and divx sound so most my bluray remuxes are unwatchable on it
fuck samsung, never support them lads
I now had to spend 20 bucks on a chinese toslink to analog 5.1 converter
another 80 on an android 4k HDR Gigabit capable box just so i could watch and HEAR my movies
on the upside i might finally end up setting up a nice kodi box, pulled three extra old speakers and set up 5.1, so at least my setup is improving
Should make sure of what you're buying next time :^)
Because it's trash, it's weak and it breaks all the time. It's always the first thing to fail on a pair of headphones.
>Because it's trash, it's weak and it breaks all the time. It's always the first thing to fail on a pair of headphones
What the fuck are you doing to your headphones you absolute ape? I've literally never had headphones fail at the jack, they always fail where the cable meets the driver
Something about making the phone thinner and waterproof
Good joke. I've had them break in three months and those were good quality ones.
Your phones speakers still use DAC btw.
Obviously they weren't.
So then Samsung adds shit quality headsets to their flagship phones. Okay.
Haven't seen a single broken jack in 20 years. Cables break all the time, sure, the jack just doesn't. And if you use a dongle you double the number of cables to break. Bluetooth is just crap mostly for historical reasons, it has enough bandwidth but the standard codec, sbc, simply won't be able to use it and all improvements are vendor locked.
To make it clear, it is the cable that breaks but it breaks right where it connects to the jack. Without the jack it wouldn't break because I never had the cable breaking at any other places. So it's the jack-cable connection that is a bad design, and currently the only thing you can do to avoid it is to use wireless. And dongles actually help because you have a soft buffer next to the connector so it can bend more easily and break less. Also it can disconnect if you tug on it instead of tearing the copper wires.
>included earbuds are shitty
yes? how is this news to you
>included earbuds are shitty
They are not so shitty as real cheap ones. They are kinda good quality. If your definition of good earbuds is 150$+ category and it's still wired than oh boy I have had news for you.
Fuck the internet.
Earbuds are trash period. If by earbuds you meant IEMs the good ones START from $200 and reach thousands easily, BA drivers are not cheap. Cans are another story, if you pay over $150 for dynamic ones you're retarded.
you're right
It's just somewhat outrageous to remove something so common and integral to a smart TV, especially since it's been around forever and all other manufacturers do support it
So I didn't expect it hah
Should have said that audiophiles don't need to reply.
Closing up the analog hole and reducing bottom line costs while encouraging marked-up wireless peripherals sales.
Helps with margins. Also Samsung still has them in the upcoming S10's, not the Fold tho
My tinfoil hat theory is as follows:
>First remove headphone jack.
>Add drm to usb-c to only use "approved" audio devices. (This is already happening btw: usb.org
>Add drm to Bluetooth
>Only allow approved apps to use audio on phone.
>Only approve streaming apps
>Remove audio player on phone
And to add to that, they love Bluetooth headphones because the batteries (which you can't replace) die and you are forced to buy new ones.
How does this affect rooted software?
The video player from my TV provider refuses to work on "rooted" devices. I say "rooted" because I'm using Magisk, use MagiskHide, pass SafetyNet, and still the damn thing won't play. It probably detects unlocked bootloaders...
Here I'll make you really get your tinfoil hat on
> friend works for security contractor
> bring up how it's bullshit that phones don't have easily replaced batteries anymore and now losing the 3.5mm jack in one of our tech ramblings
>he hunts at the reason for the battery being hard to remove is so the phone can still listen to your conversation and send audio to gov
> also brings up that now that the 3.5mm is gone there is no way to prevent the phone from not being able to send it's audio too
> phone can now send the mic audio and speaker audio to gov
I didn't really believe him until he pointed out that all of the major companies switched at almost the same time
Remember how one year all phones had replaceable batteries then the next had all internal?
Apparently they're doing the same to laptops now with internal batteries becoming standard
what does no audio jack have to do with blue-tooth and mic/speakers audio? it can already be send, with or without it.
also due to the dangerous nature of lithium batteries, strict and specific guidelines must be followed while shipping.
Id believe it if the battery regulation is solely for spying purposes though.
The audio jack allowed you to pipe audio out to a device that was not bugged
Now with bluetooth they can still get a stream while you broadcast to bluetooth
If they broke in 3 months it's clearly not good quality dumbass
So they can save some bucks on a dac and sell you dongles and wireless earphones.
you do know the audio gets converted to an analog signal inside of the phone before going to the audio jack, right?
thats what a DAC is for, how else would recording software work.
Just listen dial-up sounds.
>people who have more knowledge about a subject aren't allowed to burst my bubble cuz my mommy raised me to be a sensitive little snowflake
>not listening to Swans pure digital audio stream.
I think it's less that they hate it and more that Apple made a move that makes sense for them, as they want to push their (then) newly purchased Beats brand and shift people to a new iconic look, which is what Airpods were meant to be. They were meant to be the white cable and earbuds all over again, but it kind of backfired. Everybody else meanwhile, did it because they didn't want to seem too 'backwards' or 'behind the times' next to Apple.
It also means a couple less components, which brings the bill of materials down and makes internal design easier. Also makes waterproofing a little easier, since that's in now.
I doubt this actually works, there is no way they intercept and check every data going in and out, it might work if you put all the tasty words in a link and get the chink to click on it though
This. zoomers will never know that feel.
Because it's a large single purpose port that you have to design the entire internals around. Bluetooth has flaws but they're mostly lost with the context of mobile devices so it doesn't matter.
Think of it like this, do you foresee using wired headphones with a smartwatch or AR glasses?
The reason Apple removed it with iPhone 7 is that they needed a new DAC for the enhanced haptic engine.
Better to use the space for one that was already in the place of the now-gone headphone jack, rather than reengineer the internals to fit two DACs one for the haptic engine and the other for the headphone input.
Another factor is that it might've been easier to get the waterproof certification with the lack of the headphone jack.
Using pic related actually results in a higher quality audio since the DAC is now outside of the phone, with less interference.
The only correct answer
>6 hour continuous use
>implying I don't keep my headphones on all day at work
As if I want to listen to my coworker with copd gasp all fucking day.
I bet you use wireless cans too you faggot
Why would you spread such shitty lies? A boomer already proved you can fit a 3.5mm port on an iPhone 7 without any issues.
(((they))) just want to make money from their own headsets.
Few less BOM parts to pay for, few less components to mount on a PCB, few less headaches about frame forming and sealing. Also forces people into buying Bluetooth headphones.
Four pin connector was a nice addition.
No I think it's because applel did it to cut costs and people ate it up, so everyone else followed suit. Nobody wanted to take the backlash but Apple is immune to it so they can afford to experiment the best ways to fuck over their own customers.
Ironically it's not even a new thing, even 15 years old Walkman phones already had a shitty adapter, and those were fucking MARKETED as phones that could double as music players.
I don't know what you're on about since anything I've said is extremely easy to back up, as all the proof is out there.
Because it lets people buy the same earbuds for $40 instead of $150.
The important barometer they replaced it with is clearly a bit thicker than a headphone jack. Maybe if they remove the vibrate motor they'll be able to fit the barometer in the same form factor the 6 had.
What if I want to listen to more than 5 KB/s?
Cause apple told them to.
>Hurr durr it's so easy to find out but I won't link it :^)
Get a load of this retard.
>source: my ass
>good IEMs start from $200
>what are tin t2
fuck off retard
It's too phallic for the SJW designers.
Good. How else am I supposed to take selfies in the rain or underwater at the pool?
By the way there definitely are boots that can be crimped but they're just shit. Good luck shoving one in there along simple f/utp, let alone something heavier.
back to iemg nigger
I remember my gs1 sounding better than a gs5 when I compared them side by side. rip that phone. The PSP sounded way better than both!
No headphone jack is a "top tier" problem, "mid tier" is the real top tier. if you pay more than 350 bux for a phone you're just an usefull idiot.
yea, they don't give a fuck about it anymore.
Wouldn't that make you a bigger target?
Just conform you fucking faggots. Get an adapter.
Bluetooth has higher potential and is more convenient.
Also, if you really want a headphone jack that bad, dongles aren't a bad option. Just slap a dongle on the end of your cable and call it a day.
Easier. EASIER.
It's really not about thickness as much as it is about fitting more stuff inside the phone.
> dongles aren't a bad option
t. listens to music once a week at best
They wear out, forcing you to buy another and then another.
Just be brave and listen to shitty audio you anti-semite.
>high end phones remove it
>midrange/budget phones keep it
It's too cheap and gives the user too much freedom.
>t. listens to music once a week at best
I listen to music quite a lot more than that, actually. Where's that assumption coming from?
>They wear out, forcing you to buy another and then another.
I've been using the same one for about a year, since I first had to use it. Maybe you're just rough with your stuff?
And doesn't that same logic also apply to pretty much anything with thin wires? Isn't that why a lot of high-end headphones and IEMs come with replaceable wires? Don't people often complain about frayed chargers?
>literally tied to your phone via a leash
Headphone jacks in ip65 phones are usually as small as other phone, but are actually encased in plastic and therefore waterproof. They are not a point of ingress for water, as evidence I present basically every samsung phone since the active series came out, which iirc are all more water resistant than anything apple puts out to this day.
>Yes goyim, just buy our $80 adapter or perhaps you would prefer bottooth.
>25c cable still sounds leaps and bounds better than any bluetooth headphones because the specification is fundamentally fucked
>Sell you a phone with jack
>Cut costs on jack, sell you a phone, a dongle or Bluetooth headphones.
Looks like a no-brainer for companies that can brainwash people enough with their marketing team.
It would help if Bluetooth wasn't literally an antithesis to the modern creed of convenience and ease of use with it's clunky and time-consuming pairing method. And Apple is not helping with making things proprietary.