The videos in my laptop show that they are taking up 3GB space(in the properties) when in reality they should be 60MB...

The videos in my laptop show that they are taking up 3GB space(in the properties) when in reality they should be 60MB. And these videos wont play. But they dont take up 3GB space in the disk.
What is happening

Attached: AnimePahe_Kakegurui_xx_-_01_720p_Normie10032_1.gif (656x368, 1.61M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Your filesystem is fucked.
Better reformat and install gentoo.

Thank you for replying. But is there any way to restore and not reformat. I dont want to lose anything.

Somewhere in some other thread
> Loonix doesn't give problm, it is gud windo do

This is exactly why I fucking hate loonix, since it's a piece of shit that breaks randomly, and there's literally no documentation, and when you go out to ask for help...

Fucking autists ( optionally ) make fun of your current distro ( if you say what it is ) and then tell you "Install arch/void/gentoo/OpenBSD

News Flash loonix cucks, we don't all have 12 hours a day to fix our shitty OS.

Attached: file.png (1024x609, 1.29M)

Install windows, and keep loonix on a VB

> we don't all have 12 hours a day to fix our shitty OS
That's why I switched to Linux, no more retarded Windows logs from Event Manager.

I preffer Windows Logs rather than this man's problem right here.
The truth is you fags just wanna be special and use loonix, windows just straight up works and if something gives an error 99% of the time you find it on any search engine. On linux if you try and look up a problem, well... good luck if you're a beginner. Look at this guy here, no reply on a board full of linux smegma lickers

Attached: file.png (383x400, 26K)

> muh broken file system
what file system and operating system are you using, Jow Forumsenius? that might be helpful to know
>since it's a piece of shit that breaks randomly
don't blame linux because you're a computer illiterate fucking retard
>>and there's literally no documentation
> what is the "man" command?
> duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

> don't blame linux because you're a computer illiterate fucking retard
Again, my argument is that not every one is a fucking fat piece of shit that spends 24/7 of his fucking life on linux, I got other things to do, 99% of my clients use windows, and 99% of the formats I send they can't read...

> what is the "man" command?
Yeah fucktard, if you wanna learn what a command DOES I can't fucking
man "Why isn't my file system working?"

Attached: TypicalLinux.jpg (898x740, 84K)

>compile compile compile etc
Imagine seething so much over an os that you make a factually incorrect comic about it. LMAO. And that guy is talking shit about wasting time. You just can't make that up.

> Hey guys what os should I install
> Looks for distros, ubuntu is friendly, getting that
> Hey guys I got ubuntu
> Ok, let's try arch?

Same fucking people that cry about why linux is only 2% of desktop use and is only used as a server are making these comments, you are literally scaring people away, not helping and mocking them for using a different distro. It's fucking retarded.

Attached: pepe_notagain.jpg (306x306, 20K)

It's only 3 autists and an army of Apple/Microsoft shills. Nobody serious has ever actually suggested this.

another loonix cuck got mad

Attached: AyyyyyLMAO.gif (400x225, 513K)

> get wife working
1 minute
I can literally get arch up and running faster than the time it takes to install the first updates and base packages

Kekking at the drama caused by my shit memepost
Don't listen to the meme spouting idiots. This link is all you need.

Not all of that tutorial is up to date, as in, you don't use synaptic anymore. It's a good starting place. Google more about testdisk and photorec. Good luck, op.

>not found
>go through billions and billions of forums for solution
>finally found a solution
>reinstall your linux
okay retard

After installing it 10000 times and learning it as second nature, but 99.9999999% of the population can't fucking do that, if you take some average person and ask them to install windows, they 100% will manage to install it, ask them to install that meme distro ( arch ) and it will literally take them days.

> ib4 : Not my fault they are normies lmaoo learn arch xddd

Attached: Angery.png (255x264, 147K)

Weak bait. Some of us have jobs.

iit: one angry windows user
You don't know what an OS is or does

ur laptop is haunted user

Oh boy it's another user thinks arch and gentoo are the only distros in this timeline post

Attached: brainlet_optical_disc_drive_g_mine_meme.png (956x1080, 186K)

I give a fuck about your thread, but thanks for reminding me to watch this anime.
It has been great so far.

Attached: [Hakoniwa] Kakegurui - 05 [51D199E5] (00:02:45.jpg (1440x810, 144K)

>powerlevel shounenshit