Not using macOS as your primary OS

>Not using macOS as your primary OS.

How dumb and poor do you have to be?

Attached: Apple-macOS-Mojave-Preview-View-Sidebar.png (3052x1678, 3.09M)

b-b-b-but gayms !

Muh Tensor Corez and Winbotware!

Problem is Apple hardware. No thanks.

Why should I?

I'm running a Hackintosh, no problems.

Smooth as silk.

I would get a Mac but the only one that I kind of like is the Mac Mini, but it has a shit dGPU and I don't want to waste money on an eGPU.

Why shouldn't you?

>still no webdrivers for NVIDIA

>b-but MUH GAYMENG card!!

AMD works fine, get on board, faggot.

I'd run macOS if it was available without using mac hardware.
But it isn't.
inb4 "hackintosh" AKA can't actually be a developer using it because core things like docker don't work.

I use MacOS for work, almost all clients in the music industry use the OS and some insist on Logic/Mainstage/FCP project files. For large networked stage setups CoreMIDI with spaz proof setup and CoreAudio with aggregate devices out of the box are certainly great. The whole system was rock solid with OS and hardware working together well but recent years have brought faulty hardware and issues such as audio interface dropouts that mean Macs are no longer regarded as faultless for live use. You can build more reliable systems on Linux, but they aren't baby proof nor as software rich. The industry is starting to shift from Macs (video world were never with them to begin with) and eventually they will. Where will MacOS be when, especially with the inevitable homogenisation with iOS, the ditching of OpenGL, the quest for thinness and simplicity over reliability and usability? Apple won't care, their bread and butter is phones, and as such their Mac market is YouTube content creators and rich but dumb kids off to university. People who will fetishize the aesthetic of a laptop rather than take it on the road for real work.

Can't remember what my point was. I use Linux for personal use though.

Works fine here my nigguh.

I run a 10core Skylake-X with 64GB RAM and a Radeon Vega Frontier.

Stable as a rock for about a year.

It's my daily work driver.

If I wanted to buy a Mac for music production, what would be the best used model to get? What's the best generation to look for?

Attached: jcw9os2xpcd21.png (815x767, 500K)

While I agree to a certain extent, I just can't see myself using any other OS for my main daily work driver.

This is why I am Hackintoshing until that faggot at Apple named Tim Cock refreshes the whole Mac lineup and stops being a bunch and realizes where Apple came from.

I think in your case even a 13" MacBook Pro would be good. The newer ones are quad core in a thin frame.

Or you can look at 2015 15" MBPs with dGPUs, I'm sure there are excellent condition ones out there.

I would avoid the 2016 because of butterfly keyboard issues. They fixed that in 2018.

Hackintoshing is the most Chad solution to the problem. Sure, setting it up it a major bitch, but not if you read the forums and know how to describe your problem. You get the get best of both worlds, without the hassle of bootcamp.

2015 MBP is the last good model and will still be more than adequate for music production for a few years. I've seen people run huge shows with 25-20gb of audio data on anemic macbook airs without hickups.

can I recompile everything like I did on gentoo?

So you aren't richfag then

>works on my machine
Not an argument, because it literally doesn't work.
If you can't use docker you basically can't be a developer of any kind.

Actually once you understand how things work, it's not bad at all.

Just avoid aids like TonyMac tools like Unibeast and whatever else they have. It's all stolen tools anyway.

I hate posting redding stuff here, but Jow ForumsHackintosh is a good resource for vanilla installs (ie it will survive updates and will have less issues).

It's Unix under the hood so probably yeah.

I am, though. At least I make a good living, that is.

I have a MacBook sitting next to me, but I built this workstation because I did not want the dumb ass iMac Pro and Apple didn't have any Mac desktop I liked at the time.

It literally does, user. I'm living proof.

I would post a picture of my setup but don't to break my privacy since I run a studio.

>muh crapple
>not using linux with a thinkpad

im sorry user youre not gonna make it

Attached: time to stop.jpg (176x120, 5K)


>It's Unix under the hood so probably yeah.
can I remove the DE?

Never been a fan of OS X. Using Finder is like showering with your socks on. Explorer is so much more intuitive and fluid. Networking is also a huge pain in the arse with OS X (at least till Lion which is the last version I tried). Not sure how much has changed since the rebranding, but I'm guessing things are worse in that respect.