Why does Jow Forums have the http as default instead of https? Thats just plain stupid.
Its not stupid, its by design. Servers are located at FBI headquarters since 08
https is 70% meme
If your serving up private info like banking details or personal emails then use it
For a public forum it’s bloat & I don’t blame 4ch for not bothering
>OPSEC is bloat
> he thinks Jow Forums matters to opsec
Seriously, what personal, private data are you trying to shield in transport only to have it publicly displayed and archived on a Senegalese/East Asian data mining combine?
>information you're pulling is public
>information you're posting is public
>zero account credentials for the service unless you're gay
Literally a waste of cycles to be honest.
its a high traffic site, they dont need the unnecessary overhead
cuz it's malware and you should use safer alternatives like reddit
>letting your ISP read your shitposts
Because enforcing HTTPS is totalitarianism. If the user wants to be stupid, let the user be stupid.
>that's just plain stupid
Kek at the pun
Who the fuck save pictures like this?
https is the jew version of http
>pay those 50usd per year goy
>free certificates aren't a thing
>rolling your own PKI is impossible
It runs tgrough spyflare anyw8.
It's a public forum who gives a flying shit about https
it's part of the joke.
shhh the poltard gotta blame the jews for free things
>he doesn't use HttpsEverywhere
I don't want poorfags to steal my Jow Forums Pass credentials
So that censoring countries block http but leave https version alone if they are cluless enough. Worth a try
>what is LetsEncrypt
>He doesn't know how to make his own trusted certificate
>he uses the botnet version of smart https
Given there is zero way to validate the integrity of the data coming from the server, it is definitely not a meme. Call me when there exists a x509 signing http protocol mode instead of full blown https. I'll wait.
I'm literally only here looking for those kinds of pictures. I left Jow Forums for /o/ like 6 years ago.
Nice try, CIA nigger.
Reminder that HTTPS is not just for privacy. It also prevents the government and ISPs from MITMing your connections and filtering based on page content.