What went wrong?

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You don't boil a frog by tossing it in to a boiling pot, you heat it up slowly.
That slow heat up has been the last 70 years.

Scizos are pretty on privacy

people have always traded privacy and security for convenience, why are you surprised

why would you give up on a universal human right?

Schizophrenia is now less common.

Millenials where a mistake.

All the humans are gone

I'd say it was less common back then, because there were psychiatric hospitals...

Reminds me of that South Park episode.

what south park episode
and fuck you for fishing for (yous), faggot

Probably the one with Toilet Security Agency.

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We wanted to invent a machine that could do anything, and one of the things it happened to be able to do was spy.

It's easy to be afraid of government surveillance when you're getting horror stories from behind the Iron Curtain.

Nothing went wrong. Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant: none of them are the gubmint, so it's fine for them to spy on me 24/7

Came here to post this.


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>what is PRISM and NSA backdoors

Normies got fire from us Prometheus nerds, and are burning the world with it.
The worst part is we did it for free.

Nothing, the Cold War ended a long time ago.

>user, you don't have an alexa?
>They're so cool!
>What are you, poor??
Marketing and consumerist culture.


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Government probably knows so much about me already, it wouldn't make a difference now.

That's a funny way to say "Boomers".

You don't like overconsuming, user? Are you a communist and antiamerican? Are you against obesity? That's fat shaming :^)

The cold war is over, nowadays people are less paranoid.

Phrases that have never been said, episode 432...

I roughly paraphrased, but I have had someone say this

Most people weren't thinking about wiretaping or government surveillance in the 60s, general paranoia sets in more during the 70s with watergate and such

Because in the sixties you could get deported for talking about communism.

Now instead you lose your job for talking shit about communism.
Authoritarianism comes in all stripes.

Nothing went wrong. The plan is working,

What about Gen X?

(((What))), I wonder?

jesus christ

If you were an american citizen where would they deport you?

People stopped giving a fuck about what the government thought about their criminal behaiviour. They have this "rub your dick in their face" mentality.

>Schizophrenia is now a synonym for awareness of government practices

>the Cold War ended a long time ago.
Cold War I*
Cold War II is basically in effect now.

>The cold war is over, nowadays people are less paranoid.
>people are more sedated and deluded about government surveillance

They were deported from their employment, social clubs, and housing, to the unemployment office and the ghetto.

your phone isn't any less of a wiretap than google home


nothing else

IQ over time:

they deserve neither, then.


But the get the second.

in reality they are being sold "convenience". It's invented "convenience" that no one asked for.
Does anyone really need a machine that just makes bread?
How about automatically uploading your data to the cloud without even asking you?

People are willing to give their privacy up for convenience

I see the convenience of a machine that can control the lights and heating from across the room without using my hands. I see the convenience of a machine that has access to all the knowledge in the world which can also fit in my pocket. If you don't, then you are just autistic.