>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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>order headphones from massdrop yesterday
>ship date was the same day
>now one day later and still hasn't shipped
Perfection after sealing it
headphones except they sound good
Say it with me boys:
No. Fucking. Bass.
I hate the timeline where nobody has ANY FUCKING PATIENCE ANYMORE and expects various trash to show up at their doorstep the next day for that instant consumer gratification.
Reposting for new thread.
Looking into buying a new pair of decent headphones. Best pair I ever owned was a pair of K240s, so I don't exactly have a lot of experience with them. I'm looking to spend about $200, preferably less. If I were to guess I'd say I like more neutral sound signatures because I'd rather my headphones not color my music too much and just let me hear the album as is. I listen to a shitload of Metal, so I don't feel the need to shell out tons of money on a pair of cans, but not all of it is lo-fi demo tape fukknoise, and I do listen to a lot of electronic music and some other genres, so I'd like a decent pair. I don't care if they're open or closed because I'm just listening at home where it's quiet. I'd like to avoid excessive sound leakage if possible, though. Lastly, comfort is important to me because I have a tendency to listen to music for hours at a time, and of course I won't just be using the headphones for music. My K240s were extremely fucking comfortable for me if that helps give you a reference. If you fine folks got some recs I'd greatly appreciate it.
Nigga it's 2019, just send a drone with my order already.
well when you specifically spend extra money to get it to your house in two business days and it takes longer than that, how can you not expect someone to be pissed about it you fucking shill
What are the best headphones I can get for $300? Can you also recommend a good DAC?
Are there any headphones in the 300$ range which are better at mid range than the HD 600?
>having a wiki page in your OP that hasn't been updated in two years
>when you specifically spend extra money to get it to your house in two business days
>wow you like to pay extra for convenience? wow (dead meme) hahaaa
Precisely. Who the fuck pays extra because they can't wait another day?
people who aren't poor retards like you I'm afraid
Holy crap that measures way flatter than I thought it would. Of course the unsealed L300 would lack bass but that's some pretty insane neutrality in the treble.
I am really missing sapphire and the autism spatsing around the hd600. The stax routine is getting even more stale.
>wastes money on instant gratification shipping
>calls others poor retards
Why do you hate budget headphones?
Define budget.
Budget: poorfag
I think this is the lowest distortion in the mids/treble rtings has ever measured. Imagine how amazing the overall rating would be if it were sealed.
wow it's shit and here i thought you could wear it all day.
>not suited for sports
Lies, I wear my stax at the gym all the time.
>not suited for sports
Not with that attitude.
>sweating into your open back $1000+ shitphones in public
>tfw ears get sweaty while wearing stax during a triathlon
>BHSE and 3 car batteries strapped to my back slow me down to last place
wtf I hate stax now
Should I get the HD 6XXs for $200? Are there better cans at this price point?
Don't forget getting electrocuted and getting sweat on the diaphragm, ruining the shitsound even more.
>In the years that I have had Stax, I haven’t needed to look to other phones except for other applications. I have a portable driver for the Lambda’s or the SR-003’s and I do take them out. It is heavy but “worth the weight”. I have not needed to listen to other high end phones because the Stax are entirely satisfactory.
These fucking head fi cucks.
Getting your ear warm isn't a good thing for long term listening session. For comparison HD600 got 7.2 for breathability.
But even the lowest end model is perfectly neutral after seal mod.
Stax breath less than a closed headphone like the QC35. LOL.
what exactly were you expecting?
>Imagine how amazing the overall rating would be if it were sealed.
I told them to seal it, and they said they would. But they didn't, or haven't yet.
Nothing touches the HD600 at that price point for a neutral response.
What does it smell like hpg?
smells like cowposting
So the 'no. fucking. bass.' meme was true after all...
So cute!
But I still hate pepes.
it's okay to like both user
To sum it up on stax:
no bass
poor comfort and your ears will get very hot
poor build quality
no bass
needs a special amp thus raising the cost
did i mention no bass?
it's actually more the opposite. as volume increases distortion actually GETS LOWER
>Also, there is a drop in distortion at 100dB SPL, which could be due to the flexibility of the drivers under heavier loads.
after a seal mod it will out perform other open backs when it comes to bass response
i didn't read your post but i love that pic
>meanwhile at Koss
hey nikki somebody said something good about stax on your Reddit thread might want to comment with another poorly thought out misinterpretation of some unrelated audio paper
€150 Hard Limit
Smartphone, PC, PS4
>Open or Closed
>Comfort Level
Pretty comfortable, for long hours of use
>Past headphones
Sennheiser 4.20
do you guys want to see my headphones or not?
why am I not getting more (you)s
You bought a bunch of crap nobody cares
should I buy Stax then?
I only want to hear about your HD700 ear rape experience. I don't need more pictures of the plastic junk, I only want your tears and buyer's remorse.
Post more semi lewd anime feet+headphones
If you want (you)s from butthurt people absolutely
What's the greatest headphones that make you eargasm. Price doesnt matter to me. Please give me suggestions. I like rock n roll. So I would like all the instruments to be prominent. I want in-ear, on-ear hurt my ears. By ears are big
>headphones that make you eargasm.
>I want in-ear
this is /hpg/ not /iemg/
Sennheiser HD 579
good headphones
Buttplugs are technolo/g/y
please respond with interest to see my new collection
Same bro
hd6xx is best for your kind
> you want well extended but neutral to give weight to downtuned guitars and recessed kicks along with a slightly rolled off to neutral treble as let's be honest most metal is poorly recorded, mixed, and mastered and you don't want those cymbals to feel like a pencil in your ear. Not just Darkthrone and Burzum micing his amp with a telephone headset, even the old dynamic Iron Maiden albums. Having dynamic range and instrumental space doesn't mean it was well produced. Classic Motorhead sounds like it was recorded with one compressor mic in a bathroom.
>Sennheiser HD 650. The "silver driver" retuning is not that veiled anymore. Still has the boosted bass compared to the 600. No raised presence region and lower treble emphasis makes this better than than the 600 but it's darker, warmer, bassier, and the high end bite of many metal records gets ruined. Getting a better pair of open headphones than the HD 6XX series will require a lot of money, effort, and design trade offs.
She is so cute my fellow staxers
pls gibe me replies pls
buy the ER4SR
it's what ear dildo users deserve for being ear dildo users
hollow chinkshit like all stax
How do we solve the Anime problem in headphone community?
Is that including the Massdrop HD6XX (which is much fucking cheaper) or just the main HD6XX series? It's a bit harder to find 600/650s for my budget unless I buy used.
reminder that Stax is no longer a Japanese company.
How do we solve the Frogposting problem in the headphone community?
Figures HeadFi is shilling Stax.
akg k712 pro
would you like to see mine?
Massdrop HD6XX is the same headphone as the HD650 with just a different cable, coat of paint and customer support, along with lack of convenience (massdrop shipping vs amazon superb and immediate shipping)
Same plastic housing, same headphone driver.
Interesting, I was under the impression the 6XX was tweaked a bit sound-wise. I'll check that out then, thanks.
>100% distortion
STAX confirmed for distorted pieces of shit
wtf that shitposter somehow got me and I no longer want my very own pair of STAX earspeakers
and not even kidding
The one that isn't related to a retail headphone is the HD58X, not the HD6XX.
Need some gym headphones, what buy 4dan?
B-but can they do FR measurements too with the L700 pads?
The best headphones in the world
What kind of tracks do you guys listen to for testing a new pair of headphones?
These are my testing tracks
1/ Bass test
2/ Imaging
>3/ midrange high gain guitars saturation
earpiercing youtube.com
4/ acoustic instruments