Which race is this?

Which race is this?

Attached: letsgo.jpg (900x900, 95K)

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la cretura...


Attached: 1541052879094.png (1271x1000, 89K)

Heinz 57

Pretty much this

Attached: 1537085152092.png (1200x1399, 363K)




It looks white to me

Mixed race (multiple), American nationality, pale skin; known internally as "white American". The consequence of accepting all the undesirable micks and whops and kikes and polacks and krauts and pikeys colonize and interbreed.

Attached: 1545626487102.jpg (898x954, 435K)

Attached: 1537080783269.png (1104x872, 56K)

Sniff braps

Attached: 2d7.png (2560x1440, 1.8M)

man, this is Jow Forums. I am right wing and all but I want to have these discussions on Jow Forums on here.

le 54% creatura

Attached: 1523611716232.png (820x1020, 393K)

not* ........ whatever you get the point -> do not discuss race on Jow Forums

Attached: proud npc.png (843x500, 195K)

Races are technology though


Not with that nose, those lips and that diarrhea complexion.
It's some sort of Photoshop abortion.

Attached: file.png (297x559, 37K)

yea, right...... so much technology.... maybe in the future when people are part machine, but now it is not a technology related subject.

>Being an atheist
God fucking damn am I glad to not be a burgercuck.

Post your face, so we can judge then


Jow Forums- technology

>t. Christ cuck
You civ nat nigger lovers are the reason this country is such shit.

Attached: 1529417008648.jpg (595x608, 69K)

Pretty fucking based pede. This guy is definitely some negroid abomination. > igge

>t. Street shitting sand nigger

Let he who cast the first stone

This is a technology board

So I'm guessins you are kind of a ugly neckbeard faggot who is affraid of posting his photo but thinks he's superior just for being le white xDDD

Exactly im fucking sick of this board, reddit is so much better than this fucking racist shithole.

Attached: 1547383085901.jpg (576x803, 102K)

This is me Jow Forums

Attached: 1546123406901.png (1090x1076, 455K)