In simple words, what is the difference and the dependence between a modem and a router. I have a router...

In simple words, what is the difference and the dependence between a modem and a router. I have a router, which connects with a lan cable, which connects to a POE injector. The latter has a power cable on one end and on the other a cable poe that crosses the wall and connects with the antenna that replicates the provider's signal, but why do not I have the much-mentioned modem? What function does it have? Could it be that you have a router with an integrated modem that decodes the signal at the same time? This doubt is killing me, they have the free will to insult me and troll if what I just asked is not coherent;).

Attached: D_NP_722186-MLV26489136710_122017-Q.jpg (284x284, 11K)

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A modem operates under the layer 2 of the OSI model, a router under the layer 3. A modem cannot assignate an IP so you can connect to the internet, that's why it requires of a router.

A modem is the box that speaks the language of your ISP.

A router is the box that speaks the language of your LAN.

What is this? What is his function?

Attached: ubiquiti-poe-24v-05a-D_NQ_NP_856825-MLV25511782535_042017-F.jpg (799x449, 61K)

>what is the difference between a modem and a router

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

POE simply provides Power Over Ethernet on that line.

>Could it be that you have a router with an integrated modem that decodes the signal at the same time?

Yes. They're called modem router combo. And they're as common as muck.

Why does Jow Forums shill building your own PC, but not your own router?

I built my own.

A modem has firmware configurable by the ISP to provide you your service.
A router is a combination of a gateway which performs network address translation to the WAN, and a switch which performs network address translation to the LAN.