Monospaced fonts

have you switched to using monospaced fonts in your editor / IDE / terminal and if so which have you chosen?

Attached: Unifont_Sample,_v11.0.03.png (359x682, 7K)

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Iosevka term slab

no i dont want eye cancer

how can you even use a non-monospaced font on a terminal?

I'm fairly partial to PT Mono

Attached: PT Mono.png (720x360, 3K)

Only monospace font that matters - Monaco


What's the cutest monospaced font?

who the fuck doesnt use a monospaced font in an IDE?

I use DejaVu because it comes by default
Maybe gonna use Noto because it has tons of foreign glyphs? I dunno.

Fantasque sans mono

Terminus is the only correct font to use in the terminal and when programming.
If you unironically believe otherwise you should kill yourself.

Attached: latest.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>have you switched to using monospaced fonts
I never switched FROM using monospaced fonts, and I'm not going to.
Pearl8x8 > *

For me it's calibri
Monospaced fonts are silly and old looking

how do I set urxvt to use terminus?

I use hack because it's the only font for hackers.
I run kali as my daily driver btw.

Iirc I'm using leggie on my Linux setup but I found this font.

FixedSys on Windows.
Terminus on Linux.

>pt mono

> 2019
> still not using Noto for everything

It's aesthetic but it isn't a free font

Noto is too w i d e
Also the "g" is aesthetically unpleasing


and Tamzen/Tamsyn

tried that font today
its blurry as fuck

the creator had great thought but fucked up then

>there are people on Jow Forums who don't use monospaced fonts

I mean the name I should put in the font part of the .Xresources file

xft:terminus:size 10 doesn't do the trick

noto is great font
if there bitmap fonts is not the way then noto is in ttf world

*.font: xft:TamzenForPowerline:pixelsize=13

use urxvt instead of star if you want

Just posted this in /fglt/
SF Mono is the font for me

Attached: 1550855632185.png (1920x1080, 357K)

SF Mono Bold and SF Mono Bold-Italic, that is

IBM VGA codepage 437

dude i can fit like 3time more shit onto that screen and still keep it readable

also those colors will gave u cancer
look for solarized/gruvbox

Attached: file.png (1097x590, 18K)

Loved it until I had a project where I had to use alot of $ and € signs.

>pic related
the only terminal font you should use

get the fuck

I like terminal 12pt

I'd love to but I have a lot of homework and it's raining a lot today and the past week or so, so everything is flooded and stuff

what's wrong with them? I guess the € sign doesn't fit in all that well but I don't use that very often.

Attached: file.png (166x82, 707)

Oh maybe it was another symbol. Can't remember. Some symbols show up all fucked.

lucy tewi everyday

Ubuntu Mono is all you need

>Editor / IDE / Terminal
>switched to

Right now it's Fantasque Sans Mono. Wanted to try something different, after using Terminus everywhere all the time

Ubuntu Mono - terminal
Fira Code/non antialiased Consolas - code
DejaVu Sans - everything else

Looks like crap

wtf? is OP programming in MS-Word?

> looks like crap
I bet those tofu squares look like crap too
Also turn on aa

Non aa Consolas is perfect, but it looks nice only in DevCpp for some reason

MS Gothic
Makes your code look like h-game dialogue.

>have you switched to using monospaced fonts in your editor / IDE / terminal

What third-rate bargain bin editor / IDE / terminal ships without a monospace font by default?

Who here /DejaVu Sans Mono/?


I found out about it from a thread like this. I liked it, so decided to use it.

There are a lot of good choices when it comes to monospace fonts. My personal preferences are Monospace Regular, ProFont Windows and Anonymous Pro.

Why so many Terminus fanbois these days?
AnonymousPro is better in every way

Also for the record AnonymousPro is bitmapped. I don't know why every sample image you can find for it on google images shows it without the bitmaps

I use this one too. I used to use noto, fira and plex.

Iconsolata, the moment I started using it for terminal my brain felt at ease.

Attached: incoshow.png (609x320, 37K)

Who gives a shit? It's not executable code just data

>most editors and ides default to Courier New
>used fixedsys on terminals and emulators if ever bother to change it

Deja Vu Sans Mono. Love that font.

consolas for monospace
segoe ui for desktop

Microsoft did a pretty good job with fonts.
Shame about the rest of their OS.

Attached: consolas.png (1255x507, 100K)

I don't want to pay nor pirate for my emacs

No, and I still don't understand why you would want to since extra whitespace (indentations) is at the beginning of lines and shouldn't be used otherwise. This isn't dos/linux command line where you use to have no choice, it's stupid.


run this:
fc-list | grep terminus
then whatever comes up, use that

Dumb underage animeposter

I prefer Courier New

Are there fonts with ligatures that are better than Fira Code?


God says ligatures are homo

>how do I set urxvt to use terminus?

it doesn't look like montecarlo at all

i've even switched to monospaced fonts for web browsing. brainlets will never understand

Attached: screenshot.png (1366x768, 83K)

Always keep coming back DejaVu Sans Mono

Segoe UI Semibold is masterrace

I didn't have to switch it already has monospace font. what kind of braindead cuck uses non-monospace fonts for writing code?