Is there more to life than furiously refreshing Hacker News over and over again?

Is there more to life than furiously refreshing Hacker News over and over again?

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>limiting yourself to only one news source

making something worthy of a Show HN thread

Oh, has someone else found themselves addicted? I had a period where I checked HN bi-hourly. I came to my senses and realised I was reading headlines for dopamine. It was an addiction, but an easy one to quit.

>implying it's hard
I'll create a Show HN generator and make a thread about it

enabling show dead and furiously refreshing /newest for auto censored posts
I found some excellent sources of real news to combat all the fake news HN promotes that way

>following the news at all

>tfw all those validating comments and headpats when my Show HN thread gets upboated to the top of the front page
name a better feeling in the world than upcummies

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How do you get addicted to HN? It's shit.

It does have a nice load time, but reading anything on there is probably a waste of brain cells

Show HN: Hello World in JS but I have a vagina so updoots to the left please

i used to do the same to slashdot and drudge report but then one day i realised i was probably just autistic and purchased a an inanimate fidget cube to click on instead

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Oh yeah, compared to browsing Jow Forums which definitely doesn't kill brain cells

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this literally never happens

yeah, we've got linux weekly news too.


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Jow Forums is unironically smarter than HN.

>Why would you need software to do X? On Linux, doing X is easy, you just have to do
Why are Linux faggots like this?

Jow Forums does not kill brain cells and is perhaps collectively the smartest place on the internet it is however a massive time sink

[picture related] is an image post i saw yesterday morning of SierpiƄski pattern translated in hilbert space programed on oberon OS.... you big brain hardcore motherfuckers... *tips*

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furiously refreshing Jow Forums4chan

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i hate hacka news but i cant stop fucking going there.
i dont even know how i started lurking that shit, its almost like like it was always there and im just losing the abbility to feel time.

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>im smarter for choosing to be ignorant!

Modern news isn't informative.

> and im just losing the abbility to feel time

that is a frequent symptom of Jow Forums abuse. get out of the house and just ride your bicycle like your life depended on it.

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stop reinventing the wheel faggot, create your own originality

If something is really important you are sure to hear about it; your friends and neighbors will talk about it.

Dropbox got universally shat upon by Show HN and yet here you are still posting on a Mongolian marmot hunting board.

Any more sources of news other than HN ??

this, should have geen first post

Hacker News and The Guardian are my favourite sources for pretentious twaddle online.

Turn on the anti procrastination settings of your HN account, faggot.

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Yes, reading

What would it say about Jow Forums?
>inb4 "No technology is discussed"