/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% --help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: 1515846884106.jpg (640x480, 249K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Uriel died like a bitch

Linus won.

How much money core devs get per month?

>write operating system
>stop development just before file picker is finished in order to become a youtube celeb

uriel is kinda cute

Attached: hat.jpg (1365x1362, 157K)

The real question is, did Plan9 anything better than GNU/Linux?

If I ever saw Linus at a party I would punch him right in the face and ask him how great he thinks his filepicker is now

I want to transition to Linux. I have quit video games, at least as long as I'm still studying, so I have lost most of the motivation to stay on Windows. But every program I know and love is on windows so I'm very torn. I'm afraid that if I switch over I will be totally crippled and won't be able to do anything cool.

What's the least painful way to take the plunge?

Probably the fact that they stuck to the "everything is a file" philosophy much more strictly than GNU/Linux did.

You can use WINE to use the windows programs


>But every program I know and love is on windows so I'm very torn
This is probably naturally true if you know nothing else...?

But apart from Adobe/Autodesk crap there isn't even much that needs Windows. Run it in a VM or in Wine or use the Linux equivalents.

Also nobody said you can't have a Windows machine. It's not trustworthy or under your control, but that's what you got the Linux machine for.

I want Sublime Text to be able to edit root's files. By default, attempting to save a file belonging to root / something I don't have write-permissions to resulted in an error saying something like "couldn't find gksudo or pkexec".
After reading a bit about GUI stuff and privileges, I learned that running GUI apps as sudo is bad, gksudo is considered a security hazard (and actually removed from Debian testing branch), and that pkexec is probably the way to go with this problem.

Thing is, I have no idea how to configure pkexec. I tried saving after just installing policykit-1, but I get an error saying "/usr/bin/pkexec failed". Wat do?

Attached: DragonBalls.jpg (576x432, 140K)

Thanks, I'll look into it.

>trustworthy or under your control
That's exactly what has caused me to reconsider my stance on Windows. Random, forceful updates and shutdowns, rumors of pervasive surveillance, etc. Just sounds like some power-freaks wet dream. Plus I don't want to give my shekels to a company that doesn't give a shit about its consumer base.

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Painless is for pussies. If you want to use a new operating system, you have to learn using it and use the programs provided. You will safe LOTS of lifetime by going in balls deep, reading the Arch Wiki, especially wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/list_of_applications and configuring everything to your needs.

Searching for a program you're used to use on Windows? Ask, we're here. Don't bring the Botnet into your new system.

every problem you may encounter with GNU/Linux has already been solved thousands of times by other people, and probably posted on /fglt/ at least a dozen

tl;dr on Uriel?

Attached: sed 11q.png (1440x1681, 2.19M)

>SQL databases
In what way are these harmful things?

Well shit.

This is what will happen to you if you care about shit like this

Attached: example.gif (686x379, 704K)

this is standard professional terminal usage

You're asking the wrong questions.

What should I be asking?


What made him think that life is harmful and why he replaced it with death.

autocmd BufRead *.java imap :w:let file_name = expand('%:p'):let class_name = expand('%:r')clear:call term_sendkeys("", "javac ".file_name):call term_sendkeys("", "java ".class_name)

Attached: file.png (396x304, 46K)

This thread is shit and has a shit OP, can we start over with a new thread

Smells like botnet.

no, fuck off retard

Nobody actually gives even 1 shit about the OP. If you want a different one then just post first next time I guess.
Either way 99% of the thread will go on doing its own thing and not caring

>Don't bring the Botnet into your new system
I'm a newfag and I don't know what this means.
>Ask, we're here
Is there plenty of torrent support on Linux? I pirate pretty much everything, textbooks, movies, programs, etc. Which programs do you use for this?


Sharing on Linux is strictly forbidden.

fug off. i just moved all my important shit to an external hard drive. Hopefully ubuntu will be a good first linux OS

>It's the episode where Truman excitedly figures out aliases and memorizes the FFMPEG cli, but needs to come up with excuses to use it.

Attached: 1550904586150.webm (686x379, 650K)

Whenever I compile kernel 4.20.11, startx freezes and crashes after a minute.
What am I doing wrong?
Says something about
Waited 5000 ms for '/dev/dri/card0' to appear. I'm assuming I missed a display driver? Donno where it is though.

How do I make my PS1 \w variable always include a single trailing slash?


If my cwd is /, that'll result in //

Just read up on the whole popularity-contest thing on ubuntu/Debian and the ID on openSuse. Without focusing on the point if those are good or bad, do Arch, Fedora, Solus or other mainstream distros similar systems?

Attached: programming_sock.jpg (1024x768, 312K)


Try ${PWD}/

I purposely tried to avoid enrolling in any Java classes for next semester. Recently found out one of the courses does have it. I can only hope that it's "programming in C but avoiding memory management" rather than "programming in C but cramming everything into classes"

_prompt() {
local cwd="${PWD}"
[[ ${cwd} != */ ]] && cwd+=/
PS1="${cwd} \$ "


The most recommended torrent programs are transmission, qbittorrent and rtorrent. Transmission is simple and does what it's supposed to do. Qbittorrent is more feature rich. Rtorrent is very feature rich but us cli only. I'd say go with qbittorrent

Didn't see such a clean shell script in a while, kudos.

Why won't cli-visualizer work while I play a song in cmus? pls respond

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Couple things :

Will Xubuntu have all the same "botnet" problems as Ubuntu? I noticed when I search for something in the address bar in the pre-installed Firefox, theres a temporary URL which displays something about Canonical. This does not happen if I just go to the search engine itself.

Secondly, where do you guys store your shit? I'm new to Linux, so I'm used to installing a program and having it reside somewhere like Program Files. I downloaded Waterfox and it was simply running out if a folder in my downloads folder which feels gross. I know I can just move it myself. In just curios about how everyone gets arranges their stuff.

Thirdly, anyone have any recommendations for a mud client on Linux?

cmus doesn't use mpd does it? cli-visualizer says it uses mpd.
It also says it has experimental support for alsa and pulseaudio so in theory it should work with any application but I guess you'd have to configure it to the right pulse channel or something first.

The original point was to determine what's popular so what goes on CD1/DVD1 of the installation sets.
Kinda obsolete is year of the lord 2019, but guess there are people in the world who use debian offline and install from CDs only.
Also gives devs some insight on how many people uses a certain architecture, this especially useful for debian which a lot of archs to maintain.

do you use gentoo or something?

Which kernel?

PWD doesn't work exactly like the variable \w (/home/user isn't converted to ~), so I changed it to $(dirs +0).
>tfw this is basically my first editing a bash script
thanks for the help, my dude. got it working.

Your probably missed your hardware specific drm module (inteldrm, nouveau, radeon/amdgpu).

I'm just gonna use the default one. For some reason, updating it to 4.4.172 causes virtualbox not to work.

debian and its derivatives (*buntu, mint, etc) tend to add something to their packages, if you want 99% vanilla programs (just like what you got from upstream), try slackware
I usually made a package for it, or simply placed it inside ~/.local/bin
not into game, sorry

PS1="${cwd}"' \$ '
the \$ wasn't the PS1 \$, it was a literal $ that just happens to have the correct value if you're not root

>if you want 99% vanilla programs (just like what you got from upstream)
Sorry, I'm retarded and don't fully understand what you mean by this.

For what purpose? The point of Slackware is to not update your system forever. That's why it's stable as fuck.

Nevermind, I get it now.

Yeah, I guess I won't upgrade the kernel until they push the newer version out.
There was a work around for the virtualbox guest additions, but I didn't find the source files for it to modify it as they suggested.

What kernel do you use?

You could grab the standalone vbox installer from their website. It was compiled for redhat so it required ancient as fuck kernel/libs. See if that works.

Uh, I think the default one that comes with Slackware is 4.4.16
Are there different ones? I got the 4.20.11 from kernel.org. the issue occured for 4.4.172
I'm reinstalling now, I'll see what happens.

Goddamnit, I didn't realize that. I'm going to switch to mpd then. Thank you for your help.

Oh, it comes with 4.4.14

I mean, a dev said it should still work with cmus, and I even found a youtube video that shows it working, so it can be done.
I just think it has to go through pulse instead of directly from mpd, and you probably have to configure it for that.
So do with that information whatever you want I guess

what is the best kernel for Linux?



install gentoo

Wiping windows and Lenovo bloatware completely from my Thinkpad with Ubuntu was the greatest decision I have ever made. Thank you guys!

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pls help

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just do
$ sudo your-shitty-proprietary-editor /etc/file

Isn't Ubuntu just full of Spyware shit anyways?

If someone could just be honest here : it seems harder than it is worth to avoid "botnet" shit, even on Linux. Like I'm still going to want to use some proprietary shit I used in windows anyway. Drivers for my ThinkPad to function properly? Proprietary. So it becomes a question of, what's the point?

Glow a bit harder nigger.
There are people with functional brains who can look around before buying a device and not buy a iwlwifi fucktard laptop, like you did.

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I have no idea what you're saying or why you're upset.

Thanks for completly ignoring the question.

The "point" of using GNU/Linux isn't avoiding the botnet. The point is using an OS developed to give you as much control over your computing experience as possible (avoiding botnet is just one possible aspect of control, but no it's still not easy)
There are many good reasons to use GNU/Linux, like having an OS in general that isn't only made well in areas that tech illiterate people can see while other aspects of it are left to rot.

You're welcome. Smash your desk a bit harder, maybe it breaks.

I see, thank you.

you can avoid using proprietary driver by buying right hardware, or ancient thinkpad laptops

>these are the people calling you "not white" on the internet

Mint.or fedora from a boot.stick. Its should give you.the.option to dual.boot should you want to install it for real. Ignore anyone who tells you gentoo, it'd be.horrible for a newb

I see. The freedom thing is more of a curiosity for me than a reality. It's not practical for me to jump through all these hoops for that kind of stuff. I think one of my mistakes was conflating Linux users with people who only use free software.

popularity-contest is debian-thingy
stop using debian for it causes you into thinking "why no other distro has this shit like debian does"
debian doesn't make standard so don't expect other distro to follow debian
if you want a distro that set standard between linux world, go use redhat's distro such as fedora

Not that user, but still new to Linux. I'm interested in Fedora but the wiki mentions that you have to add repositories for proprietary software. One of my concerns as someone interested in Linux is not fully understanding how these repositories are maintained and who handles them. How do I know I'm getting legitimate software from a trusted source?

Previous thread someone said theres a Jow Forums matrix channel, but its not in the wiki.
How can I access it?

sudo subl3 -a /path/to/file/or/folder

>using sudo for gui

I guarantee you he would have trooned out had he stayed alive so maybe all is for the best.

This is something a Smith would say

I am looking for a open-source alternative to TeamViewer, to log from my laptop to my desktop.

On both PCs I have KDE as a DE.
I am considering kdrc and remmina as options. Should I look at something better / safer?

My only preference is to have an easy to use GUI.

some distro that separate base system and package?