Why is Windows 7 so beloved?

Why is Windows 7 so beloved?

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Because it isn't Windows 10

The peak of OS design just before the era of touchscreens and data-tracking.

Why wouldn't it be? It does all the things it should and none of the things it shouldn't, unlike Windows 10 that does all the things it should and all the things it shouldn't.

It's the best desktop OS ever made!

Attached: System.png (1631x931, 181K)

What will you do when support ends?

Because Windows Vista was so terrible it made Windows 7 look like the second coming of Christ. I'm almost ready to adopt Windows 8.1 as it is actually redeemable in that the bloat/telemetry is relatively easy to cull compared to Windows 10.

keep using it for a while, see what happens

Put things into perspective.
Most windows users are simply average people
going about their average lives in an average way

Since mediocrity is the key to the average users life, there is where they find shelter in windows 7

It's based Ballmer's magnum opus

Attached: windows man.jpg (400x300, 50K)

It was the last windows OS before Microsoft's public announcement that they are a botnet

>128 GB of RAM
>The CPU isn't a Xeon 6-core

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given that win xp and even win'00 still gets semi regular community made support and updates, I reckon it will keep being used by those who choose to keep using it
I am a little based though as i still use win7 pro

why do you think ballmer is based

I've never relied on support to begin with. What does support even do? Fix non-existing issues? Provide unneeded security?

>More than 32GB RAM


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No its a 10 core 6th gen i7 with hyperthreading
maybe best to do your research before you shitpost

Keep using it.

>Xeone 6-core
That's a 10c/20t CPU. Why would I do such a downgrade?

>What will you do when support ends?
I went from 2014 to late 2017 without installing a single update on my windows 7, I think I'll be fine with my firewalls and shit

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I've used Windows 7 since 2011, and the only time I've ever installed an update is when I needed a Service Pack because some game was missing a file from the system folder.

Best Windows coming through. 7 will never be this good.

Attached: windows_xp_tan_by_lorddiablo006 (1).jpg (640x480, 201K)

No, XP was when they publically acknowledged their universal backdoor in Windows.

I don't know, its okay but the contemporary version of Ubuntu was way better. I honestly prefer Windows 10 even if its a buggy piece of shit and you have to spend 2 hours fixing all its issues, it still feels better to use and has a lot more useful features than Windows 7.

Support is a complete meme. The only reason to upgrade your OS is because of new hardware that doesn't work without some tinkering.

It had stuff you wanted on it like media player that worked with TV tuners out if the box. Just little shit like that.

It just works. It might not ever work well, but it works.


>fast and snappy
>barely any bugs
>organized layout
>just werks


How do I return to Windows 7? Anyone have a link or something, not to be a spoonfeeding tard. Tired of this bloat bullshit

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>please spoonfeed me
>h-heh not to be a tard
nice one fag

I'm fucking sick and tired of slow and crashy piece of shit Windows 10 so I've been considering rolling back to 7 and see how it goes
In your experience, are there any programs at all that have any problems with compatibility? features you miss that are not in windows 7? Any games that might not run because you're not using latest Botnet 10? (Let's face it, Windows userbase would have migrated to linux or BSD long ago if not for muh games).
It's been years since I last used 7 so I have forgotten basically most of it, and dont know how much software has changed and if those changes impact compatibility with older versions of windows; I know for fact that all of UWP wont work, but that is more of a pro than anything.

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I know a guy who asked me why his Firefox isn't working. I find out he's been on Windows XP since SP2.

>if you just use the machine for the same goddamn thing 15 years in a row, you never need actual support

Because M$ stop making a decent OS after 7.

Because that was the last one before Microsoft decided to try to turn Windows into a phone/tablet and try to get 30% of every software sale through the store like Apple and Google do.