Why do they hate C so much, bros?
Why do they hate C so much, bros?
Is this thing male or female? I can't tell anymore with you americans.
>former teen mom
What did she mean by this? Abortion after 12 months?
It doesn't hold their hand enough.
Why does he point out that his opinion are his own? I thought you guys had free speach.
It's a tranny
Because C is the huwyte man's language and it causes these subhumans to seethe.
What do these things even do? Are they only there for diversity points?
>former teen mom
Why would anyone brag about this?
>former shit smearer
>former knuckle dragger
>former alcoholic bum
>kubernetes breaker
Yeah I think it just does that by default
Pharmaceutically-induced hormone washing
Zionist Jew influenced trap pornography is really knocking my socks back a few inches
She's got a piggy nose. Oink oink.
Trannies/SJWs don't believe in free speech.
It's manual labor in language form.
The very opposite of the inherently white idea of "work smart, not hard".
hi guise
>DPRK advocate
Holy mother of god, what the fuck is that?
>Type casting is bad and dangerous! A pointer to an int should always be a pointer to an int!
>Also I'm a man who thinks I'm a woman, and I'll take drugs and chop my penis off to help keep this delusion going
America's future. And it's beautiful.
>teen mom
>rainbow hair
Can we crowd fund xir trip to North Korea? I'm sure they have gender-neutral bathrooms over there.
*puffs vape*
M'logic and m'reason
Because a broken clock is right twice a day
But all seriousness aside, his worst crime is not being a tranny but an Infosec fag.
It's easy to find the one bug in an otherwise useful C program, but if they want to advocate for Rust they should lead by example: write ultra-secure Rust code and put us all to shame (pro-tip: there is already a CVE *in the Rust core libraries* because it turns out you still need unsafe blocks everywhere, and those idiots don't bother checking them because they assume Rust is magically secure).
that philtrum makes my j-dar go beep beep
What's chosen about it?
Looks slavic, especially combined with the raised nose tip.
It was just a phase. She grew out of it.
Because c is why we have these side channel leaking superscalars and also numerous memory oriented security issues.
I kind of understand idolising the Soviet Union as this communist utopia since that is in the past and some people feel nostalgic about it. But there are people dieing in North Korean concentration camps RIGHT NOW, how can you possibly idolise this shithole of a country?!
Who knows, C is why more than half the security industry is employed.
genders, pronouns, whatever
how do you get to the point that you defend a authoritarian shithole
>*overruns your buffer*
Never doubt my j-dar
It is infallible
ayyy lmao
fucking kikes back at it again huh
post birth abortion at 5, it's her kid
Because a broken clock is right twice a day.
I still can't understand why Americans are becoming women.
it's unironically because of Atrazine in the water supply
Hormones in the water supply.
Skill is required to use C
Acquiring actual skill would absorb the time they spend whining about their failures being a result of social injustice
That might be a concern if American men were frogs.
I suspect Ian is as jewish as he is female
I bet he doesn't know the secret everyday symbols
Because it's easy mode in any place that accepts it.
Not because hurr brownie points xD but because every normie naturally treats women better.
In some older vidya, you can't even reach the good ending if you play on easy mode, and/or the game ends __earlier__.
REALLY makes you think, doesn't it.
W-what are the secret everyday symbols?
That analogy makes no sense.
Vast majority of real life easy moders live longer on average, it's just those who try to lower difficulty who get fucked over.
>former heroine sniffer and asiatic cuckold leg warmer
>former bum cleaner and Tim Hortons cash register licker
>accomplished programmer
>pick 7
>implying mental health isn't important
remember when being mentally ill was something people didn't even admit to themselves
For someone who says she's Mentally Ill in her twitter bio, she should consider getting help.
You can treat and cure depression. It's really not that hard unless your stuck in some PTSD drug-addled addiction.
They won't ever admit anything until it's already too late, which is when North Korea collapses/reforms and we discover a million dead gook citizens in abandoned work camps. Even then it will be hard, they'll probably blame US sanctions or some shit.
50s sounds more like medieval feudalism than modern times when you put it like this.
No, these people enjoy the attention they receive from being """mentally ill"""
Have you ever considered getting a job?
What's it like to work with these people?
I live in the midwest and I've never come across anyone like this.
That's the point. People who *choose* easy mode eventually get fucked.
I have yet to see a tranny who didn't eventually kill himself.
>That's the point. People who *choose* easy mode eventually get fucked.
But that's a terrible analogy because those who start on easy mode don't need to deal with any negative consequences from it.
>Working for a tech company in the thicc of Silicon Valley.
>Everyone in my office in white male, not a single tranny or technicolor hair dye in sight
>The only non white person in our department is a qt Asian electrical engineer with a 2hu plush on her desk
I feel like I'm in the eye of the storm.
Ian is a boys name
>video game analogy
nearly as bad as a food analogy, absolutely worthless post.
Same but we have some Indians and Asians too. All of our HR and other useless departments are in a different site so everyone I work with is just normal people that work. IDK how Google, FB, etc. work who seemingly employee these people operate, but they must cordon them off somehow.
Not an argument
touhou is still modern ya damn NIGGER
I don't get it, reading his/her blog there's hardly anything related to security, and the security focused posts are not flaws related to the C language but flaws about logic flaws on webshit and container shit.
>tfw no qt3.14Asianelectricalengineergf
learn holy c niggers
yes, it is
They hate it because they can't figure it out. They are unable to learn nor use C. Ha!
I fucking love this timeline, holy shit my sides can't take this much more
its too mainstream
>Trying to kill C & C++ so we can have javashit and bloat
This is why we can't have nice things.
I'd imagine she was a teen mom and isn't a teen anymore.
Why do trannies often have the politics of the mentally ill?
Because of heavy selection bias of those who pick propaganda images to further their agenda.
I've seen more threads about the presupposed 'war against C' on Jow Forums than anywhere else, always accompanied by some cherrypicked "SJW" figure
get a life
>former teen mom
How is babby kill?
>mentally ill
Guess it bears repeating.
>implying this guy wouldn’t go straight to the re-education camp in NK
Oh I see
I worked for mozilla for 2 years, I got out of when people were just starting to put their pronouns in their email signatures. Still know a few people there. I'm glad I left because I know I would get fired in less than a week.
I'm about to go to SF for a few months for work
What should I expect
This is what faggot SJWs actually believe
Public urination and defecation, lots of it.
soz pls
How does this make you feel, Jow Forums?
god i wish that were me
>already a CVE *in the Rust core libraries*
But I was lead to believe......
When you're a failed man, it's easier to live as a woman.
Like Carmack is past his prime. Using words like "wholesome" means they got to him.