Best browser?

For both pc and android, and why.
For me, its chrome

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Other urls found in this thread:

brave you dummy shill

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Why i used firefox?

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get out of here stupid faggot, there's already a couple of thread for a goddamned browser, go post there

>chrome + ubo has effectively the same metrics as brave while allowing more fine grained control
>a chromium distro somehow takes less time to GPU-render

do you faggots actually believe any of this?

Attached: kets.jpg (1200x1000, 165K)

Its default settings are 10x better than ublock, there is a more dedicated dev team, and the shit just werks.

I use Chrome on Android and Chromium on Linux.
Works quite nice.


>10x better than ublock
been using ubo for years now and have zero complaints and like 3 times ads went through (usually on obscure russian porn sites)

No idea what you're on about

werks way better than chrome, and is gaining traction and support

how? Can you just fucking answer the question instead of mindless shilling?

What do you think about running Firefox with a modified user.js?
I'm looking at these two:
and I'm wondering if one is better than the other.

its cleaner, has a way better dev team, and an actual method for generating revenue besides
>gib money pls :(

PC: Ungoogled Chromium
Android: Just chrome lole, don't use it that much anyway

that are not functional differences

For desktop?
Firefox (unless you rather want low resource usage than addons, then Epiphany aka Gnome Web). Great addon support, allows you to tweak pretty much everything and it's piss easy to build from source.
For Android?
No idea. I don't even have a smartphone.

there clearly are.
especially with TOR incognito tabs.

get rekt

Don't you get tired of shilling this hard?

does tor have built in vpn? or are there any browsers that do

Just that the Tor tAbs actually make you easier to track which was acknowledged by Brendan but ok

I don't use it for android since no extensions and no ublock origin. Sure, you could use a system-wide adblock but it's certainly not worth the battery usage.

track =/= identify.

i didn't know it's 2003 again

chrome for android is probably the worst for me. Nowhere near as usable when compared to other browsers on android

I didnt know memes expired.

this is an 18+ board, child

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Been here since 2007 mate.

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obviously not.

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Spotted the newfag

chrome werks better on my convertible tablet/ultrabook
firefox interface is too small

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ungoogled-chromium on an aging pc, i feel the difference and it (strangely) doesnt run out of memory unlike chrome after a few hours usage

i use builds from here

Opera's pretty good. Lightning fast on everything I've installed it on (Several PCs, several smartphones, my now ancient tablet)
Firefox had a MUCH BETTER add-on library (Session Manager FTW), but the performance was awful by comparison

Same. I have a craptop running Ubuntu 18.04.1 with an A9-9420. I watch every video at 1.5x speed and videos occasionally stutter every 2-3 mins on Firefox while it's smooth sailing on Chrome. I don't really care about this botnet conspiracy so idgaf which browser I'm using as long as it werks.

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Do you even know how privacy works?
If you use Brave you will have a unique fingerprint (ironically enough their fingerprinting """protrction""" makes you more unique try it out yourself). Also remainder that Brave not only whitelists Twitter, Facebook and Google trackers but even worse injects unique cryptomarket scam headers to make it even easier for their """"partners"""" to identify and as thus follow/track you around the web.

Since 99.99% of webpages you and I visit connect to Google (and many first party it so blocking Google connection doesn't do anything) Google will instantly know who clicked on what link at what time with full url referrer etc.

Now if you use Tor inside Brave you not only have a unique fingerprint but in addition you segregated yourself away from the typical Tor user who all look the same. Imagine now how hard it is for somebody to track/follow you.

If you can do one you can do the other as well paid Brave shill. We both know Brendan your dick loving boss knows this as well that's why he needs to inject crypto seller headers to make it even easier for you to be identified.