Genuine question, please no REEEEeeEeeE
Why do you guys hate Jewish people?
Other urls found in this thread:
I only hate the jews on r/banter
I have nothing against Jews.
Israel, however...
I see quite a bit of anti-semitism on this site...
Just wanted to understand it.
wrong board sonny
What board should I relocate to?
Am semi-normie :(
Jow Forums is a Jewish board, I think you're looking for Jow Forums.
Tried Jow Forums, I was warned by mod. :(
Imperialist brats who control American foreign policy via intense lobbying and the literally retarded Evangelical Christian Right. They think they have an obligation to stand with and prop up Israel so Jesus can come back. When Israel get blowback from the Palestinians they cry SHOAH and Uncle Sam gives them more money (your money).
dis degenerate
Sounds like conspiracy theories and racist dogma...
Can you generalize an entire race?
>conspiracy theories and racist dogma
There's your answers. A bit of a generalization, but that's really the whole thing.
just go back to where you came from buddy
nobody cares about dajoooos
Thank you, but this still doesn't answer why anti-semitism is so wide-spread compared to other race hatreds. I don't quite understand why the Jewish people in particular are the target of dogma and conspiracies...
What Jow Forums does is that they get a bunch of forged documents, out of context quotes, and fake quotes attributed to Jews, and then they post those in shady looking images (like pic related) along with the fact that they're overrepresented in fields like media, entertainment, and banking. The fact that their wealth goes far beyond their numbers makes them an easy scapegoat when things go to shit.
Ahhhhh, I suppose that makes sense. Thanks for the info, Internet pros! :D
I thought I was going to get flamed for asking these questions here. Nice to see the Internet has helpful, rational people on it.
I'm not sure. If I were to hazard a guess it's because they have historically traveled everywhere. And have a history of being kicked out of many places so it's like a tradition.
Other races such as blacks or yellows only started moving to white countries in more recent times.
dey keep fukkin up senpai
This isn't Jow Forums. Jow Forums doesn't care about jews.
I like this thread
History of being kicked out of places, really?
Genuinely curious.
Israel is one of the worst countries ever created. Netanyahu is a corrupt psycho, they commit war crimes each they (and the US seems to like it) and they are quite paranoic and obsessed about fighting antisemitism. But we do have to keep in mind that not all jews are Israeli and not all jews are that terrible
I'm sure there were some cases about Romania too but they don't seem to be listed here.
did I really write "day" as "they"
Sounds fake, but okay XD
Thank you!
Dude it's common sense if you pull your head out of your ass. Why do we care more about the middle east than something closer, like Canada, or central america? Why do we constantly start wars over there?
For Israel. We don't have any big interests over there. We have enough oil ourselves. South America has tons of oil too. There are very few christians over there. Muslims and jews do not share our ideals, unless you're a necon who considers isreal sacred land. Which is fucking retarded.
WOWZA, kicking out Jewish is like a tradition!
Argumentum ad Ignorantiam :P
why lol these are facts not my own thoughts
Pic related is just Democrat congressmen and top federal positions with dual citizenship. Republicans suck jewish cock even deeper than democrats, so their list of (((dual citizens))) is most likely larger.
Reddit, no where on this site is a safe space for j00S. At least plebbit is full of coddling softies.
I hate Jewish men (because most of them look ugly - there are a few notable exceptions, tho) but I took the Khazar meme on Jow Forums a bit too seriously and now want to fuck everything and anything that looks Jewish.
People like Yaron Brook are the exception.
Grounded in reality though. Lots of Jews really do control big institutions and try to push neoliberalis. It's sad because a good number of (((them))) are probably normal people and look as White as anyone else so they can assimilate if given the chance.
I have nothing against Israel, jews however...
but no seriously, Israelis are based but the jews in western countries in positions of the media or in politics in any way whatsoever are 99% cancer
they created anime
These days, I'm all about hating the Russians. And the Sauds. And the Chinese.
I don't
I hate Jewish constructs like the financial "industry" and most things that allows for passive income as it is mostly dependant on slavery
Oh and I love misusing the adjective Jewish for things that Jow Forums sees as Jewish, so pretty much every unfair way to earn money, just for the lulz of it