Whats your favorite git gui?

Whats your favorite git gui?

Attached: Git.png (383x383, 2K)

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Imagine not being able to understand how to use the CLI.


this too


git kraken is alright but I'm only using it because my team forced me to. up until now I used the CLI

good devs don't use git guis
imagine the quality of work you could expect from a dev who feels the need to write a git gui for their own use



Attached: 1536080772458.png (883x495, 16K)

magit and cli

Thou shalt add references to graphs

gogs as server and konsole as CLI

git graph


that's st dumbass

Lol, this graph shows that urxvt is actually the fastest terminal out of all of the usable ones. You've actually convinced me to switch to it.


sublime merge

come on OP just use git
where does lxterminal go on this list?

St has lower geomean latency than urxvt, learn2read graphs

unironically just a terminal in an IDE that highlights deltas.

Attached: git.png (957x351, 27K)

Agreed. Kraken is great for visualizing branches and it works well. But I generally prefer just using the CLI for general day-to-day work

OP said "git gooey"
Heheh heheh

Attached: CopyQ.NAnPEr.png (270x270, 22K)

yep. I also like the built-in merge editor. but other than that, the CLI lasted me quite a while and I don't see a reason to stop using it.

based Konsole
When did it all go so right KDEbros?


But to be serious, either terminal or the git integration in VSCode + git history extension


NetBeans integration

Attached: its-magit.png (168x200, 5K)

>It's maggit

Source tree is nice. Donesn't work on linux though.

isn't git kraken complete botnet that requires signin and sends everythin to their servers?

CLI or you're a noob

Attached: idiot.jpg (600x600, 57K)

>real devs don't use text editors
>they directly change bits in filesystem
Tools have a purpose. Git guis give some really good visualizations. Much better than git log -graph -oneline -abbr ... etc


gitg because it's designed for GNOME.

Gitkraken, but I only use it to view history.

here is gitkraken for you in a single command:
alias gl="git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d %C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all"

The Console

magit, obviously

Attached: 1543150155072.png (600x794, 189K)

Based and parenpilled

what are uxterm and mlterm, and how do I install them on arch? I don't see packages for them

Have some context and up-to-date numbers.

mlterm is a multi-lingual terminal emulator that focuses on supporting all kinds of different character sets, bi-directional text, etc. (although you can compile it without any of those features).
It's not bad and personally I quite like it, but it lacks some features people expect from a terminal emulator nowadays (dynamic text wrapping, truecolor support, tabs, ...).

Attached: latency.png (1162x495, 19K)

Fork (macOS only)

This, JetBrains' implementation is pretty great. I use their GUI when merging or rebasing something more complicated.

If only alacrity had proper mouse support.
I can't even change tab in htop.

GitTea or the Git tab in VSCodium, but my job requires me to do a lot of shit at the same time so CLI is what I use the most.

wtf im droping urxvt, o wait i have to redesign my rice, na i pass


Attached: file.png (1853x931, 543K)


that looks badass