For me, it's Windows Powershell™

For me, it's Windows Powershellâ„¢.

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tfw still use cd and ls aliases in powershell

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Who the fuck actually uses this?

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Winbabbies, of course

So this is the power of Pajeet programming

imagine writing an essay just to figure out which process is spamming network requests

Nobody actually believes Power shell is worth a shit. Right?

PowerShell is exactly what normalfags think """"hacking""" is: issuing overcomplicated commands on a black window to get simplistic outputs

Attached: hurr grep is too complicated.png (778x345, 49K)

It's unironically comfy if you use short aliases for common commands. Using a real query language on actually typed properties is vastly superior to cobbling together some inscrutable sed script + regex patterns in bash.

my shell runs an object oriented shell language

lol that bloat

Trash shell. I work with it every day.

Yeah, why just access the properties I need with a simple syntax, what I need to be doing is parsing text like a fucking caveman?

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no one, cd is the alias. the formal command is just there for consistency.

Yeah just memorize millions of objects from billions of different contexts instead of looking for human-readable text

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Literally the first thing you learn in any Powershell tutorial is Get-Help which is easy as fuck to use, and way better than man. You don't have to memorize any more than bash or the like.

it is if you are a sysadmin or otherwise work with AD, Azure, Exchange, or Office365 on a daily basis.

For me, it's WSL

Attached: linux-on-windows-100722961-large.jpg (700x458, 48K)

I hope it pays well

Nobody. It's a great example for why you shouldn't have long case sensitive commands with fucking hypens in them. Fortunately there are aliases.

I think that one of powershell's biggest problems is that Windows blocks unsigned powershell scripts by default. Microsoft basically shot themselves in the foot because now you can't just send a powershell script to someone like you could with a batch script since they won't run by default.

Attached: pwsh.png (812x566, 55K)

Microsoft knows Wintoddlers will blindly run anything they're told to and that would be a huge liability.

It does

>you can't just send a powershell script to someone like you could with a batch script since they won't run by default
Except anyone who knows Powershell enough already used Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

What's the difference between setting up sudoers and setting Powershell execution policy once?

what is padding

People with jobs do (i.e. not you)

There's a lot of programs on the internet that come bundled with batch scripts. The same doesn't work as well with powershell scripts.

you dont really use powershell as a sheell to movee around in

its good for doing highlevel windows tasks like editing registries and whatever.

Nobody should be setting up sudoers for passwordless privilege escalation and no distro does that

Why the fuck do you have every WSL installed?

Get a job, loser.

Probably so he gets the Linux "experience" - except that his devices actually work.

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