Can a brainlet learn C++ in a month?

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stop spamming faggot

>can a brainlet-

Yeah, but only if you daily: noopept, pirecetam, methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and wear programming socks

let us know

i mean i wouldnt know, im basically a sub 95 IQ so i could try but i have a hard time even just doing math in general so learning a number based language in a month or less seems hard to imagine, i never even got close to figuring out how c++ works nor did i ever try to code, what would you deduct from this?

I learned C in 2 weeks so i guess it could be done.
But you still need to get the "buzz" going, that could take some practice

If you know another similar language already, probably. Otherwise you could probably get the basics down by then.


Dumb hamster poster

you can learn C++ in a day.
learning the std library maybe after multiple years of use or never.

you can learn the syntax in a day, yeah
not the whole thing

It may be an exaggeration, but C++, the language itself, is actually not as large as many people seem to believe (although certainly bigger than most popular programming languages).
The real complexity lies in the libraries.

From that perspective is C pretty much as hard


no, especially not C++
you can learn enough to be productive tho

>is actually not as large as many people seem to believe
There are constructs that would puzzle even the experts from the ISO C++ committee

Here's the fucking secret, most of us couldn't code for shit when we started. Expect to be staring at a syntax sheet, examples, and non-stop stack overflowing. You'll be fine. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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You can start doing something in one month for sure
Learning it will take years and you would still not know it
Realistically no one ever really knows C++

It's not really about C++ but your ability to understand programming in general.
I was tutoring a lot of new students in my school and most of the one that were failing were struggling with logic in general.

Such as?
Mind you, I'm talking about the *language*, not even the standard library.

>b-but the kool kids on irc t-told me they were expert hackers at 4 years old...

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If you have really good grasp of C-like syntax, usual datastructures, memory management, program design, tooling, editor, vocabulary and objects, sure.

C++ is like 6 languages stitched together and if you count build systems its almost like learning yet another fucking language. So, no. C++ is a fucking time sink.

I'm an employed developer and I don't know a single multiplication table. I've never finished an IQ test either.

One can learn the language within days, becoming proficient with the standard library and whatever libraries, frameworks and the like can vary all the way from months to years.

If you're just starting out, it may be easier to start from another higher level statically typed language such as C# or Java. You'll get up to speed much faster and learn the basics about programming which will help you learn other languages way faster.

Stuff like this

But to go back to our discussion, you can't except a newbie to understand:

>What happens when copying an object using a base class pointer
>What happens when deleting an object without a virtual destructor through a base class pointer
>How to prevent from copying objects
>The difference between initialization and assignment
>What happens when you assign to a reference, as opposed to a pointer
>What protected inheritance is
>How to overload operators

None of those are Haskell-type theorical puzzles but practical things that most C++ developers need to understand if they don't want to have fatal errors.

I suspect many answers in this thread are from C programmers who assume C++ is the same with a better standard library.

That makes heavy use of the standard library, though.

It's a ten-liner, but yes it uses the standard library.
But the bug is not actually related to the standard library, but to the semantics of the language.

You can probably understand the basic syntax in one day, but the language itself, i.e. the semantics would realistically take weeks of intensive study, or more likely months.
As for the standard library no one actually needs to know it all.

And as for the standard library, it's really designed to be composable and flexible rather than convenient.
You want a timestamp in seconds since Epoch?

const auto now = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();

vs Python
now = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())

Sure, you need a starting equipment though

Attached: welcometog.png (1426x1520, 1.32M)

>const auto now = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();

using namespace std::chrono;
const auto now = duration_cast(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();

since the topic is already fitting
my uni wants me to write a program in QT creator on windows so it is displayed in GUI mode
how do i do this without using QT and best without IDE at all, on RMS/Linux

>using namespace
pls no

Learn? Yes
Do something useful with 1 month of knowledge? No

You don't learn C++, you overcome it. It does its absolute hardest to obstruct writing programs. And there isn't even any prize at the end, you'll just waste your time learning idioms not applicable to other languages and workarounds not necessary in other languages.

You must really hate hamsters.
