OK, so I am in possession of someone else's computer... and I booted it using a flash stick running Ubuntu. I went to the drives and navigated through the user folder and let's just say I found some files that I want to get, but they are password protected...how would you go about getting them? The files are word files (with embedded images) and operating system installed on the disk is windows 10. But remember I am accessing them through Ubuntu on a flash stick. I have been able to open the ones that aren't password protected, but how do I get around the ones that DO require a password?
Let's Play a Little Game
Get off your sisters computer you little fucking pervert.
Stay in school.
Even without much specific knowledge I can immediately think of at least three different approaches. You're just retarded.
Great post. Thanks for the help, faggot!
You're just an idiot asking to be spoonfed information on something any moderately intelligent person could figure out if they bothered. And presumably on something which would result in damage to an unkown person (almost certainly someone more valuable than yourself). That's not "needing help", let alone deserving it. If you're older than 12 you might want to reevaluate your plans on continuing life with that retarded brain of yours.
sudo rm / rf --no-preserve-root should do the trick, it'll remove encryption of all the files of the folder you are in.
Wow, thanks! I'll try this right away!
based and redpilled
also OP is an incel pedophile
Tits or GTFO.
maybe don't be such a nigger and respect people's privacy you absolute retard. fucking faggot lol. hahahahaha
>insert 2nd usb stick
>Copy said password protected files into usb
>Boot personal computer and Google "HoW tO oPeN PaSsWoRd PrOTeCtEd WOrd DoCUMentS"
>See if it's feasible or not
Do your fucking job janitors (for free)
>2nd usb stick
It's like a special needs class group activity session in here.
actually you're right. I shouldn't be snooping through someone else's shit. I'll just fuck off with what I was going to do .
OP minds her capitalization.
OP has a 75/25 onions to water ratio
> He came to Jow Forums expecting actual help
I was gonna post the nudes but I guess no one cares
This isnt /b/ we don't want nudes we want you to fuck off, learn how to google in the very least
Give it back, Jamal.
that's because there are no nude you don't have some one else's computer and you only made this thread for attention.
give it back Jamal,
Give it back Tyrone
>I made this thread for attention
attention from strangers on a Mongolian tamagachi forum? Nigger, I made this thread knowing full well what you faggots would say, verbal attacks and KMS and what not, but then there is always that one user who actually posts something useful.
Since you are not that user, I kindly ask you to keep your hole shut and fuck off.
You know what to expect when you posted so just live with it.
At least ask the right questions and give the right information, that would get you half the way there.
>isn't /b/
>learn how to jewgle
very convincing
Give it back Tyrone
The useful post was already made: "Google it".
What you are doing, and asking for, is illegal and can potentially land you in jail with a big fine. I know you are probably too immature to care about that but think about the moral and legal implications for a minute and stop before you do something you'll regret for the rest of your life.