any tips?
Any tips?
go to a psychiatrist
Throw away every single thing in that room.
Buy a standup desk and a x200. Install gentoo and dwm on it.
>standup desk
that meme died like 10 years ago
clean your fucking room
Cable management you Jow Forums cunt
Looks good but you should clean up your floor. Vacuum it and don't walk with shoes in the house. Generally stuff shouldn't be on the floor. Other than that, it looks productive.
Lifetime serial killer/10
clean your room
Are you a murderer? Why is there so many newspaper articles on the wall?
Why do you have 2 terrible laptops?
Other then that looks comfy, maybe a little cleaning
he's obviously a detective dumbass
How far down does the rabbit hole go?
>Tips fedora
Actual psychiatrist here.
There is nothing telling of mental illness from this image. I certainly would suspect it less than the anime lairs I see here.
that's my battlestation. i posted it in the /bst/ from a few days ago. don't pretend it's yours, asshole. I worked hard on it. You didn't even bother to post the homelab's specs.
Get windows
Don't listen to this shill, continue using GNU/Walls.
Get a wash. Boil your clothes and bed sheets. Have you not heard of scabies?
clean your fucking room
That chair looks awesome!
Thanks. It's a dentist chair I found off the street. OP wouldn't know that though because he's a humongous cockmongling faggot who is stealing my thunder here
I found my chair in the street also. The back rest is covered in old T-Shirts because the foam has come off a bit. I took the wheels off.
Fucketh me, you're proud of that shit! To clean it I'd either cover it in 50% Caustic Soda to burn off the stank & shart or douse it in fuel and set it ablaze to kill the germs. In fact, do that to your whole basement. I'm intrigued, what does it say on your newswalpaper? Something about "sumer happen"?
Actual batshit madman here.
My crib is neat as a pin.
Yes, I am a very proud poorfag. Since OP didn't include the details about the lab, I will.
I made this lab in my apartment from scratch over the course of the past year and a half, mostly salvage parts. I moved to a big coastal city with nothing but a lenovo y500, an eeepc, and a suitcase full of clothes. The lab is set up with:
>inline pfsense firewall made from an optiplex I bought at a junkyard
>2 bay 1TB NAS with RAID 1
>Lenovo Y500 with windows on it for file management, VMs, and gaming
>x230 Thinkpad with Debian for programming and the rest of my linux shit
>Lenovo Thinkcentre currently being set up with debian as a dedicated VM machine
>various hubs, switches, routers, and rpis for testing and the like
Counting the desk, I've probably spent somewhere around 600 bucks on everything you see in that photo. The Y500 was a gift from a while ago. Not pictured is a sick CRT monitor I bought a month ago.
To answer the question everyone seems to keep asking "What's with the newspapers?!" honestly I just thought it looked cool. They're articles I found interesting, about tech, political espionage, and other cool shit. I'm not a Private Investigator like some have suggested, but I'd fucking love it if I could be. I'm pretty good at using osint to find shit out about people.
pepe sylvia
>standup desk
Dirty floor.
Disorganization. Toss that box of bits and pieces in the corner out. Move the file cabinet there. Throw up a cheap table in its place.
Have the side with the two lap tops be your work space, soldering, cable making, what ever with tools and trays. The other side your computing station.
Boost the chair up some how with a stolen pallet, a couple of milk crates, something you can find in the back of supermarkets at night.
Then get a corkboard and consolidate your clippings and organize them better.
Nah, I got the vertdesk v3 a few months ago and it's amazing. Wish it would remember its spot though. After a power outage it always forgets where it was and has to be reset to its lowest point
I imagine for a guy that spends most of his time traveling these days he has no reason to clean his room. The entire thing is a metaphor for getting your life in order anyway
this is from way before he was really famous