How do we stop the explosion of interest in Ted Kacyzinski and his anti-technology sentiment?
How do we stop the explosion of interest in Ted Kacyzinski and his anti-technology sentiment?
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>explosion of interest
We don't
I read this last night and thought it was interesting and it strengthens his case for a revolution against the technological system. We don't need to institute a new system we merely need to destroy the existing one.
You can't fight the truth faggot.
You could start by banning people for wrongthink.
Why would you stop it?
>to make a safer, well-structured house, burn down the old one
No idea what this even means. Redditors write with so many layers of passive aggression I have literally no idea what they mean or what their argument is most of the time.
...that's actually what happens.
You don't, because you don't need to.
While everything he states is true he doesn't offer any kind of vision for the future beyond BURN IT ALL DOWN, making his manifesto an interesting albeit inconsequential read.
i thought i were the only one with that feeling
It's just that technology is so much fun and convenient
I read his manifesto a few times and agree with a lot of it but I'm too hooked on technology
That picture is the last panel in a four panel comic strip. It makes slightly more sense when put into context
>pic related is original
Is Ted Kaczynski /ourguy/, Jow Forums?
But everything uncle ted said was right, OP. Just watch a single ad break on TV
>Several areas of the parietal lobe are important in language processing.
>The superior parietal lobule is involved with spatial orientation, and receives a great deal of visual input as well as sensory input from one's hand. It is also involved with other functions of the parietal lobe in general.
Turns out writing by hand is better than writing with a computer despite being told it's not different at all. Soon technological science will be used to back up Ted's anti-tech claims.
Ironic, isn't it?
Just a reminder; you're all likely living in the best time to be alive since humans decided to cultivate wheat. This is largely thanks to enlightenment era thinking, democracy, the scientific method and the rights revolution.
Hunter Gatherers are likely happier than you, but their death through violence rates break 1% of the total population per year, also riddled with intestinal worms, blindness, watching your kids starve to death.
People don't need to bring it all crashing down, they need to realise evolution doesn't design them to be happy, get over themselves and crack on with it. Go for a walk, read a book, get a beer and a blowjob on a Friday night
His vision for the future is that we become hunter gatherers again. I read this in Technological Slavery.
That first point is completely valid though. You can buy a phone from any number of companies, but she buys from Apple despite moral convictions against them.
ban the guy who posts the threads
hunter gatherers live shitty lives
>one obsessed schizo crossboarder spamming him
>explosion of interest
People are reading "Industrial Society and its Future"
This, but it doesn't mean Ted was wrong
industrial society is better than the alternative
he's just commiting the classic American act of scapegoating and blaming all of societies problems on one thing
I think Ted was the only person in his freedom club
Why contain it? S'cool.
He is the most retarded eco-terrorist.
We're long overdue for another culling conflict.
We don't he was right.
The only reason to work in tech is if you want to live in society. Drop out and take the mathematics pill. All you need is pencil and paper.
why learn math if you refuse to apply it
Why bother? If you have good counterarguments to his ideas, then share those to convince people.
I don't want to live in the transhumanist mutt society were everything is a spectrum and commercialised with sole reason of dictating your emotions and actions on stimuli.
It's only gonna get worse, like Ted said in his manifesto. We just have to wait for it to get bad enough, then we can change everything
True, we havemt had a decent bloodbath in the first world yet this century
>1600s had decades of war in europe
>1700s had revolutions
>1800s had napoleon amd amerifats shooting eachother
>1900s had the biggest wars in existence
>nearly 1/5 through 2000s and only managed to kill a couple shitskins
In what way?
Inb4 can't jerk off to anime
Not the guy you're responding to but people are conditioned to live a certain way and you'd have to probably completely change everything in your life to get used to becoming a hunter gatherer and it would be really uncomfortable and inconvenient
>dude you don't have to worry about getting good who cares about being happy when you have all of these hobbies and hedonist activities to fill the void in your limited free time.
Well, nowadays you cant legally live off the land and not pay for it with currency or else you're trespassing
The main thing being discussed is the long term impact not to mention happiness of either in a bubble. Technology has resulted in a net unhappiness.
Yeah you can't, that's why the system needs to go.
>Yeah you can't, that's why the system needs to go.
I agree, how do we take out the system? Mail bombs and wind up in prison for the rest of your life?
I think this is a good point. When reading this I was reminded of some stuff I've read about how in a SHTF scenario a militia could take down the energy system relatively easily.
He did what he did to get his message out, and it worked.
If you want to make a difference, localize local groups or if you're that done attack infrastructure. The national socialists, Muslims, and communists have already written entire books on this subject.
It's ok we've invited the shitskins home and there are a lot of people infected with the communism disorder, so things should hopefully get lively soon. Probably shit ton of revolutions and ethnic wars while China again becomes the leading power.
I can't localize some kind of resistance, nobody would join
It's like when Morpheus said in the matrix that people are so hopelessly dependant on the system that they'll fight to protect it
>it worked.
literally nobody cares about his "message" apart from the schizo who keeps making this thread
any criticism he could make about society has been said better by people who aren't serial killers
your lifestyle is dictated by the hunt and you have bad health and die young from malnutrition
Yeah, but Kaczynski had some balls on him
Nobody else is even doing anything
terrorism doesn't achieve anything
T. Puss
T. schizo who'll end up in prison
Why should we?
This world's backbone is literally built on terrorism you dunce
He's 100% correct on everything. We already see first gene-editing cases in china. Soon we will start removing diseases through genes and we won't stop until something terrible happens.
I'm not seeing any evidence of that
Renewable energy is a meme and so is the renewable energy based markets like Elon Musk's.
Nuclear fission and fossil fuel are limited resources and will run out in the near future.
Once that happen, there will be WW3.
The main problem is not technology but overpopulation.
Industrial collapse does not solve the problem, it will just make everything worse for everyone (7.6 billion people).
The only solution is the death of 7 billion people leaving the rest 600 million of people alive.
I'm pretty sure the world leaders know that mass destruction is the only *real* solution.
Most people are curelessly dumb and are just a fucking waste of resources.
But genocide is not the job of the modern politicians. It is the job for the new generation of well-funded terrorists, the bioterrorists.
The bioterrorists will have a new and more powerful form of deadly weapons, the artificial viruses.
No need to.
The tech world, which only tries to appeal to normalfags should crash and burn.
The world's backbone is built on war.
Terrorism is the coward's war.
Does this retard not understand economics or something? Saying you wish something good would happen isn't productive or worthwhile.
War and revolution are based on the basic ideal of terrorism. You must be retarded to not know this.
Define the basic ideal of terrorism.
terrorism isn't war you idiot
Bad health and dying young was mostly present ib urban environments especially in the early industrial period bud.
Terrorism is the only effective means to fight an entrenched system.
I need to reread the manifesto but wouldn't destroying the system and technology just result in civilization rebuilding itself back to the point it was destroyed? For the past 2000 years, the world has been controlled by imperialism
>explosion of interest
Three faggots in america isn't an explosion of interest. Also he was wrong about most things. Not all. But most.
He was definitely right about the liberals
Living off the land and eating squirrels (while avoiding world war levels of personal violence and preventable illnesses) is not going to improve your life.
Sorting your own shit out will
Also if you stick with this technology stick, there's a chance your grandkids will be happier than you, they'll likely know more
>Terrorism is the only effective means to fight an entrenched system.
Name one (1) "entrenched system" successfully defeated by terrorism.
he brings up Rome. when Rome fell, most of its knowledge and technology was destroyed and we did not manage to reach that level of technology until the industrial revolution. he says it won't be permanent, but it's good enough if it lasts for about 1000 years.
this is relevant how? morality rates only drop the more technologically advance a society becomes
>we did not manage to reach that level of technology until the industrial revolution.
I didn't know Rome was an industrial society, you learn something new every day
In the past, everyone who's ever been fed up with the system has just left and lived off the land somewhere else. There's no land left for us to do that, everything is owned by someone or the government. There's no where to go, so we have to fight back like cornered animals
He perfectly describes what happens when you let leftists into your movement or a hobby. Just look at what happened to Linux and Open Source community in general. Here we are minding our business, and leftists come along talking about safe spaces and fucking tranny pronouns... like who gives a fucking shit. And they destroy that community from within.
>Implying the very idea of open source isn't leftist to begin with
not the beep boop technology, but the way they built their roads and aqueducts technology. I obviously disagree that you can do that again, since there are billions of more books than there were during rome, not to mention all the servers and other forms of storage that contain unlimited amount of knowledge will be impossible to destroy.
You could say it's libertarian. You want to have full liberty over the software you use and know that nobody is spying on you or anything.
He means in general advancement retard, most of their ideas and developments were gone until that time.
IQs are dropping as we transition towards a late stage capitalist society owned by corporations over a consumer retard lower class.
Because people did not have bad health and die young in hunter gatherer societies or in small scale agriculture. The Die young meme is shit pulled from the poor state of early urban system and industrial urban systems.
Let's say the system crashed right now it could be possible all data in digital Form could be lost if the tech to access it or manufacture means to access it is lost.
it's not about liberty though
open source is more like communism
>Because people did not have bad health and die young in hunter gatherer societies or in small scale agriculture.
They did
There's ample archaeological evidence, and there's ample evidence from hunter gather tribes who are alive today
Why are you making shit up?
>IQs are dropping
Doesn't fit with the evidence, there is some data that suggests the Flynn effect may be nearing its plateau, or that we may even have passed it, but certainly not convincing yet
It can be tricky to prove absolutely given record keeping etc but if you compare IQ today to even what it was 100 years ago, you're likely to score 20-30% higher.
Some of this is likely actual intelligence increases due to diet and working environment etc but I read a book recently which argued our ancestors likely just didn't think in abstract concepts like we do. If you're posting here, you likely know what a percentile is, what exponential means. Hell you might understand a bit of integration or something equally un-intuitive
Terrorism is the use of violence against civilians, it accomplishes nothing because it galvanizes the whole of society against them. War is the the use of organized militaey forces to occupy and phisically impose their wills. The former has literally never worked, the latter has. See narodniks vs bolsheviks.
In defense of user
When folk transitioned into early cities good skeletal evidence shows reduction in height, worse teeth, osteoporosis. Also some suggestion that brain size may have reduced (Skull size). Our ancient ancestors may actually have been brighter than us in terms of raw horsepower and likely lived life expectancies that weren't beaten until the enlightenment
However there weren't many of them, they likely beat each other's heads in constantly and did nice things like leave their excess kids behind when they moved on
Germans btfo!
Basically what the other guy said, the only problems tech solved were problems created
by older tech.
There was a study recently I saw on /sci/ that showed a significant decrease in iq and reaction time compared to the Victorian era.
When hitler decided to switch tactical bombings with terror bombings (ie bombing cities witht the aim of killing civilians instead of factories and military targets), he not only strenghted the popular support for Churchill and the war effort, but also allowed the brititsh materiel production to go unhindered. Terrorism by itself to achieve long term goals has literally never EVER worked. Organized militaries occupying phisically and oveetly territory employing terrorist tactics as a means to keep population in check has. Learn the difference, smoothbrain.
Hunter gather tribes exist today who use no tech and have exactly the same problems I outlined that are shown by archaeological evidence
If you literally have to make things up to defend your ideas perhaps you should reconsider your ideas
Implying you'd be able to "live off the land". Have you ever trapped, skinned, gutted and coocked an animal? Have you ever made fire without aid? Do you know how to treat sickness and injuries by yourself, without medical supplies? Fuck off, you wouldn't last a day in the wild, bear grylls. If you want to do that just go to the mojave, alaska or amazon. Plenty of unclaimed land there.
I'm not making things up and neither is he, early agricultural systems and early industrial systems resulted in a negative impact on general health for your average person. Yes today we have better health but the average hunter gatherer didn't have things so bad. Archeological evidence supports the fact agriculture made things significantly worse when the original urban societies popped up because of the decrease in varied food etc.
If you could link your sources on modern tribes if appreciate it. Haven't looked into it myself.
Although I think hunter gatherers had it great, Ted himself argued for agrarianism.
How can someone be so retarded and also have the audacity to automatically default to saying "muh redditors" when they can't understand something?
the world is built by revolutions and terrorism you fucking moron, you would still live in British colony if you haven't had man with balls to fight for a cause
Brits bombed civilians first with the intent for Germans to retaliate and than to use that in their war propaganda, learn history Cletus
Sage because you glow in the dark
>Haven't looked into it myself.
Then perhaps you shouldn't be talking shit about things you don't understand? Thousands of untouched hunter gatherer tribes exist in Papa New Guinea. They die at a young age because of malnututrion related diseases (at least until white people started giving them medicine). This is exactly what is shown by studying the skeletons of prehistoric hunter-gatherers. Early agriculture did not have a "negative effect on the health of the average person", it made food more abundant which led to greater health and more people. Early industrial systems had a negative impact on health but the long term benefit was a positive. Complaining about some point in the past where something was worse when things are better now makes no sense at all.
revolutions aren't terrorism