Thinks most editors and IDEs are trash

>thinks most editors and IDEs are trash
>uses vim
Are vimlets the penultimate brainlet?
t. Emacs ubermensch

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Other urls found in this thread:

>emacs has evil mode to emulate vim.
>nobody has ever bothered to make vim emacs-like.
>really makes you think.

>t. Emacs ubermensch
I'll pray for your pinky

>main vim
>also fuck around with emacs occasionally
>also use pico, nano, gedit and similar basic editors
>also use IDEs and even prefer them in some cases
>tfw not an empty superficial faggot who needs to cling to a logo to fill in for an actual identity or start shitty bait threads to get attention

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emacs users want to stick to emacs, vim users want to switch to emacs hmmm

unironically this. 8 years of guitar didn't prepare me for that shit.
Fucking notepad has some saner keybindings.

Just use your IDE with Vim emulation, best of both worlds.

if you use emacs or vim as your fucking ide I automatically assume you do something autistic at work, because even C++/Devops experts have to deal with sql, java, ruby, and anything else companies run their DA's on. Oh and no integrated testing tools, which, believe it or not, do make it possible for you to stop worrying about how fucking efficient a typist you are and just let an occasional missed keystroke happen.

If you use an electron based text editor I assume you're a webdev because lol have fun with bloated C++/Java work in VSC

sublime (for the minimalists)/jetbrains/netbeans are the only real way to go tbqh. Eclipse is a cancer garbage trash fire and should have been aborted a decade ago.

this, if you must have your autistic bindings and no one else ever touches your keyboard

in my experience there are two, and I repeat only two things I have ever seen emacs be better than an ide at - lisp/scripting, and Verilog.

Pretty much this.

Editing files with vim is just way easier.

Emacs is for autist virgin incels
t. notepad++ gang

Based and redpilled.

>in my experience there are two, and I repeat only two things I have ever seen emacs be better than an ide at - lisp/scripting, and Verilog.
Can your IDE play Tetris? Checkmate.

gg you got me there

Or dunnet? Or snake?

but one does not respond with such passion if one is so unvexxed

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I'm tempted to buy JetBrains CLIon, Jow Forums.

Or should I stick with Eclipse, Netbeans, Code::Blocks, KDevelop or QtCreator?

Are you on windows? Get CLion, its actually breddy good :DDD ditch eclipse. It's an actual dumpster fire. I've heard it's better on linux but it's cancer on windows. Will 100% guaranteed slow your system to a halt, and tries to install itself in global directories with hidden dotfiles for each and every package, in my fucking user fucking thank you. Either you stay contained to my c:\dev folder or you gtfo. Netbeans was once upon a time pretty comfy, and will be in the future, but right now the apache team is doing a lot of legal work. I'm excited about the future though, it looks like apache is taking netbeans seriously and not putting it in OpenOffice maintenance mode. Put it about a year out, and it'll be the best free IDE out there. Code::Blocks' main issue is...well, it's classic open source software. It's not terrible, but it lacks that professional vision. KDevelop I have had little success with. I feel like I'm writing an init file just to fucking compile a single goddamn hello world. Setting up projects is a nightmare. I can't speak for linux, but on windows it's terrible. There literally isn't a compile button on windows. It says "build" and then says "target not set" and there's no button to set the target in the options, or wants a makefile, and it wont accept msys's makefile. Fuck that shit. QtCreator is good for QT work, and that's about it. I don't use it on windows. I have it installed on my wsl for cross-platform ui checkups, but that's it.

>Paying for clion

I'm on Gentoo. I have tried KDevelop in the past for some C programming with limited success.

I'm also very familiar with PyCharm and IntelliJ, hence me wanting to try CLIon.

What? It's easier than going through the hassle of pirating it and cracking it.

Then why does vim users want to use emacs so much they had to create evil mode?

Evil mode was created because Emacs didn't have a good text editor.

lol, im not triggered, just stating facts

Can someone explain why vim exists any more? Since it became fixated on plugins and extensions it just because a worse emacs with more bloated and unmaintainable code. And vi-like controls aren't unique to Vim, so that's not a reason to exist either.

Vim HAS tried to make itself emacs-like. What do you think Vimscript is?

>the control system is the editor itself.
'joe' has four control modes: nano/pico, emacs, wordstar, joe. Does that mean it's four different editors?


Why make Neovim when a far superior extension-based editor already exists with a more powerful language? Why can't people just accept that certain things have their uses and leave it at that?

People don't even like vim, but rather vi.

Actually SpaceVim is pretty fucking based

One cannot create art out of sludge

i wish emacs didn't perform so shittily that it needs a daemon

After having configured vim + fzf + ripgrep + ctags I cannot use any other editor or ide.
The level of comfort and ease and speed of navigating files, buffers and tags are just insane.
Kudos to rustfags for making a blazing fast grep which chews through tens of thousands of lines in milliseconds.

ONLY thing i miss when i use vi clones like nvi is visual mode and decent line numbers

I wish I could defend vim on this board, I really like it, but vimscript is fucking garbage

The problem with Vim is that it has a shitload of functionality, but it's either poorly documented or downright hidden away.
Take NERDTree for example. Despite being a popular extension, there is absolutely no need to use it: Vim's built-in file manager can already emulate it and do a lot more, all without any plugins.
I did try out Emacs for a while, but eventually came back to Vim since it just didn't provide me anything more that I wanted that Vim didn't already have, all the while being slighly slower and less snappy than Vim.
Emacs however is objectively better when it comes to extensibility.

And yes, I did use, and still use Vim for professional programming. Get fucked, homos.

Org mode

Definition of penultimate

1 : next to the last the penultimate chapter of a book
2 : of or relating to the next to the last syllable of a word a penultimate accent

So what demography are the ULTIMATE brainlets? People like you OP?

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Pluma Text Editor master race

Free if you have an edu email

>uses visual studio

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Pretty operating system, such a shame it doesn't have a decent editor

>thinks most editors and IDEs are trash
I don't have a problem with other editors (as long as they aren't electron garbage), but IDEs are generally either just shit or proprietary (i.e. also shit).


>le ebin 90s meme that stopped being true before the fucking towers fell

Use ed it’s the standard editor. If you’re an emacsfag that refuses to switch, you can make your editor less shitty by installing emacsed for an ed like interface or vi/vimfags use ex for an ed like experience.

sudo get sold to the Communist People's Party of GNU desu kōhaialam

Idk I'm a devops engineer, using only Vim (with some plugins, I agree that it's often useless for my job without them) and I haven't had any major issues so far. I think the majority of my team uses it actually

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>consuming GNU/xkcd

remap caps lock to be the left control

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Might as well be using atom or visual studio, pleb

Use ed or vi.

I'm currently a vim user. Convince me to switch to emacs.

Kakoune is better than both.


>doesn't know how to use -let sufix
>has shit opinion

1.Free Software
2.Light weight
3.No need for X or anything graphical
4.Can be configured to be a complete OS
5.You'll have ascended as a programmer

Does not comply with unix philosophy

You can have vim keybindings in Emacs and Emacs can switch among buffers and navigate the file system way better than vim

>Unix philosophy
Are you on a PDP-11? What about Emacs is it that's breaking the Unix philosophy?

You can have it comply if you want it to.

>vim is not free software
>vim is not lightweight (heck, even compared to emacs that is a fucking operative system)
>vim needs X
>vim can't be turned into an operative system and that's bad
>it makes u better xD
wew, imagine implying all this bullshit in a single post

At least it makes him better

If you are using it for just editing text, then it is bloat.

>vim or emacs
>not using sed with bash scripting to glue it together

Look at you with all your fancy memory allocation


>t. Emacs ubermensch
Enjoy your tendinitis

there is an old saying
>Emacs is cool OS which is unfortunately missing good text editor.

>user is an alright guy just missing something to say

Good. The Unix philosophy is shit.

> I want my programs to be monolithic and bloated

Yes, unironically.
Every time I thought to myself “Hmm… How do I make my Emacs setup work with that other program I use the way I did it with Vim?” I came to realization that either Emacs already has the functionality of that other program, there's a package for Emacs with this functionality or you can easily emulate this functionality using Emacs Lisp, and, on top of that, it'll be much better in terms of interconnectivity than anything you can achieve with shell scripts. Why? Because pipes aren't the pinnacle of computer evolution; Functions are. Plan 9 removed the -r flag from cp because it's considered bloated for each program to implement recursive traversal of directories, despite the fact that all of them basically call the same code from the same library. The answer Emacs gives (and by proxy, Lisp, I assume) is “Why separate functionality into ‘programs’ only to implement mutually-understood interfaces so these ‘programs’ could work together in the first place? Just use the code directly.” Kinda reminds me of the series of tweets that CloverOS fag made where he said that after writing Bash scripts and then Python scripts, he now just uses C as an interpreted language by piping it into GCC. Similar thing happened to me, except for C for me it became Emacs Lisp. Not for reasons of performance, obviously, but for reasons of user experience: Why the fuck would I waste my time leaving Emacs to do something I can do within it? If this is how Lisp Machines were back then, then fuck UNIX.

Unix weenies BTFO.

Compiled binaries and pipes will always be faster and are as portable as the compiler lets them be. If you want to compile your operating system into a single binary, it will be faster than pipe chains, but then you can't extend your operating system without recompiling.
ESR lays the finishing blow.

>but then you can't extend your operating system without recompiling.
Read the post again.

What is "devops"?

Kinda interesting take, but aren't programs already functions on Unix? Especially with the $() syntax using the shell is no different from chaining function calls. It's only that the bash scripting language is absolutely terrible, other than that there's nothing wrong with Linux scripting.

Literally ransomware.

Nothing personel.

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If your script looks like a function, it should probably be compiled, or you should look for a program that replicates its functionality better than your script.

Fortunately in 2019 we have enough ram and cycles to run scripts as programs.

>facebook messenger installed
Opinion discarded

>he now just uses C as an interpreted language by piping it into GCC
Nigger what

>open vim
>can't type

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IMO if you can't use vim then you should not be aloud to use a computer.

What if I whisper tho?

redbean me on vim
i use vi

My script looks like a program, usually

I don't see why specifically you'd need to compile something as if it's necessary for quick and dirty scripts. But I admit I struggle with deciding whether to make something in bash or a real language since bash sucks for anything except gluing other programs together (and even for that often times)

>i use vi
Why? Vim is the same thing but usable. Less performant, admittedly, but it's not like that's an issue on a modern PC

Nigger, shut the fuck up. I have to use messenger to talk with my normie clients that are niggers like you, it's work, not that incels know anything about jobs.
Anyways, it's Caprine in a docker container, there's not that much info about my system mark could get from there.

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If it's one time use, sure. Rarely is this the case, though.

I quarantine my computer from all social media shit

buffers, touch-typing, text objects, etc are all what make vim so great.

put that in literally any text editor and i'll use it. Even Atom is more usable with vim-like touch-typing and text objects.

What does this picture mean? I'm not a "gamer".

> developer

Emacs isn't much better. There isn't any properly good editor for terminal.

What is a properly good editor?

Addon language.
Nothing like LISP.

It doesn't exist, but closest is VS Code.

I would marry Elisp if I could

I feel that vim, properly configured, does everything that vscode does.

I've used both and I'm trying to come up with one thing that code does that vim can't. Granted you have to spend way too much time learning and configuring vim for the same functionality

great argument. Why are emacs users so insecure?