Can a brainlet learn C++ in 1 day?

Can a brainlet learn C++ in 1 day?

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Definitely not

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Does Brainlet have experience in at least one other imperative programming language? Then it's possible.
Maybe even a OOP one? Then I'm sure a Brainlet can learn C++ in 1 (ONE) day.

Hell no.

Yep, just do (C++)-- and you are good to go.

You could learn the beginner fundamentals in one day. Just watch Kate Gregory's course "C++ Fundamentals Including C++ 17".

2 days if you're Stu Ungar. But not in 1 day for sure.

"Stu Ungar was a freak. He was like Bobby Fischer. He was freaky, what he did. People would teach him a card game that he never played and two days later, he would be better than them at a card game they've been playing for 30 years."

c++ is probably the hardest language if you want to learn all the new ((( features))). I can't think of any other language that has such a big availability of libraries and constantly changes how you're supposed to do things "the right way" every couple of years

weebs can't tho.

You asked the same thing yesterday, a thread died for this shit, get the fuck off my board

You couldn't learn C++ in a 100 lifetimes

next thread :

that's for tomorrow

Depends on how long the day is.

Depends on previous knowledge.
1 day seems a bit short, but if you already know everything about C and build systems, sure.

You don't have to use all language features. Of course you can learn shitty C++ in a day. C is easy, write a class and it's C++.

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isnt the c++ compiler like 10 million lines or something, must be a good language eh

Nope. It took me 3 months.

Seeing as how people can't even wrap their heads around pointers to learn fucking C in infinite time, C++ should be impossible.

void *ptr;

whats so hard about it

I honestly don't know, but people keep whining about how difficult it is.

its much more difficult to keep track of all your dynamic allocations and reallactions freeing etc.

Why is it hard to keep track of? Just free memory when you're done with it. Should usually happen in the same scope as it was either allocated or received from a function that DID allocate it.

nice 69s.
There is almost no requirement to use pointers for anything in C++. The following class can handle pretty much all your numerical array needs.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know of a task which can only be completed with pointers in C++?

That is true, but teaching C++ without teaching pointers seems like quite the omission, since you will be encountering them sooner or later, if not elsewhere then in old code.

Not if you :


How based is C++? Will it get me laid if I tell girls I can do the C++?

No it won't. Python will tho.

That's true. I guess I would just teach C with its fairly compact set of features. Then after C, I would teach C++ and say it is entirely compatible with C90 so old code will run. If someone is using C++ from the gound up for a new project though, I would recommend the built in array types rather than pointers.

C++ will get you a job and make people think you are super talented (or at least very patient) at work. Python will make girls think you are a $300k salary data scientist and ask for you money by sleeping with you.

>does anyone know of a task which can only be completed with pointers in C++?
I believe there are little to no examples of things that can only be made in one way in programming
there are more efficient or simple ways to do stuff using pointers, and almost all of these are either hacky shit or using pointers as some kind of array without bounds checking

you should never ever cast your mallocs in C.

apparently this book says you can

Attached: book-cover1.jpg (1108x1356, 119K)

he can learn to appreciate it

It's stable. Fuck knows if Go and Rust will be around in 10 years, but C and C++ both will be for sure.

Full time c++ programmers haven't fully learned c++

sure, but only if you move to venus

This post got me. I don't know why.

that underwear unsettles me

I only write it for a hobby and I know it completely.

How do you "fully learn" C++?

Get a job at Microsoft as a C++ programmer.

you can't, if you do you die

What's the secret?

Secretly you're not a brainlet

That's surprising. What do I do now with this new outlook on life?

>decrementing an rvalue
Typical Cnile, perfectly unaware of the most basic shit in the only programming language he knows.

>Out of curiosity, does anyone know of a task which can only be completed with pointers in C++?
Linked lists?


Mfw I once had to learn c# and .net in 2 hours as a c++ programmer.
It was pretty easy.

You can't. And don't even bother buying those books that are titled like "Learn X in Y hours a day", etc. as the teaching techniques for these books are inferior. If you're a brainlet, you should read Stroustrup's PPP book or Lippman's C++ Primer.

Read those books and then do what?


The spec is 1200+ pages but its not enough. You would need to read 4000 pages of books to know all the patterns required to make sense of the spec. We are talking about a language that has support for hexadecimal floating point literals and EBCDIC charset.

Basically no one really fully knows C++. But you can still be a C++ programmer without knowing it all.

How do I be a C++ programmer without knowing it all then?

Try learning it and get back to us tomorrow.

linked list done in python. You can use references.

Attached: linkedListPython.png (256x332, 8K)

References are just pointers with dumb semantics.

please don't bump this thread anymore, I need to make a new one for today.

Explicitly casting malloc in C has no downsides besides verboseness and makes your code C++ compatible.

Are you literally retarded? No-one was talking about python. Idk how references work in python, but in C++, you couldn't use references for a linked list because you can't change what a reference points to, and because there is no "null reference", a reference always has to point to something.

It can suppress warnings relating to implicit malloc declarations.

>We are talking about a language that has support for hexadecimal floating point literals and EBCDIC charset.
Those are really bad examples of the complexity of C++.

Correct. Both of those are things you may want if you're writing systems code, but won't bother you if you don't need them.

Shit, user. I can teach you to program in any language in existance in just this one post. Ready?

Highlight something.
Press, "CTRL+C."
Now press, "CTRL+V."

WA-LA! You can now land any programing job you want.

Attached: Folders.png (512x138, 51K)

Painfully accurate, Al these copy paste retards with meaningless degrees in my fucking industry are fucking horrible to deal with

There is a reason that C++ programmers try and shoot down all new languages, because there is nothing about C++ that translates to normal programming. You can never really learn C++ because a language built on templates can never be learned but is more akin to a plate spinning circus act. Common features in C++ like strings and vectors have to be implemented in templates because the core language has to maintain compatibility with C. C++ programmers will shy away from the word templates and try and get people to use the word generics to give the idea that C++ is a metaprogramming language. What they wont tell you is that the purpose of meta programming is to make DSLs. Even a language like Lisp which is specifically designed for metaprogramming requires a bottom up style of programming that starts from primitives and grows up into its use case. You never hear Lisp programmings brag about using packages or libraries because pulling in someone elses metaprogramming structures goes against bottom up programming. Lisp programmers will also tell you overuse of macros is a recipe for disaster. C++ programmers on the other hand brag at how much libraries they use, in fact they have to use a hermetically sealed ecosystem of libraries because introducing external libraries into C++ quickly turns into a plumbing nightmare. There are a lot of C++ programmers on Jow Forums, mostly over 40 who have wasted their entire career on C++ and are useless for anything else. They throw words around like expressiveness to give the illusion that C++ somehow provides extra capability over other languages when its really more of a case of the emperors new clothes.

No man on this Earth has ever truly learned C++. It is a language so stupidly immense and convoluted that it destroys and corrupts anyone insane enough or naive enough to attempt to understand it comprehensively. Like most C++ developers, you will have to randomly chose 20% of C++ and decide that is the one true C++ you will be using and hope that anyone you have to cooperate with chose roughly the same 20%.

>mostly over 40 who have wasted their entire career on C++ and are useless for anything else

Poor souls who can only develop video games, real-time systems, desktop applications, etc.

It's fun when you have a project on which you have the following types of C++ programmers:

>The C programmer: at least he is using new and delete, now, and not malloc and free
>The wannabe Java programmer: classes, multiple inheritance, RTTI, exceptions...
>The template junkie: no one can understand what he writes, not even himself after a few days
>His cousin, the C++ junkie. That thing you just learned that was introduced in C++ 11? It's deprecated! Use that other construct instead, which was introduced in C++17 and will get deprecated when C++20 arrives.

Why is C++ apparently uniquely impossible to master?

it's large and complex and has many ins and outs and inbetweens. The exceptions fare outnumber the general case for most operatons.

Well hell. I was going to go with C++, but now it seems like a terrible choice. I have a few months of experience with Python. Should I go with normal C instead or something else? What is most valuable/least codemonkey path?

You could learn C in a day. It's more 'difficult' (not really even), but once you grasp it the entire language can fit in your head. Go is the same way, as well as Python or Ruby or, hell, even Java. C# is on the more complex side but at the very least it's features are orthogonal and consistent. Rust is difficult to learn but, again, it's feature set is small and orthogonal and everything does something predictable.

you should still learn c++
i mean no other language is going to be able to teach you shit like lockfree programming

10 years

What's the best way to learn modern c++ if you know C and oop already?


i think people just teach it bad.
didn't really understand pointers my first time learning C until i retaught it to myself and realized it's literally nothing.

Practice won't help me learn best practices or pitfalls, of which a language thats been around as long as C++ will have many

also blogs
books really aren't a good option
effective modern c++ might be good?

Yes, C++ code is always shit anyway.

Even if you get decent with the language itself, the build systems and dependency management are a nightmare.